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  • Carrying a knife
  • Ewan
    Free Member

    @Pierre yeah the law is an ass, but since they decided a blunt butterknife is an offensive weapon, it’s not a chance I’d take! I can see a prosecutor trying to argue that the fact it looks like a key makes it a more offensive weapon than say a SAK, as you’d be able to sneak it onto a plane or whatever.

    Full Member

    freeing a trapped animal

    Ah yes, I’ve forgotten about all the…(checks notes)…zero trapped animals I, or anyone I’ve ever known, have encountered in almost 50 years on the planet

    Full Member

    ^^ I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but I have used a pocket knife to free a sheep which was very badly entangled in brambles. It was frightened, looked exhausted and had probably been there for a long time. I live in a sheep farming area so often encounter them stuck in brambles, barbed wire fences or lying on their backs unable to right themselves. My wife dragged a lamb out of a culvert it was stuck fast in last year.  In fact, they seem to be on a mission to top themselves from the moment they’re born!

    Full Member

    I live in a sheep farming area

    Sounds better than living somewhere with trapped animals in cars on fire where after rescuing them you cut open a plastic package containing your bottle of wine, then pop the cork for a drink to celebrate your heroics.

    Full Member

    Sounds like it! I’d be straight on Rightmove! My point is, your inability to imagine a set of circumstances because you haven’t experienced it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It’s almost like we all lead slightly different lifestyles from each other.

    Full Member

    it’s the judge you’d be arguing with.

    But you’re carrying something that is legal to carry, so why would a judge be involved ?

    (And im not arguing with you)


    It’s not illegal to do something that is legal.


    Full Member

    The point is a knife below a certain length doesnt n need a reason, and that is all there is to it.

    Unless it locks…

    Free Member

    “zero trapped animals”

    I must have had your share then.  (Not including own livestock)

    Full Member

    But you’re carrying something that is legal to carry, so why would a judge be involved ?

    It’s perfectly plausible to find yourself in front of a judge for something legal. That’s literally what they’re there for, to decide whether you’ve acted legally or not and hand down a sentence accordingly.

    It’s not a copper’s job to interpret the law, it’s their job to go “hmm, this looks dodgy” and haul you in for further investigation. Again, it’s why the knife law is the way it is, it’s so that your average plod can go “if X and/or Y then Z” and bring you in for the legal eagles to then deal with.

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