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  • Garage ram raid
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    Full Member

    Friday morning 5am three guys did a ram raid attack on my garage. My alarm when off and I was at the bottom of the garden within seconds. I ended up chasing one of them down the lane screaming while getting hit with a pipe. Adrenalin is a hell of a drug!

    Car was torched minutes later 2 roads away. I ended up in A&E.




    Taking them on was a stupid idea and could have ended much worst. I had assumed they would bugger off once challenged but they really wanted my bikes (this was their third attempt).

    Stay save everyone and its not worth getting hurt over.

    Full Member

    How did they get a car in there?  Maybe stick something solid in between the gate and the garage once you get it repaired

    Full Member

    Bloody hell, that’s scary.
    Heal quick – and next time don’t go after them.

    Full Member

    Blimey. That’s a serious attempt. Glad you are OK.

    Full Member

    They stole an old Corsa just for this job and reversed it into the door (2 attempts).

    Full Member

    Ooof. It’s scary what we do when adrenaline kicks in. Look after yourself.

    Full Member

    Get some annuals in that planter.

    Hope you heal up quick. I can see a handlebar on one of the pictures hopefully they didn’t get the bikes? Did they get caught?

    Full Member

    wow.  You really had the door secured well but ram raid is another level

    Free Member

    Sounds like organised crime.

    Full Member

    They didn’t get the bikes. Each one is chained to the wall on separate chains, so not just grab-able.

    My bikes aren’t even worth that much.

    Free Member

    Omg that’s bad, clearly desperate people.  Whereabout are you?

    Free Member

    Not an expert on such things but i would be surprised for serious bike thieves to **** someone over the head. Because that surely brings much more heat than a failed bike theft and run away.

    Doesn’t look like you need car access to the ped door so consider a planter on he other side and create a chicane. You can also reinforce the bedding joints in the wall when you rebuild.

    Full Member

    Bristol. BS6.

    After this thinking of making it easier to break in and just have better insurance.

    Full Member

    Wow that horrendous, hope you recover soon. Hmm I disagree on the making it easier to break in, and raise you the need to make anti-tank pimple(s), as your next  security upgrade  :D

    Full Member

    Looks like you need a  strategically placed bollard.

    Glad you scarded them.off and didnt get too badly hurt, varmits.

    Free Member

    Fair play for having a go. The pipe reminds me of this….

    Free Member

    Blimey that’s bad, hope you’re not hurt too bad dogbone. Heal up quick fella.

    Free Member

    Presumably the Police are now actually taking an interest as it is not just burglary, but assault,(gbh/abh?), stealing a vehicle, breaking and entering, and probably a few motoring offences. Considering the low life could have killed you with a direct hit on the side of your head, I’d hope the Police are taking it very seriously.

    Free Member

    putting yourself in the firing line might be a bit on stupid side, could have been a zombie knife to the gut! but  plod should take it a bit more seriously now it’s Aggravated Burglary

    Full Member

    There really are some ****’s about!

    Seems weird that they were so desperate to get at your bikes to try 3 times. I’m guessing from that they are reasonably local and have an idea of what’s in there.

    Hope you aren’t too damaged and healing doesn’t take too long for you.

    Take care and watch out when you’re up and riding again.

    Full Member

    Adrenaline does weird things but not sure my bikes are worth a beating.

    Be very interested how the Police treat this, it’s a step up from a “regular” bike theft.

    Free Member

    Fair play for having a go.

    No its not, its a stupid thing to do* and might get you in hospital.

    Which is not a criticism of the actions of the OP when the adrenaline is surging.

    *Which the OP points out.

    Full Member

    Do you play cricket? Baseball ? Ice Hockey ? Or gawd forbid, golf ? Or have particularly hard-to-remove wheel nuts on the car ?   If not, do so – then you can have a  legitimate reason to have a bat / club / 2ft long breaker bar,  coincidentally right to hand in the porch or near the back door, when you go out.

    Maybe time to take up grouse shooting?

    Full Member

    Or even ice climbing

    Full Member

    Clucking bell! What absolute asshats. Hope you make a swift recovery and can deal with the mind side of things.

    How long have you had the security door? It seems a strangely accurately targeted attack.

    Full Member

    Heal soon,

    Making it easier to break in seems like it might be better for your health in the future.

    That and having some cheap bikes that aren’t worth coming back for the 5th time

    Full Member

    Or even ice climbing

    Nah ice axes have teeth to stop them coming loose. One accurate hit and you are effectively disarmed.

    Full Member

    Over the last three years;

    The first attempt they broke a window, set off the alarm and buggered off over the fence.

    The second attempt they unbolted a roof panel. Only to find out I have ply lined the ceiling.

    The third attempt they took an angle grinder to the hinges to the rear door. They had cut through just one before waking a neighbour and were told to do one.

    I had assumed that by making as much noise as possible they would just run off. I think as they had invested soo much in this attempt they held their ground. I didn’t try and hit anyone of them, I just kept advancing while screaming **** off, police, help etc. I’ve got four stitches to the head, a left hand I can’t close and some impressive bruises to the body.

    I could have just as easy lost an eye or got run over. If I’d had a bat and damaged one of them, what would the other two have done? Would I be the one the police would want to talk to if one of them is in a coma? Reasonable force only isn’t it?

    Police have an idea of who it could be -based on it was three on them and their general space / height – and have been supportive.

    Anyway  time to get on with life and wait for Aviva to sort their shit out.

    Full Member

    Afew years back, a mate’s garage was targeted – in hindsight the scum had sussed out where it was, that there were pricey bikes to he had, probably tailed him home at some point previously.

    6 bikes (as a few if us were staying with him for the weekend) in Yorkshire.  Luckily recovered by sheer chance that the rossers drove through the village at 5am and saw someone pushing a bike towards the edge of the village (to the van with several more already in the back).  All matching wheels to bikes correctly etc despite the wheels being off the bikes when put in the garage.

    Full Member

    Best wishes for a quick recovery – and repairs to the garage.

    Full Member

    Holy smokes!

    So sorry to hear that you got hurt.
    and that’s a crazy level of commitment for bike thieves. You have way more secure bike storage than anyone I’ve ever heard of.

    Usually when I hear bike thefts, it’s that they were sitting outside, or on the back rack of a parked car, unlocked, or with a cable lock.

    Full Member

    I know easier said than done….but sorry OP I’d move. I couldn’t be living somewhere that had that level of persistent crime.

    Nicking a car to ram raid a domestic garage for 2nd hand pushbikes is extreme/desperate/lawlessness or just because you stayed one step ahead of them each time?

    Full Member

    Nah ice axes have teeth to stop them coming loose. One accurate hit and you are effectively disarmed.

    Got to use the adze but probably not easy on a modern curved tool.

    Free Member

    I would like to think I’d have gone full mortal Kombat on them.


    Here’s to you healing well and not suffering any further events.

    Free Member

    Christ on a bike. Rest up and recover, OP

    Free Member

    Sorry to read this OP. Healing vibes.

    Full Member

    I’m slightly shocked no one’s pointed out the state of the grass around the door :)

    Anyway, what everyone else has said – get another planter, and get well soon! Going after them clearly wasn’t the best idea – in hindsight – but with the adrenaline flowing I can certainly see how I would have done something similar.

    Full Member

    That’s insane. So much effort to go to considering you say they aren’t particularly special bikes. Stealing a car, ram raiding a garage and then beating a bloke with a pipe. They must have no regard for any consequences (legal or physical) whatsoever. I honestly had no idea that this sort of thing happens to regular folk in normal residential properties.

    Hopefully you recover quickly, I really feel for you. Such an awful experience.

    Full Member

    Have you considered moving house? Because I’d be gone if we were being targeted so persistently by such motivated, violent criminals.

    Full Member

    Heal up soon dude, must’ve been horrible.

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