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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • Rockape63
    Free Member

    Anyway, moving on….I can’t believe that they can get close to wrapping up all the lose ends in one episode. Not even close!

    Therefore, I believe that there are going to be a lot of very disenchanted GOT fans walking around next week.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe that they can get close to wrapping up all the lose ends in one episode

    ….unless everyone dies.

    Full Member

    Therefore, I believe that there are going to be a lot of very disenchanted GOT fans walking around next week.

    Even more than there are now?

    Full Member

    Whose character arcs are likely to wrap up rather than be ignored?

    I have a feeling that some definitely will (Dany, John, Arya, Sansa, Tyrion) , whilst others we may have already seen drift out of the story (Theon’s sister, Brienne, Tormund, the whole of Sunspear).

    Others may, or may not have a big part still left to play, but who knows (Bronn, Bran, Gendry).

    I have a feeling Bronn will be back to some degree as a person who has played the ‘game’ to perfection.

    Full Member

    I’m just happy D&D aren’t involved in the prequels. As it’s been leaked I already know some of the main things in the final episode, I’ll be watching it but I’m pretty sure it will be generally disappointed – certainly not happy with who ends up on the throne!

    Free Member

    Therefore, I believe that there are going to be a lot of very disenchanted GOT fans walking around next week.

    Even more than there are now?

    Yep….considerably more I reckon. All those characters you want to see probably won’t even feature.

    Free Member

    That’s that then

    Full Member

    Until the spin offs…..

    Time for bed now!

    Full Member

    Well, that was satisfactory.

    Full Member

    Called it

    Full Member

    Surely Bran can just tell Ayra whats to the west!

    Free Member

    About 50% of that was ok, and the other half was just mediocre.

    Full Member

    Well imagine being buzzed for 2 years for the final season to end with that. 😂

    That was just terrible.

    Full Member

    That was just terrible.

    How would you have done it?

    I thought it was great

    Free Member

    I thought it was great

    Me too.

    Turns out chaos isn’t a ladder. It’s a wheelchair ramp.

    Free Member

    Iron Bank turn up.

    The entirety of the Seven Kingdoms gets repossessed by the lenders.

    That chap from League of Gentlemen takes the throne on behalf of the bank.

    Full Member

    How would you have done it?

    Well I’m not a writer so badly but the people who wrote it are, it was terrible.

    Full Member

    As much as I’ve criticised s8 I don’t think the ending was too bad after all, as a whole though I still think s8 was badly done – especially the Night King.

    I’ll never understand why the something that existed for eight thousand years, the mere mention of which terrified people, only managed to last a few days after going south of the fall and between him and his army only killed a handful of major characters, most of whom had reached dead ends in their arcs anyway. Totally OK with Arya offing him, just not in Winterfell,on day 1 of the battle.

    If D&D were constrained by HBO on the season duration and ended up having to basically ditch the whole Night King arc as quickly as possible in order to give a barely adequate amount of time to finish the Dany/Jon/Throne arcs then fair enough I guess. If they wrote it how they wanted to do and that’s the best they could do then I’m just thankful they’re not involved in the prequels. Star Wars has already been ruined so not much more harm they can do there.

    Free Member

    It was lame. The only way it could have been lamer was if they cast Tom Hanks, with a cameo by Billy Joel.

    Free Member

    I’ve watched all 8 seasons over the last few weeks, so I didn’t have any big expectations after a long wait for season 8 or anything, and I thought the final episode was great. It worked well, made sense, had me being emotional about it all and seemed in keeping with the tale.

    I’d stubbornly refused to watch it at all for years, but I’m glad I did now as I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Full Member

    Good ending I thought, everything tied up nicely.

    Only [minor] criticism I’d have is that S8 seems to have been a bit rushed compared to previous series.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed it, it was Sad/Happy.

    We got very close to a sickly US ending.

    I suppose after all that came before, it ended very quickly and sort of quietly.

    Nice to see Bron back.

    Free Member

    And I got grief a few pages back for suggesting there might be some form of democratic vote!

    All things considered, I’m pretty happy with that episode, and the season as a whole. Some stunning visuals, especially the long night and all the scenes in the ash the last couple of episodes.

    The writing definitely went downhill a bit, with how much of it was due to being rushed and how much down to the lack of source material we won’t know. I didn’t see Bran becoming king though, and can’t think of any hints that he was planning it, did it come out of nowhere?

    Full Member

    All things considered, I’m pretty happy with that episode, and the season as a whole. Some stunning visuals, especially the long night and all the scenes in the ash the last couple of episodes.

    Yup the lighting on some scenes of the final episode was superb.

    Full Member

    I thought the first half was great with Tyrion finding his brother, second half was a bit……Lord of the rings. Was glad John Snows was redeemed by giving Ghost a pat, made me like him again. Shame the ginger monster didnt get a final comedy line!

    Full Member

    No but Tyerion did get a good comedy line.

    Full Member

    Dragons have more brains than I gave them credit for, whose ever seen a Dragon make such a political statement before?

    My alternative ending would have Dany sitting naked on the iron throne as John arrived, maybe thats just me.

    Free Member

    Put it this way…. I’m glad I don’t pay for Sky or Now TV and watched it in work time…..

    Full Member

    I reckon it was fine. Never going to be easy to tie up something like this, just look at the Dexter finale!

    Full Member

    Dragons have more brains than I gave them credit for, whose ever seen a Dragon make such a political statement before?

    Have you not seen How to Train Your Dragon?

    Full Member

    I thought the first half was great with Tyrion finding his brother

    They very considerately managed to get themselves buried right at the top of that massive pile of rubble. Who would have thought all that stonework would flow right round them and not just squash them flat on the floor.

    Full Member

    GoT has never been about the big blockbuster battles, it’s the plotting and intrigue. We didn’t even see any of Robb Starks fights.

    For me, the growing popularity in recent seasons pushed them towards big populist battles.

    We needed to see more of the setup to the final battle, and post “Queenslayer” what happened to set up the Kingsmeet.

    The last small council meeting was a bit slapstick rather than the dark humour & politicking we all love.

    Overall I still loved it though. I was hoping for a hint of something “beyond the wall” in the final scene.

    Full Member

    The gap in time in the middle was clever. Really saved them some time. I don’t think I saw anyone guess Bran.

    Lots of unsatisfactory bits throughout the season, so now I hope we get the books.

    Free Member

    Yeah I think it was about as good as it could have been, all things considered. I didn’t see. Jon killing Dany like that and that led to him losing his obvious route to the throne.

    Overall I think I’d give it 9/10 for wrapping it up well. Would have expected Jon to take out Greyworm as well ….never mind!

    Free Member

    Och well, I didn’t mind that much. It was fine.

    Didn’t feel like Sansa came away with much, other than a big draughty castle in which to dwell on all that grief and trauma.


    She’s finally secured freedom and safety for her people and herself, no longer having to worry about being under the control of some arsehole or other.

    Odds on the other six Kingdoms seceding within a year or two? Don’t see Bran caring much.

    Finally, am I being a bit thick, or was it not 100% clear if John was heading off to join the wildlings, or just chumming Tormund back home, intending to Uber-it back to Castle Black later?

    Free Member

    I’m going to have to mull this over a bit but at the moment… underwhelmed. I’d Jon down as dying soon as he killed Danny. Purpose fulfilled after being brought back by the lord of light. And a Tyrion as targayrean reveal. All too cosy and tidy, not quite duplicitous enough. No twist. No Arya action either after the pale rider/ white horse deal last episode.

    Full Member

    I liked it!

    Full Member

    Meh .

    Free Member

    Still bitterly disappointed that it didn’t end up with the Hound sitting on the throne, eating chicken, with his feet on Cerseis and Danaerys decapitated heads – followed by some dry darkly witty comment or and then a cut to the quote “The sick in soul insist that it is humanity that is sick, and they are the surgeons to operate on it. They want to turn the world into a sickroom. And once they get humanity strapped to the operating table, they operate on it with an ax”…..maybe even get the Hound to say it with a wry grin..followed by the credits.

    That would have been **** hilarious in a grim we’re all doomed/no hope kind of way.

    Full Member

    So has winter passed now? Didn’t seem too grim up north (they seemed to want us to see the grass coming through?) and the south seemed balmy again

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