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  • Foods you dislike that everyone else loves
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    I know we do a lot of food threads on here, but this is about stuff you don’t like but which seem universally loved by everyone else. Things where people think you are a freak because you don’t like them.

    Baked beans. Controversial I know. I’m probably the only one and it may well lead to my UK passport being revoked or something.  I’ve tried, and tried but I just don’t like the taste or the texture. If someone makes you a cooked breakfast, it seems it’s the law to dollop them on there, without even asking if you like them. The disgusting sickly sweet sauce contaminating all the lovely fried goodness.  The very worst thing of all, guaranteed to make me gag, is watching some creature eating them cold straight out of the tin.

    Cadbury creme eggs.  I like chocolate, I even like Cadbury chocolate on its own.  It’s the sticky, cloying, sickly sugar paste in them that makes me gip.  I can just about get why kids might like them, but adults with functioning taste buds? No. Just no.

    Olives.  I have some middle class shame about this.  It makes me feel a bit plebish and unsophisticated that I don’t like them when literally everyone I know loves them. I even tried once eating them every day for a week to see if I could ‘acquire’ a taste for them. No – to me they have a deeply unpleasant bitter/rancid taste that I will never like.

    Whatya got?  Remember not just stuff you don’t like, but stuff where people think you’re odd for not liking it.

    Full Member

    I read the thread title and instantly thought ‘baked beans!’ And then ‘I can’t post that – I’ll be flamed!’. Vile things! I totally agree on taste and texture. I’ll happily eat and cook with beans in meals.

    Eggs too (boiled, fried or poached) I wish I did like them and have tried but the eggy/sulphury taste just makes me gag.

    needless to say I’m not a big cooked breakfast fan…

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    Sounds to me like you’re a supertaster?

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    Sounds to me like you’re a supertaster?

    A what now?

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    I’ll start making a list – hopefully will be done by this time tomorrow.

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    With you on the Beans, can’t stand them.
    Part of it is the texture I think for me. Also can’t stand it when they put beans (not in the sauce) in a salad, why?

    Mash, really not a fan. Can force it down if needed, as was the case at a wedding a few years ago.

    The above may well stem from 70’s junior school dinners.

    Dislike most cakes, partly through in the past, when allergies weren’t a thing someone would lob some walnuts in stuff like cakes without warning. Leaving me choking and coughing on the floor.
    Mostly though because too sweet for me.

    Christmas cake, yuck

    Free Member

    Rice pudding. Disgusting stuff.

    Although I only realised that custard wasn’t poisonous in my 40s.

    Full Member

    Just thought of another. Carrots, specifically cooked carrots. I like most other veg including the closely related parsnips.  Weirdly, I really like carrots raw, grated in salads or for dipping into humus and stuff.  But cooked carrots have a really unpleasant bitter taste for me.  I can tolerate them in casseroles and stews but cooked carrots on their own are just awful.  This is another one where I’m annoyed that I don’t like them because they are so ubiquitous. I hate to be a fussy eater, so every now and then I try them again to see if my tastes have changed, but no.  It’s just not happening.

    Full Member

    I agree on cold baked beans. Creme eggs (and even Dairy Milk) are just too sweet and sickly.

    Olives – took me ages and a trip to Morocco to like them. They vary so much and I’d only tried bad ones before then.



    Just the smell of it cooking makes me retch, never mind the taste

    And the same goes for chippy chips cooked in dripping

    Full Member

    Cheese. Pure rank.

    Pizza cheese doesn’t count, though.  That’s just some sort of plastic to hold the toppings on.  Wouldn’t eat it otherwise

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    Brandy butter – visceral revulsion

    Bulots and winkles – like rubbery snot

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    They sell plenty of olives in Lidl & Aldi, so it ain’t a class thing, self depreciating joke or not.

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    A Supertaster.

    Interesting!  I’ll have to dye my tongue blue to find out.  However, everything on that list of things supertasters often dislike, I do like – except olives.

    Full Member

    They sell plenty of olives in Lidl & Aldi, so it ain’t a class thing, self depreciating joke or not.

    I know 😉

    Free Member


    Just the smell of it cooking makes me retch, never mind the taste

    I believe that’s quite a common one?

    Free Member

    Olives are a combination of bitter and umami with relatively little aroma, which is why so many people struggle with them.

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    Not strictly speaking ‘food’, but coffee.

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    Just the smell of it cooking makes me retch, never mind the taste

    yep, with you on that.  People seem to go mad for the stuff but I cannot stand it.

    Most of my food dislikes however have been cured over time by leaving home and fending for myself.  My mother, bless her, was not skilled in the cooking dept. and Dad wouldn’t know a saucepan if it hit him over the head.  Every meal had to be meat and 3 veg.   As kids we were forced to eat all manor of over cooked vegetables, meats etc. and weren’t allowed to leave the table until they were all finished, even if stone cold  🤢.   I think we’d have had more taste and nutrition if we’d have just drank the water everything was boiled to death in.  They still to this day, cook all their food for the week on a Sunday then plate it up, cling film it, and then microwave it for each night as required.

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    Curry. Absolutely hate the stuff.

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    I’m with you on Creme Eggs. The very thought of them makes my teeth itch.

    Seafood and fish in general. I really want to like it but can’t get over the taste. 

    Broccoli. It’s only ever palatable in soup, with a excess of blue cheese.

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    A Supertaster.

    Sounded made up to me, however I dislike most of the food on that list.

    Gin and tequila are pretty much the only alcoholic drink I can’t drink.

    Always thought carbonated water and tonic water were rank too.
    Olives, chocolate and coffee are good though.

    Full Member

    Broccoli. It’s only ever palatable

    If cooked for the shortest possible time like most vegetables.

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    The invertebrate end of the seafood spectrum for me – especially living looking at the sea in Scotland, with little in-shore fishing boats pottering by, feels like I’m squandering a bountiful harvest.

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    Just the smell of it cooking makes me retch,

    Ahh now theres a side shoot here. Theres food I like but don’t like to cook. I never cook beef or lamb in the house becuase I can’t stand the residual smell in the days that follow, so its food I only eat if I’m dining out

    Full Member

    Curry. Absolutely hate the stuff.

    That absolutely nails the thread brief as it’s relatively unusual to not like it, unlike some others (broccoli, I’m looking at you).  I was well into my twenties before I tasted proper* curry, it was love at first taste which has lasted a lifetime.

    *When I grew up in the late 60s/70s there were no curry restaurants and we never ate out anyway.  My first meal out was in Woolworths cafe for my 14th birthday!  But we sort of had curry at home.  Vesta dehydrated curry if anyone remembers that? We thought it was super exotic but looking back it was awful cardboard tasting stuff!

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    I take it back from earlier, we’re on the same level then. Harvester for me though.

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    I have never managed more than a taste of baked beans, they stink, look disgusting and have a horrible texture.

    Tomato – except baby ones cooked on a BBQ.

    Tomato ketchup. Vile, sweet and sickly.

    Brown sauce, stinks, looks like shit and sickly.

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    Anything fishy, apart from fish fingers (doesn’t matter now as I’m a veggie and veggie fish fingers are great)

    Full English breakfasts (the smell) has always made me want to puke

    Coffee is just rank, I used to have the odd cup, but had to load it with sugar, anyway even if I did like it I can’t drink it without it making me ill



    Peppers (bell/salad kind, due to an intolerance of them 💩💩💩)

    Try eating out, or grabbing some sort of ready to eat meal/sarnie as a veggie who doesn’t like mushrooms and can’t eat peppers

    Lamb? The smell of it cooking has always reminded me of the smell of the gym changing rooms at secondary school, sweaty teenage boys 🤮

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    Prawns and other fishy creatures. You can have them.

    MrsF doesn’t do beans mainly due to her sister who used to push mushed beans through gaps in her teath and showing it to the younger MrsF. Her sister is in her 60’s and is still a big kid.

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    As per crumpets thread, crumpets. Rubbery greasy, taste what is it, it’s not great!
    And haloumi – flavour good just can’t do that rubbery squeaky texture.

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    tasted proper* curry,

    The curry in restaurants seem to confuse heat with flavour. Also we have family friends who came over from India. They’ve cooked all sorts of ‘proper’ curries. There is something in the combination of flavour and consistency I just can’t get on with. Plus I don’t like chilli so anything that makes your mouth burn is out.

    Turkish food on the other hand is lovely. Loads of spices and flavours but generally without the heat.

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    I don’t think there’s anything that I actually hate. I can pretty much eat anything.

    Actually, not eating but drinking. Whiskey, how ever you spell it. I just throw up, the smell makes me gip. Horrible stuff.

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    I’ve been a vegetarian for over 30 years, so it doesn’t really affect me, but I hated it before that & I really don’t understand why it is supposedly the one thing people miss when they give up meat.

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    Cheesecake.  The name offers so much and delivers so little.  It is neither cheese or cake just overly sweet gunk on a bed of wasted biscuits.

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    +1 to bacon

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    And haloumi – flavour good just can’t do that rubbery squeaky texture.

    Boil it in the bag, rather than frying, for about half an hour. Turns it into a sort of mozzarella/burrata type consistency, really creamy, but no squeak. Eat it quick though.

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    Tomato ketchup

    Strange as I love tomatoes, tomato soup, sun dried tomatoes etc. etc. it’s just ketchup

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    Again, nailing the brief!👏 I never imagined there were people who didn’t like those! Chuckling at ‘wasted biscuits’! 😂

    Tomato ketchup

    Strange as I love tomatoes, tomato soup, sun dried tomatoes etc. etc. it’s just ketchup

    Same.  For me it’s the vast amount of sugar that’s in it.  I just don’t want that all over a savoury meal.  Though somewhat hypocritically, I am partial to a bit of sweet chilli sauce!

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