It was interesting listening to PM on the way home last night, they were speaking to a Democrat lobbyist who was a staunch gun control campaigner. when asked what sort of changes they could expect in the wake of the recent shootings he said greater controls on Assault Rifles and possible higher capacity clips (~30 Rounds) would be a realistic goal, when asked if he thought there would be greater controls placed on hand guns he said “No not a chance… This is America…” Interestingly the statistics basically tell us that Handguns are far and away the biggest killer in the US…
It’s interesting even with a mass of evidence stacked against the current status-quo the expectation, even among those keenest to see greater control, is that the NRA & Co will still do their damndest (and probably get their way) to keep access to all sorts of firearms pretty much unfettered…
There are already arseholes claiming this whole thing would have been averted if teachers and schools security staff were allowed to carry guns in schools, trying to turn this around and make the argument that this killing was caused by having too much gun control already… The danger is of course that fringe mentalists hijack any sensible debate (that should have happened several decades earlier) and prevent any progress again.