Home Forums Chat Forum Do you wear your security pass when not on work premises or at work ?

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  • Do you wear your security pass when not on work premises or at work ?
  • Rubber_Buccaneer
    Full Member

    no, wait – ah, bollocks !

    You still had time for a ninja edit when you wrote that

    Free Member

    My face is my pass, so I don’t need one. And yes, I’m a bell-end.

    Free Member

    Between this and suits with trainers i’m not sure what is worse

    Free Member

    My face is my pass, so I don’t need one. And yes, I’m a bell-end.

    Don’t get confused and try using your bell-end as your pass!

    Full Member

    JEngledow – Member
    [list]My face is my pass, so I don’t need one. And yes, I’m a bell-end.[/list]
    Don’t get confused and try using your bell-end as your pass!

    Wouldn’t matter – they look the same.

    Free Member

    Do you also see the lanyard race to clock in when people are late?

    Full Member

    I flat refuse to work anywhere where I have to clock in/out.

    Free Member

    Have to wear ID at work (school) and I usually keep it around me neck until I get home to save me losing it.

    Free Member

    People who have to wear pases obviously arent high enough up the company to be recognised as a boss,

    ive found walking round with a high viz vest and helmet along with clipboard, you can get in anywhere .

    Free Member

    ive found walking round with a high viz vest and helmet along with clipboard, you can get in anywhere.

    I used to think that until I was carrying out a condition survey on some office buildings (while wearing PPE and carrying a clipboard) in a nuclear research centre, it turns out the British nuclear police don’t have much of a sense of humour (but at least I had my ID around my neck)!!

    Full Member

    I spent some time in one US facility where passes had to be on display all the time one was on the premises. We were meant to challenge anyone whose pass was not visible, even if it was just turned the wrong way round. Security used to wander around with their passes concealed just to see if you challenged them. If you didn’t, it cost you $ 100.

    Full Member

    It’s an absolute requirement that everyone in the company where I work, regardless of their position, wears a pass card with name tag, the same goes for visitors, agency staff and contractors. Lanyards are different colours, as are the name tags, and the permanent staff passes are coded to restrict access to certain parts of the building, if they want access they have to ring a bell and wait to be admitted, they have to sign in to the high security area and be accompanied to wherever they’re going. I have full access to all but one area, which is customer care, I work in the high security area, and I can challenge anyone I see without a pass, regardless of status, and escort them out of the area.
    If anyone forgets their pass, they’re forced to sit in reception until HR collects them and issues a replacement pass, and too many of those mistakes gets a warning.
    Mine usually sits inside my bag until I get to work, but I sometimes wear it under my jacket to save having to dig around for it. I can quite understand why people in my situation wear them all the time if they don’t habitually carry a bag, and may not wear a coat/jacket out of the office in warmer weather.
    We get regular audits to check security procedures are being adhered to, and to highlight any possible issues/areas for improvement.
    The company has to comply with Gambling Commission/Payment Card Industry Level One rules, along with the highest level of Data Protection.
    They really don’t mess about.
    If the OP thinks that wearing what is a very important part of our day-to-day procedures at all times makes me a bell-end, then all I can say is get a life, jackass, when I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you. 🙄

    Free Member

    People who have to wear pases obviously arent high enough up the company to be recognised as a boss,

    Mine would need to have RFID implants to open locked doors without a pass, I’m sure they prefer just carrying a pass like the rest of us

    Free Member

    If the OP thinks that wearing what is a very important part of our day-to-day procedures at all times makes me a bell-end, then all I can say is get a life, jackass, when I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.

    Ooo look at you…

    go change your

    The post was light hearted…I also didn’t say there was anything wrong with wearing one at work…

    Full Member

    No real issue with wearing a pass out of work, it pales into INSIGNIFICANCE when compared to the occasional sad individual who thinks its cool to wear their NHS ambo uniform when socialising with their friends in a well known cheap and cheerful chain restaurant. I really did see this. I was gobsmacked. Each to their own I suppose.

    Free Member

    The last time someone wore a “security pass” (burglar pretending to be security person) to break in my place of worked (caught by me and he tried to tell me he was security etc), I nearly gave him a good hiding had it not for me to remember I was in “civilised” UK. In Borneo I would beat you senseless first then ask questions later. We like preemptive strike. We do. 😛

    Full Member

    I have worn work passes while popping to the shops etc. Never really bothered me as I know how to behave properly. I also have a work branded umbrella, which I do use fairly regularly, but then I am always very conscious that in a people/service business the firm’s reputation is linked to its peoples behaviour so I act accordingly. I get a free brolly, the firm gets a free advert…win,win.

    Having said all that it’s amazing how many mouthy what’s names, rude people, sweary people etc. are prepared to advertise who their employer is when in the pub after work (security cards, company t-shirts, branded bags etc.).

    Full Member

    Mine slides into the back of my works iphone case, much easier to find and slap it on the card readers when your hands are full with toolboxes etc. Still easy to get to when a customer asks to see it once every six months or so! Technically I am meant to wear it round my neck, but I have a manual outdoors job so most of the time thats impractical.

    Full Member

    I’ve only read the OP but I just can’t go any further with this…

    third world problems


    Free Member

    There is no reason to have them on public display outside of work, and if you can’t remember where it is unless it’s wrapped around your neck..hmm

    I suspect some see them as an indicator of social standing/self importance.

    Free Member

    As one of the posters above said we were obliged to challenge anyone on site with no visible pass or even one turned round the wrong way. It’s also really useful when your not good at remembering names. Off site we were also obliged to challenge anyone wearing one, if they got aresy then security were happy to hear about it.

    Full Member

    Only if there’s a chance of an NHS discount

    Free Member

    I suspect some see them as an indicator of social standing/self importance.

    While some might I think the majority are just lazy or forget it’s there etc.

    Free Member

    i had one i lost it three years ago so i just get the receptionist to open our one pass card door for me or go round the back and use the pin code door. I do suspect that a lot of out of office visible wearers want to create the impression they have a job like countzero’s when in fact the truth is more low key . I had a colleague who used to eat in the local hospital canteen and make sure his pager was clearly visible even though he was not in any way a Dr.

    Full Member

    Only if there’s a chance of an NHS discount


    Free Member

    I put it around my neck after brushing my teeth in the morning, odd little habits but this is the order of the day.

    I then need to have it electronically read at 3 different security checkpoints to make it as far as the company’s underground car park, and then present it once more and enter my security code to actually make it into the building. It must of course be displayed at all times in the office.

    At the end of the I need to present it once more to leave for the day.

    Forgetting my pass for work is a real PITA. Although then actually getting in the office is easier than getting out!

    I tend to leave it on all the time from morning until I get home. No big deal

    Full Member

    Never required id on site. Only very occasionally require it off site. So it lives in my wallet for years without ever seeing the light of day. However I am an important bellend.

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