I have a Whyte 150 that I bought second hand a while ago. The bike is the 2019 model and I’ve had it 2 years.
The front forks are 150mm revelations. They have a weird rattle. It feels a little like the old U turn fork rattle if anyone remembers that.
If you bounce the front end up and down you can feel it. A little like a loose headset. It’s in the first few mm of travel. It feels “loose” then they are fine. On the trail it is noticeable but the forks work.
I did a lowers service and that made no difference but everything looked fine. It’s not the headset, wheel or anything else because I stripped and rebuilt most of it over winter. It feels like vertical movement rather than horizontal play in the bushing. The crown to stanchion difference stays the same (can’t feel it when I wedge my finger in the gap).
Any ideas. Reluctant to spend much money fixing what is now an old set of forks. Probably cost close to £200 to get them professionally serviced which I’d rather put towards some newer ones at some point.