So this has been all over my feeds for the last few days (maybe because I posted this!) but in all the imagery of floating bus stops I see in these articles, all I see is badly designed infrastructure. Too narrow, busy stop area too small/narrow, bus shelter facing away from the road, crossing points not marked, limited or no tactile paving, poor colour contrast between surfaces/uses of the space, inconsistent use of vertical separation (kerbs) etc.
All of the problems with them can be laid firmly at the designers door, who have obligations to account for reasonably foreseeable use (not just intended use).
Mind you. The DfT tactile paving at the start/end of every segregated cycleways has been laid down in standards as being the wrong way round for decades in my view. If they can’t get that right, then there’s no hope of anyone designing Anything actually good, let alone “not dangerous”.