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  • Brexit 2020+
  • binners
    Full Member

    Brexit: EU poised to take legal action against UK over Northern Ireland

    Turns out that when it comes to international treaties you can’t just make the rules up as you go along to suit yourself

    Who knew?

    It really is worrying how flippant the Brexiteers are about. the real possibility of a hard border in Ireland

    Free Member

    The Loyalist umbrella group withdrawing its support for the GFA ‘temporarily’ was reported last week or the week before in the Guardian amongst others. Funny how it wasn’t trumpeted in the more Volkischer Beobachter of our press eh?

    Anyone who doesn’t view this as a very serious and very bad development is nuts. How much control does the DUP actually have over the paramilitaries? It is only going to take a few ‘rogue’ elements to read the runes their way and do something ‘explody/shooty’.

    And yes, the evil old EU is considering legal action against a rogue state that is reneging on agreements signed less than three months ago. And that are, in the process, probably causing irreparable damage to an international agreement that ended a 30 year armed conflict that claimed thousands of lives and preserved an uneasy peace for 20+ years.

    Free Member

    From the Chris Grey tweet, CE labelled products not valid from Jan 2022.

    “However, from the beginning of 2022 only products with UKCA marking will be accepted in Great Britain.”

    More red tape and wasted cash – c’mon Leavers, tell me why this is good (for anyone)?

    Full Member

    I expect the testing companies will do well out of it.

    Full Member

    I’m surprised no ones mentioned the mysterious articles of companies doing well from Brexit advertorials that the Gov’s been placing 🙂

    Full Member

    Not seem them… I do keep hearing the radio adverts telling me that new trade deals are opening up export opportunities not previously available…

    Free Member

    I expect the testing companies will do well out of it.

    Or some companies will think ‘sod this it’s not worth it’ and we’ll get less choice. Could be small-ish companies like ooh, Salsa, Nicolai, that don’t bother, and you won’t even be able to import them at all.

    Full Member

    The time that the leavers and govt recognise that the ‘deal’ Boris signed put us on a direct course of breaking either the GFA, the new EU or both with no other options is the day that will never come. Sadly it looks like they really don’t care at all. Have they forgotten that the Provisional IRA very nearly managed to completely blow up the whole of the cabinet in their Brighton hotel in October 1984? While the current lot may well be completely incompetent there’s no way I’d wish them dead in that manner.

    Anyone who doesn’t view this as a very serious and very bad development is nuts. How much control does the DUP actually have over the paramilitaries? It is only going to take a few ‘rogue’ elements to read the runes their way and do something ‘explody/shooty’.

    I’ve been half-expecting to hear of some form of bomb/violence the last fortnight, it really is an issue ready to create headlines in the worst possible way.

    Full Member

    We’ve just spend a few weeks on doing the changes to add the UKCA mark to our products, which sits next to the CE mark which means the same.
    Utterly pointless.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Salsa, Nicolai, that don’t bother

    They’ll be using ISO, I suspect. What you say is true of many others though. As I keep saying, it’s not just that things will be more expensive in post Brexit Britain, the choice and availability will be reduced. Not just for EU brands either, may RoW brands will have a European presence that they won’t bother to split in two for our convenience, if it makes no financial sense to them.

    Free Member


    a line worth quoting from that link

    what happened to Britain? Nationalism did — it’s selfishness, arrogance, triumphalism.

    Full Member

    A story worth reading.

    TLDR … not being in the single market makes it much harder for UK food producers to sell to the rest of Europe … what a shock … including Ireland … but wait … it’s going to get a whole lot worse, not better. Small businesses might as well give up on food exports now.

    Still, there are those UK Gov radio adverts taking about exporting opportunities…

    The new EU rules, which will apply to all so-called “third countries”, mean that “shelf-stable” products that contain meat and pasteurised milk and some egg products will require a vet-stamped export health certificate.

    Other products, such as cheese and onion crisps, which contain cheese powder, will require pages of “attestation” documents from the shipper detailing the source of the cheese used to flavour the crisps, according to policy experts at the FDF.

    Several UK food manufacturers, who asked not to be named, told the Financial Times the additional paperwork and cost from EHCs will make exports of composite products commercially non-viable.

    Free Member

    the choice and availability will be reduced.

    Isn’t that half the point?

    You’ll accept chlorinated chicken if your choice is that or free range but no one can afford FR, plus the chlorinated stuff is making them £££.

    Full Member

    EHC use extension explained without a paywall…

    Under these new requirements, all POAO within a composite product will require an EHC, where previously just the composite product needed an EHC. For example, a shipment of lasagne would require an EHC, and under the new regulation, so will the cheese, milk and beef content within it. This means several new EHCs will need to be issued, compounding the added cost of exporting.

    Ultimately, these changes will add further friction to UK-EU trade, as they increase both the administration burden and add cost to UK businesses.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Ah well the shiny new Turing scheme (by schemers/scammers)
    Seems to be going down well.

    I’ve been saying from day one it was going to be rubbish. I’m still quite shocked by how overtly rubbish it is. I assumed that they’d dress it up and try and hide the fact that it’s not what they promised, at least at first, or do the classic Tory “designed to fail” so that it could look good in the headlines then in 5 years time when nobody was doing it it could be slashed and they could just say “there’s no demand”. Also expected some brexit-bus bullshit about the cost (ignoring that much of the “cost” of erasmus went straight to UK universities and towns) They just haven’t even bothered with any of that and we’ve gone from “of course Erasmus isn’t at risk” to “Erasmus is too expensive but our version will be exactly as good and also cheaper” to “Have a jobby in a box.”

    And that’s for the UK students- I’ve not seen yet the details of the inbound students, which if they’re not properly supported amounts to a cut to UK university funding.

    Though, the response from colleges seems to have been pretty positive to be fair, that’s not my field but it’s something that could be a problem with erasmus.

    Full Member

    At PMQs today Johnson was claiming that Turing was still to be welcomed, because Erasmus attracted at lot of better off students… suggesting Turing would be aimed at the poorer students… despite the fact it’s going to be bugger all use to them. I’d say he’s still “over promising” (lying)… but it’s the default state for him, it’s not worth bothering pointing it out anymore. When they first announced Turing I said it would just be there to do the admin for richer students, and not offer the financial help needed to open up studying abroad as a possibility for less well off students. My low expectations seem to be firmly on track. Dropping Erasmus was dressed up for the Brexit fans up as taking away opportunities from those pesky foreign students, but like everything with Brexit, those students will simply shift their studies to other Erasmus countries, it is the less well off young of the UK who will really miss out. Again. Depressing.

    Free Member

    The Erasmus/Turing thing appeals to the ‘university of life, school of hard knocks’ mob. ‘Sticking it to the elite’, apparently, when it is really doing the precise opposite.

    A society that encourages an attitude of anti-expert and anti-intellect is heading in a dangerous direction. What next? Burning books by foreign authors?

    Full Member

    ^^ Walked past a (what looked like very recently) burnt up EU flag on my walk on Sunday. Something I’ve usually only seem happen on news vids portraying “extremist middle east countries”.

    Amusingly seen a few rear number plates with the EU part taped over.

    Not one was on an English built car mind you. In your face irony.

    As an online commentator said about the Meg/ Harry hate, the far right HATE supposed hypocrisy from the Left/ woke etc… Why? As you have no true belief in anything on the far right so hypocrisy is irrelevant.

    She put it better than me.

    Free Member

    and it keeps on getting better everyday. So will UK Government implement tit for tat measures. Obviously killing off a huge range of food imports.

    Full Member

    So will UK Government implement tit for tat measures.

    We can’t. We’re not even close to being able to enforce current checks. Control of our borders you see… it takes staff, IT systems, buildings, money… not just rhetoric.

    Free Member

    Surely you can’t mean all that talk of ‘technology’ was just a load of old bollocks to avoid admitting that there was no sensible way of actually enacting leaving the CU?

    Well, blow me down…🙄

    Full Member

    Newsnight doing the goundhog day Northern Ireland Brexit coverage again. It’s Sammy Wilson, so you know what to expect.

    Full Member

    Surely you can’t mean all that talk of ‘technology’ was just a load of old bollocks to avoid admitting that there was no sensible way of actually enacting leaving the CU?

    TBH you could sensibly have left the CU if you used the time in the transition period as actual transition period or extended it to a more sensible time frame that you have your systems in place and have told everyone what the plan is, preferably with more than 12 hours notice.

    Free Member

    TBH you could sensibly have left the CU if you used the time in the transition period as actual transition period or extended it to a more sensible time frame that you have your systems in place and have told everyone what the plan is, preferably with more than 12 hours notice.


    I feel the use of that word is wildly optimistic in the playground politics of the frothing Brexiteer loonies.

    Put simply, there was no way they could be seen to be actually doing stuff to mitigate the massive Brexit **** up whilst still perpetuating the myth that the rest of the world and the EU were going to sort it all out for us because of El Alamein or something. Why would you need to take measures to mitigate the bad effects of something that was sold as having no bad side effects whatsoever?

    Bunch of lying crooks, idiots and chancers.

    Full Member

    But leaving the CU and wanting to export to it 🙂

    Full Member

    and it keeps on getting better everyday. So will UK Government implement tit for tat measures. Obviously killing off a huge range of food imports.

    Ah, the long-awaited bonfire of red tape.

    Full Member


    I feel the use of that word is wildly optimistic in the playground politics of the frothing Brexiteer loonies.

    Who have achieved their dream of a hard Brexit and possibly may get the no-deal they may or may not have wanted depending on the direction of the wind.

    It’s implementation not mitigation 🙂

    We haven’t really got the unicorn track and trace program running that well yet probably need a few more Billn chucked at it.

    Full Member

    us because of El Alamein or something

    Isn’t that John Wayne movie 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s implementation not mitigation

    Indeed, but the longer they can keep convincing the useful idiots that support them that there will be no problems and we are just a few months away from a pure aryan Britain the longer they can delay admitting that it was all really just a one off, last chance heist of a country’s social contract.

    Free Member

    DannyH identified the real problem in as much if the Gov tty and fix the problems it admits brexit was a bad idea. Its much easier to go “la la la”

    They problem they have is keeping the press onside which they seem to be doing and i do wonder if the NHS payrise is “dead cat”

    They are not worried about the impact on their voters as they have some years to fix that problem.

    The problem which looks like a 25% export reduction (defecit) is going to be difficult to hide over the next 12 months but a UK economy growing at 5% due to wetherspoons and primark spend will keep the illusion going.

    We need to remember very few “ordinary” folks will actually witness or be impacted by these problems or be able to connect a price rise or a job lost to them. The Tories know they simply have to ride the storm and blame the EU.

    Unless Starmer can connect the Govs negligence directly to individuals pain then nothing will change.

    At the end of the day the Tories have a “get out of jail free card” in as much as they can turn around to a disgruntled electorate and say “you voted for this” “dont moan at us” “we will try and fix it” “its the will of the people” – this approach will be deployed this time next year.

    Said it before but we are 10 maybe 20 years away from any material change in gov or approach (at best)

    Full Member

    So much to agree with in recent posts… I don’t know where to begin.

    Free Member

    It could backfire on the Government though. Electorate could say ‘you told us it’d be easy, everything would be great’ when it’s not.

    Free Member

    It could backfire on the Government though. Electorate could say ‘you told us it’d be easy, everything would be great’ when it’s not.

    Piece of piss.

    Blame the foreigners, splutter and slobber something about ‘Dunkirk Spirit’, ‘Standing Alone’ and mention Churchill a couple of times and you’re home and dry.

    All of the above are, basically, why this shit is happening in the first place. Enough of the population were daft enough to swallow it whole. Now ‘pride’ takes effect and no way can enough of the misled people admit they got done like a kipper.

    Full Member

    Indeed “the EU are punishing us” … that’s what we’ll get once we get through the “it’s teething problems” stage.

    Full Member

    UK still in SM for EU exporters but not for UK exporters .

    That negociating team of yours did a brilliant job .

    Full Member


    So we’re talking back full control of our borders in 2022 now, rather than this year. Meanwhile, our businesses & people are being hit hard when they try to export. One way Brexit. Well done. Slow handclap. And to think the EU offered an extension on their side; we turned it down.

    Free Member

    Blame the foreigners, splutter and slobber something about ‘Dunkirk Spirit’, ‘Standing Alone’ and mention Churchill a couple of times and you’re home and dry.

    All of the above are, basically, why this shit is happening in the first place. Enough of the population were daft enough to swallow it whole. Now ‘pride’ takes effect and no way can enough of the misled people admit they got done like a kipper.

    That will work less and less as reality bites.

    It’s easy to look down on Brexiters, but I don’t think they are all knuckle dragging arseholes. A lot of people really had no idea what the point of the EU was and they were told there wouldn’t be any downsides, so they went with that.

    If you were told we were paying tons of money into a corrupt system that offered us no benefit and actually caused an administrative burden wouldn’t you want to vote out of it? Of course there were people telling you otherwise, but how do you know who’s right? Go with your gut, as we’re often told to do?

    Whilst the right wing bigots will never change their mind, I suspect a lot of people in the middle will. And there plenty of evidence that has already happened.

    Free Member

    but how do you know who’s right? Go with your gut, as we’re often told to do?

    **** about with something you have little-to-no clue about?

    Life has shown me this is very much done by

    knuckle dragging arseholes

    Free Member

    Not had a peek at this thread for a week or so. All I’ve got to say is:


    You know, the one I’ve spent my entire adult life living in, everything I know about being British comes from my time living in the place. I don’t recognise this new country we are now living in as Britain at all.

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