• This topic has 17,667 replies, 680 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by BillMC.
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  • Boris Johnson!
  • mick_r
    Full Member

    Deputy speaker Nigel Evans is the Lancashire Conservative.

    Can’t quite believe how he started years ago as a Lib Dem then somehow transposed to being a Conservative doing thumbs up photos with the UKIP leader at Manchester Town Hall on EU referendum night 🙁

    Full Member

    started years ago as a Lib Dem then somehow transposed to being a Conservative

    Standard, politics seems to be about career and money, not politics. It’s just a job to them. A well paid one with great benefits.

    Full Member

    There isn’t any such thing as PMQs any more. TBH I wish Starmer would respond to that, and not just like Blackford did but really go into a session ready to go to town. Find the ideal question, when you don’t get an answer, ask it again, and again, maybe. Do a Paxman. Game out the responses and have quick take-downs before going back to “here’s the question again since you’ve not answered it. Do you not know the answer? You should.” “My constituent Mrs Y wants to know the answer. So do I, so do millions of people. Why are you afraid to tell teh british public the answer?” That sort of thing. Make a whole episode not about the questions, but about the Questions.

    Full Member

    The knives will be out

    Free Member

    Determined to do something useful with the day I’ve been cataloging and clearing old drives and I found a bunch of photos of BJ reading one of my titles on his campaign bus.
    This was the most flattering of the bunch.


    Full Member

    Outstanding interview by Hannah Miller

    Full Member

    Very disappointed with Susie Fowler-Watt’s interview with Joris today on Look East. She gave him a soap-box, which is inexcusable for a journalist in my opinion.

    Free Member

    An embarrassing interview on Look North (Yorkshire version), announces “large investment” in Leeds hospitals and when asked how much doesn’t have the figures to hand. Usual bluster ensues.

    Full Member

    I take it that in a desperate attempt to pretend he’s running the country Johnson has been on a media blitz

    Full Member

    That interview with Hannah Miller was excruciating tbh. The way he just keeps on confidently giving wrong answers and doesn’t even seem to realise what’s happening

    Full Member

    We had a jovial chat about NHS investment on East Midlands Today as well 🙄

    Full Member

    I thought the best thing about the interview was telling us it’s all gone wrong because ‘we’ all got complacent

    Imagine being accused of complacency by the laziest, most complacent, incompetent man in UK

    He’s just trolling us now

    Free Member

    The Hannah Miller interview on Granada is exactly how to interview Johnson, short concise, relevant questions and doesn’t allow him to waffle some long winded reply with a bit of Latin thrown in. If he had been held up to scrutiny like this more often, things might have looked a bit different today.

    Free Member

    ^ ‘Scrutiny’ is so yesteryear

    Free Member

    it’s like a child giving a book report not having read the book.

    Full Member

    ‘Science will ride to our rescue eventually.’ Does this actually mean anything?

    Full Member

    If he had been held up to scrutiny like this more often, things might have looked a bit different today.

    Boris’s innate sense of entitlement means he doesn’t do scrutiny.

    Born to rule, after all.

    He only did these interviews yesterday because the rumblings from the Tory backbenches about him going AWOL all the time have become impossible to ignore. He wouldn’t normally even bother then, but at the same time they’re all cooing over Rishi, and he knows all too well what ruthless bastards they are.

    Full Member

    ‘Science will ride to our rescue eventually.’ Does this actually mean anything?

    Yes it means do not expect the government to do anything useful, if it all goes wrong it is on the scientists.

    Free Member
    Full Member

    ‘Science will ride to our rescue eventually.’ Does this actually mean anything?

    Wouldn’t it be good if we could collaborate with scientists across Europe. We should look into that.

    Oh wait a minute… 🤦

    Full Member

    Free Member

    ‘Science will ride to our rescue eventually.’ Does this actually mean anything?

    It means he knows we’re doing badly enough to need rescued, at least, and he knows his government’s not going to do anything about it

    Full Member

    ‘kin Hell

    Every one of these local interviews he’s done has been a car crash

    You’d think his handlers would’ve tried to get him sober first

    Full Member

    ‘kin hell indeed.

    He makes it look so easy ,what a pro.

    Full Member

    I get the impression he’s been rolled iut so people know he still exists.

    It’s evident he doesn’t want to be in front of the cameras.

    This is not the easy ride Premiership he signed up for.

    Full Member

    Aaaand his dad’s apology genuine

    Full Member

    Another one on his gotcha tour

    Full Member

    You couldn’t trust him if he said the sun was going to rise tomorrow.

    He used to enjoy spouting his BS, he doesn’t even seem to derive pleasure from that now.

    Full Member

    I get the feeling that at any moment he will stop mid sentence and say “do you know what, I can’t do this shit any more…..” and walk off into the horizon. He’s not even convincing himself

    Full Member

    Free Member

    **** Johnson.

    Freewheeling, contemptuous, arrogant, lazy, feckless, hypocritical, jazz hat turd that he is.

    All of this (apart from covid) is down to Brexit and the fools that voted for it.

    The UK is an international joke. Well done, Leave voters!

    Free Member

    I see this becoming a new parlour game or rite of passage for aspiring journalists, see who can catch out the PM with the easiest question. Such gotcha questions may include:

    “What does EU stand for?”
    “Is Berwick upon Tweed part of England or Scotland?”
    “What mode of transport did you use to get here”
    “Is it okay to spoon-feed chicken vindaloo to a 6 month old provided you mash it up first?”
    “Can you name the 6 members of the Beatles?”
    “Has Dominic Cummings ever slapped you in the face and made you cry?”

    Free Member

    “Is it okay to spoon-feed chicken vindaloo to a 6 month old provided you mash it up first?”

    Yes. Especially if it is hormone injected, chlorine washed filth that we will soon have a ‘tremendous opportunity’ to import from Uncle Don. It is your patriotic duty, in fact.

    Full Member

    He periodically looked lost and defeated and he is not being helped by his father (is there a trend here?). The problem is it’s their politics that are wrong (privatisation, shrink the state, austerity) so the well-oiled replacement service means that even if he goes there will be no improvement but maybe a more polished presentation of the barefaced lies.

    Full Member

    Being interviewed by Marr this morning, so he’ll get an easier ride

    Full Member

    Yes Kimbers, and he certainly did, unlike the shadow health secretary. To paraphrase; Joris contracted the virus because he, and a great majority of British people are too fat. Fatter than anywhere else in Europe apart from Malta (for some reason! His words) And other waffle about not lying to the British public etc.

    Full Member

    Was he implying that being fat gives you a greater chance of getting it?!

    Free Member

    Yep, because you can’t outrun it.

    Full Member

    I’m not a fan of Rawnsley, being the establishment hack that he is, but this is a corker.

    The education secretary is the only cabinet member with a worse approval rating. That’s the verdict of Tory members on their own prime minister: “not quite as useless as Gavin Williamson”.



    Free Member

    Rawnsley tells it straight.

    All the backbenchers who are now wringing their hands and expressing dissatisfaction were more than happy to hitch a ride on Boris’s Bullshit Bus to get/stay elected. Hypocritical, self-serving nasties only now ‘realise’ what an oaf Johnson is?

    **** off. Do me a favour.

    It is typical of their (well earned) contempt for the electorate that they knew full well enough nobheads would back Johnson because he is ‘a bit of a lad’.

    But the Bullshit Bus is running out of road. Even without covid, the inevitable truth is fast approaching. Brexit is a ****ing stupid, self-harming, pointless act. A pack of lies and bullshit wrapped up in a union jack. No sophistry, ‘statecraft’ (ha), threats, flouncing, begging or whatever can change that.

    A pack of lies, sold by cynics to thickos.

    Full Member

    The Hannah Miller interview on Granada is exactly how to interview Johnson, short concise, relevant questions and doesn’t allow him to waffle some long winded reply with a bit of Latin thrown in. If he had been held up to scrutiny like this more often, things might have looked a bit different today.

    Absolutely this. The contrast with Marr’s gentle lobs and Peston’s windbag meanderings was striking. In fact “Johnson” got slaughtered on all the local news interviews he did last week that I saw.

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