For home life, yes, just a note on my phone of tasks, or shopping items we’re running low on, or things to do around the house. And calendar notifications for things we have booked in, birthdays, and reminders for buying insurance etc.
At work I write prioritisations every morning and try to write a list at the end of the day for the next day. I have lists but I have spurts where I use it but when very busy / stressed / overwhelmed it can be ignored for a few months and then I’ll come back to it and revise.
Mostly I think it’s my executive dysfunction (see neurodiversity / autism / adhd discussions). But also definitely stress and getting older / perimenopause is making my memory much worse. At times I can’t find the right words, never mind remember what tasks there are around the house (I am one of those people that don’t ‘see’ issues until it’s pointed out and I focus on it.)
Interesting the op frames it in terms of things that don’t ‘need’ to be done. But everything isn’t black and white, all things get prioritised and some things are ‘would be nice to do’, or ‘could do’ in MoSCoW terms. Sometimes the consequence of not doing depends on luck, like not doing some house maintenance maybe it’ll last til next year or maybe not (and cost £ to fix). But overall we’re all just doing the best we can. I am sure there is something on anxiety threads about being kind to yourself and realistic about what you can achieve each day.