I may be being dim but why hasn’t the loan amount been being paid off?
Was the idea that a loan was taken out using the house as security, and that the loan would be paid off once the house was sold (probably upon death).
It seems obvious to me that the law of compound interest means the amount due to be repaid would simply grow and grow over time if no ongoing repayments were being made.
If my above understanding is correct I’m surprised such a loan is possible – say the loan repayable continues to increase and house prices fall – to an extent that the amount you can sell it for is less than the loan – who does that debt then fall to – the estate?
IANA financial adviser but these looks like a scheme doomed to putting your relative in a really weak position – banks do not lend money for fun after all!
I wouldn’t be faffing around with trying to game your way out of this situation, you could end up in all kinds of HMRC/legal trouble. I’d be getting the house sold and downsizing to pay off the loan and get out of the situation…