I get nasty headaches that come on gradually after I get home from rides, and I’m fairly sure now that it’s my helmet causing them. I’ve tried drinking and eating more/less without any noticeable change, the only correlation I can think of is the length of the ride. I’ve done a few shorter rides without helmet before and not really thought about it, but yesterday I felt fine after 5 hours out in the sun with no helmet.
Current helmet is a Giro Chronicle, the padding is quite snug over the temples and it tightens with a band around the back half of the helmet. It also tends to tip forward if I loosen the band much so I always end up tightening it back up even if I try not to.
So this was a longwinded way of asking for suggestions for a better fitting helmet. Most of them seem to have a similar fitting system from what I can tell in pictures, but I suppose I’d want one with more adjustment that can distribute the pressure around my head better instead of clamping down on my temples and the back of my skull.