Home Forums Chat Forum Car tyres – big brand names worth the extra cost?

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  • Car tyres – big brand names worth the extra cost?
  • plumslikerocks
    Free Member

    this is going round in circles, but my 2p worth.

    I only buy cheap tyres for my sub £1k worth of car, but I get them from a very well-used garage with a lot of good customer feedback and reputation.

    I've been generally happy with every pair (from about 4-5 different brands) and rarely skid / wheel spin / get out of shape despite 20 miles a day "spirited" commute across moors and into Leeds every day and back at all times of day and night……

    There is some shite out there that is branded or unbranded. Don't put too much stock in online reviews as they are just full of people comparing new with old. Find a good retailer and support them.

    Oh, and if you feel the safety of you and your family relies on even as much as 50% of your tyres' outright braking grip, you should really take a look at your driving rather than the rubber!

    Full Member

    Will try something different to Avons on the front of my Mondeo this time around, can't afford them at that wear rate and cost, though, as they come to their end, they are better than the prevoius Michelin primacy's approaching slick, but then they lasted twice the distance at least.

    An old car of mine had a set of tyres that cost less than a tank of fuel and were probably going to outlast the car out by a long way, would've had more grip just running on the rims though.

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