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  • Carrying a knife
  • redthunder
    Free Member

    Check this bad boy out ! On my car keys…all you really need if at all.
    Been quite handy over the years :-)
    mini pocket knife

    Full Member

    Where are those goddamn tomatoes!


    Epic tomato slicer…

    This mostly only ever opened morale parcels, banding on pallets and bags of haribo.

    Might have sliced some biltong once or twice. The only blood it drew was of a careless owner and a chicken on a SERE course.

    These days I just have a spork.

    Halcyon days for sure. 20240212_113116

    Full Member

    This thread has been great, could easily have stopped after 10 posts but we’re on 10 pages and I hope it goes for another 10.

    For what it’s worth as a country boy I quite often carry a knife and it regularly comes in handy. I do struggle to see how it could be justified if living in a town/city. I’m down to my last folding knife that locks open and when I break/lose it I fully intend to buy another from somewhere. I’m fully aware it’s illegal but I don’t care, it annoys me that I should have to risk a knife closing on my fingers because a minority of people feel the need to stab each other.

    Free Member

    I’m fully aware it’s illegal but I don’t care, it annoys me that I should have to risk a knife closing on my fingers because a minority of people feel the need to stab each other

    Hear, hear!

    Full Member

    This thread may help people understand how all the responsible gun owners in the USA feel when people call for gun controls.

    Full Member

    This thread may help people understand how all the responsible gun owners in the USA feel when people call for gun controls.

    It makes me think that they’re unhinged.

    Full Member

    This thread may help people understand how all the responsible gun owners in the USA feel when people call for gun controls.

    As a former responsible gun owner. No.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    This thread may help people understand how all the responsible gun owners in the USA feel when people call for gun controls.

    I can pretty much guarantee that even the murderous ones think they are responsible gun owners, until they aren’t.

    It’s human nature, just like everyone thinks they are great/safe car drivers.

    Full Member

    For the sake of the baby Jesus won’t somebody think of the screwdrivers?

    Full Member

    Sometimes a big knife is not enough.
    What about Mugs?
    Those Bikepakers and their Ti mugs, makes you think :-)

    Full Member

    ^^ Damn good film that, much underrated. 👍

    Full Member

    Full Member
    For the sake of the baby Jesus won’t somebody think of the screwdrivers?

    Don’t start of the great phillips Vs cross head debate for goodness sakes!

    Full Member

    Having reviewed the contributions so far

    John the farmer and Ian the telecoms engineer have a fairly decent reason for carrying a knife

    Steve in accounts and Jeff in IT Support probably don’t, and Daphne from payroll is definitely less likely to shag them after they’ve whipped out the leatherman to cut up their tomatoes and cheese on their lunch break

    Full Member

    and Daphne from payroll is definitely less likely to shag them after they’ve whipped out the leatherman to cut up their tomatoes and cheese on their lunch break

    Full Member

    Don’t start of the great phillips Vs cross head debate for goodness sakes!

    I’m more of a JIS aficionado myself, especially for jap bikes, and the once yearly B-tension fiddle

    Free Member

    I’ve got a personal affection for my Boker which is a gentleman’s knife, as it is only 2 1/2″ blade, and a cyclists knife as it is titanium. It’s also illegal because it’s A lock knife bit you can’t have everything.

    Ok, to be honest I’m not that concerned to tell everyone about it, but I do need to find out if I can actually post to this forum, this seemed as good as any for an excuse.

    Full Member

    ^^ Indeed you can/ have and welcome!👍

    Full Member

    I think you might need a doctor gecko76. You seem to be suffering from cartoon head syndrome.

    Free Member

    You might want to check the legality of the swordstick, they made a bunch of blades illegal even in your own house a while back 🙄

    Full Member

    Yep, sword sticks are in the same category as ‘Zombie’ knives, switch blades etc. Illegal to own, sell etc. with heavy penalties. There is an exemption for antiques though, which means more than 100 years old. I’m not sure how you prove how old it is and unless you have some pretty convincing proof you could be in deep poo.

    Free Member

    How can STW come to this? The home of the totally irrational fairness. Now tell me, is it fair that some people would have justifiable needs and others not based purely on their jobs? How elitist!.

    More sensibly why not ban knives in the places where they have proved to be a problem and for the user group that creates the problems?

    The whole thing also goes against the principles of our law as well. Basically you are guilty unless you prove your innocence.

    Full Member

    The whole thing also goes against the principles of our law as well. Basically you are guilty unless you prove your innocence

    So, you think if you were standing outside a bank wearing a ski mask & carrying a shotgun & a bag marked ‘swag’ the law would say the police need to prove you were intending to rob it.

    Free Member

    To summarise we have a certain demographic who are arguing they are above the law because they are in the main white, middle aged, middle class and don’t live in a rough area.

    Is that about right or are they arguing knife laws should be repealed just in case they need to peel an apple on the go?

    You see the law applies equally and if you can argue peeling an apple as a legitimate reason so should anyone regardless of demographic.

    Full Member

    the meantime mum pulled grandad’s swordstick out of the wardrobe

    A bit of family loving.

    More sensibly why not ban knives in the places where they have proved to be a problem and for the user group that creates the problems?

    I Agree. Ban them in public places.

    Full Member

    I Agree. Ban them in public places.

    Unless you have a legitimate reason to need one in a public place.

    (sorry, enjoying this too much to let it die yet)

    Full Member

    Now tell me, is it fair that some people would have justifiable needs and others not based purely on their jobs?

    I need a laptop for my job but I dont generally need a knife.
    A chef on the other hand would struggle without several.

    Full Member

    To summarise we have a certain demographic who are arguing they are above the law because they are in the main white, middle aged, middle class and don’t live in a rough area.

    You might see it that way, but what I think they are saying is that a knife is a useful, commonplace tool & is therefore a reasonable thing to carry as an everyday object. However it is used by some people as a weapon even though it is highly unlikely to be used by others as such. It is therefore reasonable to identify those people who use it as a weapon & apply the law to them & not to the others. I have a degree of sympathy for this because in a lot of cases it should be fairly evident given the context which category the person sits.
    The fact of the matter is that a white, middle aged & middle class person is unlikely to be carrying a knife as a weapon (unless they are planning a specific murder). The statistics demonstrate who is using knives as weapons to stab random strangers or opposition gang members etc in the course of an argument.
    Unfortunately this line of thought leads to an awful lot of these exceptions: not prosecuting competent, safe & yet speeding drivers being an obvious one. It also leads to miscarriages of justice when a working class black kid gets pulled for carrying a knife he was going to use on a Golden Delicious.

    Full Member

    I’m a 55 year old furniture maker. When i’m wearing my work costume, I always have a 3″ Festool lock knife in my pocket…and I don’t give a flying f@ck. End of


    *Pictures PolisherMan in his ‘costume’


    Full Member

    and I don’t give a flying f@ck. End of

    Clearly you don’t care enough to actually read the thread.


    With his 3″ Festool in his pocket


    Full Member

    The thread has been an interesting insight into mindsets certainly.

    I think it’d be not unreasonable to sweep up all the ‘angry at the world’, anti this sort of law and it’s curtailing of MY freedoms into an older male category. A ‘boomer’ or even ‘gammon’ label if you will. It’s easy to see why this category of society have such a reputation for self orientation.

    This is a classic of the genre…

    I’m a 55 year old furniture maker. When i’m wearing my work costume, I always have a 3″ Festool lock knife in my pocket…and I don’t give a flying f@ck. End of

    Man doing something totally legal (because of context) who ‘don’t give a flying f@ck’. Go you, you rebel without a cause. Not just that – ‘End of’ no less. Nothing more to say. Angry at the world for a law that has been crafted to allow exactly what he’s doing to be perfectly fine. I can’t tell if it’s because he’s too daft to appreciate it’s all good, too lazy to bother reading more to find out…..or just predisposed to be angry.

    Anyway, it lovely and sunny so I’m off for a gravel bike ride. Gravel – that’ll make someone angry too no doubt, should have said 90’s mtb ride. And…..nope….can’t think of a good reason why I’ll need a knife. I’ll report back and confirm I survived without having needed to slice a tomato, whittle a stick or molest a horse’s hoof and been left tragically bereft of the tools for the job.

    Full Member

    I think it’d be fair to sweep up all the ‘angry at the world’, anti this sort of law and it’s curtailing of MY freedoms into an older male category.

    Nah. Don’t agree with that. This happens across every generation, it’s just that it’s framed in a slightly different way. When you are young this is known as Sticking it to the Man

    Full Member

    Unless you have a legitimate reason to need one in a public place.

    Good idea. Why haven’t the government thought of this?

    Free Member

    Meanwhile in the mini kitchen of the IT department at …
    tomatoe cutter IT dept

    Next episode…. To follow… Open to all :-)

    Full Member


    Without these laws we would not have this.

    Free Member

    You might see it that way, but what I think they are saying is that a knife is a useful, commonplace tool & is therefore a reasonable thing to carry as an everyday object.

    It doesn’t matter how I see it but what the law states. Thinking you can pick and choose to comply is the heart of the debate. If you think the law is an ass start a campaign to change it but ignoring it based on your belief I won’t get caught because of who I am needs challenging.

    Free Member

    “, I always have a 3″ Festool lock knife”

    Festool make lock knives? Are they any good?

    Free Member

    “Without these laws we would not have this”

    That is pretty cool to be honest, though a bit scary at the same time to think there was that much weaponry out there on the streets

    Anyway, more importantly, without these laws I wouldn’t have got my first 10 page thread wot I started so there!

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