I’m 43 years old.. Have smoked since I was 9
I gave up when my oldest was born 8 years ago, but mistakenly and somewhat over confidently fell into that trap of thinking I could have an occasional evening on the fags..
This all went tits up a few years back when I separated from my kid’s mum and I have been smoking like a trooper ever since..
Tonight is the night… It’s been planned for a couple of months
I have zero obligations over the next five days, my partner is working all weekend..
I have beer in the fridge, therapeutic valium in the medicine cabinet and am about to go out and order some chinese..
My strategy is this (worked last time) stay munted and pampered and self indulgent enough over the next 72 hours that I don’t crave nicotine, after which time all traces of that **** insidious chemical will have left my bloodstream and I will then just have to battle with the habit psychologically..
I’m bored of being a slave to something, I’m bored of the limited lung capacity, I’m ashamed of setting a bad example to my kids, I’m missing the time spent thinking about smoking that could be spent doing more positive things and I’m fed up of burning money
I am going to channel all the hatred and irritation that I will undoubtedly experience over the next few days into my furious battle against such a destructive and pathetic habit..
errr I guess that I’m just asking for a few best wishes and I’ll see you all on the other side