the Gf got me a ticket for a comedian. i don’t know who as she crossed out the name and the location on the ticket, but she says i know of him/her (guessing it is a him). the gig is in Berlin sometime in April.
can’t be that many British or American comedians playing in Germany….
means we have to go to Berlin, too, which if it wasn’t for the fact that friends live there and the drugs are cheap i wouldn’t want to go.
other than that not much to report. my folks sent some €€s across to help with the recent move.
we recieved some thermomats (!!!??), a solar clock (ugly as) and a hangy door hook thing (also ugly as).
oh, and some vouchers for some local restaurants from her sister and fella, which was kinda cool.
was a bit disappointed as i got the (almost) B-in-L a remote control car. i didn’t get anything nearly as cool. 🙁