I lost a silver-mounted shark tooth from a chain I’d been wearing while on a bike ride one day. Thought it might be worth following the same route, and I actually found the damned thing lying in the middle of the Sustrans route out of Chippenham towards Calne! It’s only about 15mm across, so the chances were negligible.
Pretty chuffed at finding it.
In a similar vein – my brothers and me were playing ‘war’ with the local kids; y’know – bikes as tanks and sticks as guns etc. My older brother decides it’s a good idea to charge at the enemy in his tank holding nothing but his gun. My younger brother leaps out from the dark reassesses of the alley and shoots, causing older bro to fall face first onto the tarmac and smash his front tooth.
The war was over and everyone went home due to real blood being spilled.
I found his tears a tad annoying for some reason so went outside to search for the half-tooth thinking we could simply glue it back on. I found it against all the odds, surrounded by little shards of stone etc. that resembled the tooth. It’s strange how we spot things.
But I digress – found the cheddar in the bread bin after thinking I must’ve eaten the lot. Kind of lost, I guess…