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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • HoratioHufnagel
    Free Member

    Almost every long running thread (not about bikes) seems to be full of endless jambafacts. How does he have time to learn so much AND constantly talk/type this stuff out, not to mention do any work?

    Full Member

    That is because Brexiter think that the rest of the world are desperate to do business with the UK.
    Sadly China banks are in more trouble than European ones, not all Indian can afford a Bentley and if China can not buy minerals from Australia, they will be in trouble too. And let’s not forget a very messy US election coming up.

    Free Member

    Honestly is this a nest of whining remainers?

    We are going to leave.

    There will be a trade deal regarding car import export tariffs, we’ve already shoved up a huge barrier bigger than the EU import tariff for cars, devaluing the £ 10-15% as we always do when times like this arrive.

    The tricky thing going forward is more the 40 years of legislation that will need to be unwound, that’s without idiot judges trying to suggest the referendum result cannot be enacted by parliament.

    The rest of the World do want to do business with us, that is ALL of the rest of the world including some hard done by third world food growing regions that we can now help out and bring down food costs without them having to negotiate a deal with the EU, there are as many positives as there are negatives to this affair.

    I for one would still have a job had we not been a part of the EU, as much as it gave us, it also took away with centralisation in Europe, but not here, so I’m OK with it.

    Just pointing that out to the rewhiners, get a grip, nothing you are going to do or say now is going to stop it.

    Oh and I quite enjoy ‘Jambafacts’ thanks just the same.

    Full Member

    Are you Dr Fox?
    Lots of nice sentences with strong words but nothing concrete.

    Free Member

    Oh and I was up that Lunnon yesterday and noted that Apple are going to Headquarter in the old Battersea Power station with a load more jobs on offer for the immigrant community that dominates Lunnon and I dare say Apple will have no trouble moving its staff around Europe and the rest of the World now or post the exit.

    Full Member

    Rosscore – I too enjoy jambafacts – it doesn’t make them true.

    I suspect I’d even enjoy an argument over a pint with Jamba – that doesn’t make poking our big single market in the eye a good idea.

    And that’s before we start talking about the positives the EU has brought like political stability (compared to the preceding 2-300 years) and the ability to ply ones trade in other countries.

    Full Member

    with a load more jobs on offer

    I thought they were just relocating existing uk based jobs there?

    anyway, Ill keep rewhining away, and correcting jambafacts until the whole silly thing is called off

    Free Member

    You call it whining, I call it asking for a credible plan. So far it looks like we are heading for an incredibly expensive and time-consuming boondoggle for lawyers and civil servants to work out how to get us a far worse deal than we already have. Meanwhile the three brexiteers who are supposed to be leading the process spout their mutually inconsistent nonsense fantasies only to get slapped down by May every time any of them open their mouths.

    Free Member

    Honestly is this a nest of whining remainers?

    no its a fact based discussion

    that’s without idiot judges trying to suggest the referendum result cannot be enacted by parliament.

    The convention is that the PM cannot do this *without parliamentary approval as the referendum was not legally binding. No one doubts that parliament is supreme they doubt whether the PM can do it without parliamentary approval

    This will play out in the courts

    * an act of parliament led to us entering so only an act of parliament not a PM can remove this

    The rest of the World do want to do business with us, that is ALL of the rest of the world including some hard done by third world food growing regions that we can now help out and bring down food costs without them having to negotiate a deal with the EU, there are as many positives as there are negatives to this affair.

    aspirational pish High on hope low on actual details or facts no wonder you like jambyfacts


    Full Member

    Honestly is this a nest of whining remainers?

    No, I’ve not seen any whining. What I have seen is a group of people who want to know exactly WTF is going to happen next with evidence and some kind of joined up strategy. Sadly most Brexit leaning folk seem to think that the hard part has been done with the referendum and now everything will be gravy so feel no need to supply sensible ideas or consistent facts.

    And, this being a democratic country, any Remainer who feels the need is perfectly justified in continuing to make the case for why they think leave is a bad idea. Farage and his ilk rattled on for years to get their way and even said that if the vote ratio was 52:48 against exit he would consider that to be sufficient ground to keep campaigning. Why, when the other way around, is it unacceptable for Remainers to do the same?

    Free Member

    What I have seen is a group of people who want to know exactly WTF is going to happen next with evidence and some kind of joined up strategy.

    Why are they asking on a bicycle forum?

    Free Member

    They aren’t, they are asking on the chat forum. At least, in this thread.

    Free Member

    Why are they asking on a bicycle forum?

    More chance of getting an answer than from our ‘government’?

    Full Member

    What I have seen is a group of people who want to know exactly WTF is going to happen next with evidence and some kind of joined up strategy.

    Why are they asking on a bicycle forum?[/quote]

    Jamby seems very proud of his involvement in Brexit so hopefully knows more about the thinking at its heart and the plan to deliver it. He is often on here so many hoped he could explain not just what our glorious future will look like but also some solid ideas on how we will get there.

    Safe to say that most of us are still waiting.

    Free Member

    As annoyed as I am with the BSers it is a bit unrealistic to expect clarity. We are in uncharted territory with extremely complicated negotiations ahead. The facile comments that this is going to be easy and straightforward are just another example of how shallow the Brexit thinking is and the narrow-minded focus that suggest the we are in the driving seat.

    Of course it doesn’t help that both the government and the Oppo (to the extent that it exists) are both split assunder and the unofficial Oppo are spouting their usual crap about independence and memberships of the EZ

    How can there be clarity in the middle of all this mess?

    Free Member

    cchris2lou – Member

    CEO of Jaguar, Land Rover also wants UK to stay in single market.

    57% of car built in the UK go inside the EU.
    Next market is US but with only 12%. ( source Independent, can’t do link) .

    Large corporation good or bad?

    Evade tax like some of the tech giants? (Not them but generally speaking IT companies … you know who)

    Dictate terms like you owe them your living?

    Do they look after the society they do business in?

    Are we smelling the coffee yet?

    Now is the time to see some of them vanish forever.

    Full Member

    Some clarity to be found here…

    Can we please hurry up and commit economic suicide? ask Brexit Tories

    Actually not really but it made me smile 🙂

    Full Member

    Honestly is this a nest of whining remainers?

    By ‘this’ do you meant the UK? If so, then yes, millions of us Brits not only think this endeavour to leave the EU is a waste of money, time and energy, and that our country, and our immediate neigbouring countries, and the world as a whole will be worse off after it is done, and that the uncertainty of the whole exit procedure and timescale is a huge pointless risk, but also that those who have fought long and hard to “get what they want” seem to, after all that, really not have any idea how it can be made to work, beyond vague aspirations backed up with empty promises and not even half baked contradictory ideas that don’t stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever.

    Free Member

    kelvin – Member
    … and our immediate neigbouring countries, and the world as a whole will be worse off after it is done, …

    Please. Please leave Far East alone as they Do Not need the West to affect them good or bad. They don’t need the help from the West or charity. Please leave them alone.

    Can’t you remember the President of the Philippines Rightly telling off the outgoing US President O last month for trying to talk down Philippines govt ways of handling drugs. Ya, he was taught a verbal presidential lesson.

    Full Member

    chewkw : sometimes you should just stfu for your own good.

    Duterte likens himself to Hitler

    Free Member

    somafunk – Member

    chewkw : sometimes you should just stfu for your own good.

    Duterte likens himself to Hitler

    In other culture people reference and speak differently.

    We understand perfectly well what he is saying.

    That is how we speak in that region.

    But people in the west interpret that differently, then twisting it and later use it as an excuse to cause troubles.

    They really do not need anyone to stir up debris from the pond.

    Full Member

    Large corporation employ 1000s of people .

    who do you think is going to employ them if they go ?

    Free Member

    cchris2lou – Member
    Large corporation employ 1000s of people .

    who do you think is going to employ them if they go ?

    If they go that is, if. UK is an attractive market.

    Not many jobs last forever nowadays for rank and file.

    Free Member

    The only guarantee in any of this is the poor will become worse off the middle will prosper slightly and the rich will get a a lot richer.
    This is not an opinion it’s free market economics all unregulated right wing capitalist countries have very poor poor people (USA is the perfect example) and watch these Tories deregulate – Liam Fox is pitching like hell on this very approach

    Free Member


    Free Member

    oldmanmtb – Member
    … it’s free market economics all unregulated right wing capitalist countries …

    Nothing to do with the wings of belief but rather the inbuilt human greed.

    Full Member

    You are right, they won’t go, but will cut down a lot.
    85% of Nissan made in Sunderland are for the European market.

    Free Member

    Well chewkw the Brexit vote and labours struggles have delivered an opportunity the likes of which no Tory government has ever seen and they know it, they have full control and no one to oppose them- corbyns refusal to address immigration (a load of bollocks anyway) will drive the disgruntled labour Brexiteers into the arms of UKIP and further fracture the opposition. Trouble is most centrist folk like me will vote for no one so it’s left to the right/left nutters to scratch over the pile of shite.

    Free Member

    It’s interesting that Sunderland as a town voted to leave? Yet the implications on very very well paid jobs at the Nissan site are genuine – commitment or ignorance?

    Free Member

    What is the size of the Tory majority?
    Have they been defeated in the Commons recently?


    Free Member

    They have a majority and a reasonably United party

    Free Member

    No really.

    Full Member

    and a reasonably United

    Just not united on the only real important issue

    Free Member

    oldmanmtb – Member
    Trouble is most centrist folk like me will vote for no one so it’s left to the right/left nutters to scratch over the pile of shite.

    True, true … no peace of mind for everyone.

    oldmanmtb – Member
    It’s interesting that Sunderland as a town voted to leave? Yet the implications on very very well paid jobs at the Nissan site are genuine – commitment or ignorance?

    It is Not ignorance because they just do not want to be part of EU regardless of the benefits.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Which is ignorance of what is really important in life and how political decisions actually affect them. To be fair that’s an ignorance shared by most people. In terms of their actual lives (ie going to work, down the pub in the evening, walking the dog, having kids etc.) it’s hard to see how leaving the EU benefits most of them – it’s an ideological thing based on a somewhat strange set of ideals.

    Free Member

    Well of course it is – they have Fox, BJ and whoever the other bloke is on one side of the divide, most of the rest on the other preparing to cast them adrift. At least that appears to be the only plausible explanation for the way the toxic triumvirate keep getting allowed to spout a load of bollocks before being knocked back and told to shut up.

    Free Member

    Shakelton I have written at length about my reasons for Brexit, why I think we are better off and the various options for how the future may look and what my preferences are. To be honest if there is one thing I couod be critised it would be repeatedly reposting the same views on Brexit and the various future outcomes. I can no more guaranty what the future will look like outside the EU as Remainer could predict how it would be inside.

    Engaging further in a discussion where some posters are simply intent on making personal attacks ? Well I’ve got better things to do than respond.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    Which is ignorance of what is really important in life and how political decisions actually affect them

    Sometimes in life you just have to risk it all even if it means hardship. If that that makes them happy with hardship why not?

    it’s an ideological thing based on a somewhat strange set of ideals.

    Not sure about they even care about ideology this or that. I asked my friends they just laughed.

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