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  • Boris Johnson!
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    And he references the findings of this latest piece of government produced remain propaganda…


    He said…

    We are short of skilled construction workers, and skilled mechanics, and skilled engineers, and we are short of hundreds of thousands of IT experts.

    And it is not as though the market does not require these skills. The market will pay richly.

    The problem is one of supply…

    No shit Sherlock.

    Full Member

    Totally divorced from the consequences of their own actions 🤬

    Full Member

    I love references to “the market”. Whilst some companies are willing to pay for IT specialists many want highly skilled and experienced people to work for peanuts.
    Hence why many got made redundant when the jobs got moved offshore for someone to do cheaper.

    Full Member

    What hope have we got when he doesn’t know the rules:


    Full Member

    Theres a very good reason that every scientist & lab technician thinks brexit & Johnson is very bad idea for UK science

    Full Member

    This picture had been picked up by some of the papers out today in regard to his Covid “management”.

    He looks and is, a total joke.

    How long can he remain as leader? Even January looking a long time away at the moment.

    Full Member

    Can’t even do his shoe laces up. 🙄

    Free Member

    I wonder if deep down after he leaves the job that he’ll realise what a bad PM he’s been. I hope he will and that it eats away at him. Sadly I don’t think he’ll give two hoots and he’ll write books and do tonnes of TV work with the odd day spent on some industry board.

    Free Member

    the look of a mam out of his depth on a wet pavement.

    Full Member

    the look of a mam out of his depth on a wet pavement.


    Now Prime Minister, *don’t* stand there looking clueless and scratching your head or we all know what picture will be in the papers tomorrow don’t we?!

    Yes Dom, certainly Dom.

    /scratches head.

    Oh FFS…

    Full Member

    I haven’t been a fan of Piers Morgan, but he was pretty good on Good Morning Britain at about 6:40 today. Both Piers and Susanna Reid spent about 20 minutes rubbishing Johnson, and the rest of the Govt. There’s some video of Johnson yesterday in a woodwork lesson, with no masks, no 2m etc (and some rubbish woodworking skills), which they had a go at as well.

    Full Member

    His cake retention is no longer in remission. All the flack Foot and Corbyn got for their sartorial elegance and this walking clothes line gets away with it. It looks like he’s had to scramble a suit from someone else’s wardrobe. The chaotic, unkempt and couldn’t-care-less appearance does however reveal his true essence. I used to think ‘couldn’t tie his own shoe-laces’ was a metaphor.

    Free Member

    I wonder if deep down after he leaves the job that he’ll realise what a bad PM he’s been

    That requires the ability to reflect on the fact you may have done something wrong. That is a skill this guy really doesn’t have. Never says sorry, feels like he needs to say sorry or that there is even a possibility he could be wrong.

    Full Member

    Something of a slapping down for johnson and his cabinet by the Speaker just before PMQs.
    Being explicitly clear that he will not tolerate the disrespect and contempt being regularly shown by johnson & co.
    Speaker 1 – gov 0.

    Full Member

    Marina Hydes description of him as looking like a fly tipped sofa is spot on.

    Full Member

    Something of a slapping down for johnson and his cabinet by the Speaker

    Another just now. “Just a reminder its Prime minster questions not opposition questions”.
    I am curious as to whether he is just shitslinging or whether he really does believe he should have unconditional support from anyone.
    Normally I would think the former but with that Johnson the latter is equally likely.

    Full Member

    “How dare the leader of the opposition ask me any questions… he should just be praising me.”

    Free Member

    Regarding PMQs (live now)

    Johnson 1 – 0 Starmer (Labour leader keep criticising but has nothing new to offer).

    Full Member

    I am curious as to whether he is just shitslinging or whether he really does believe he should have unconditional support from anyone.
    Normally I would think the former but with that Johnson the latter is equally likely.

    There’s the now-famous letter from his former Headmaster to his father that states the latter:

    Also of note in that same article is the last story about him thinking he’d win the piano prize.

    Part of his act in PMQs is undoubtedly distraction-level stuff as well. It does stagger me though that he turns up there every week, gets torn to shreds for not knowing basic policy and then repeats it next week – no effort made to reverse the decline, to do some basic research. It is literally him sitting there showing total disrespect and disdain to absolutely everyone from SKS to Parliament to the overall public. He simply regards it as an embuggerance that he has to endure for an hour and then he goes back to swanning around.

    Full Member

    chewkw, that’s bollocks and you know it.
    johnson and his acolytes have just been forcefully slapped down by the Speaker; that’s the parliamentary equivalent of a punch in the face. He’s effectively put them on notice for attitude and behaviour.
    johnson is unable to answer any of Starmer’s questions but dissembles – something at which he excels.
    Ian Blackford refers to johnson ‘…yapping, bumbling, mumbling’; no tut tut from the Speaker; can’t dispute the facts.
    Speaker 1 – 0 johnson
    Starmer 1 – 0 johnson
    Blackford 1 – 0 johnson

    In your distorted world view, that’s another good day in parliament for the serial shagger, mr infidelity himself.

    Full Member

    He’s effectively put them on notice for attitude and behaviour.

    Out of interest, what’s the sanction if, (likely when!) he he continues to behave in the same way?

    Full Member

    ‘Sniping from the Sidelines‘ is the line Dom has obviously given him to repeat this week.

    I think this was his worst performance yet. And that’s saying something. All he did was repeat pre-prepared soundbites over and over and over

    Full Member

    ‘Sniping from the Sidelines‘ is the line Dom has obviously given him to repeat this week.

    That and “inconsistent support”. Wish they had pointed out that it would help if there was something consistent to support.

    Full Member

    Out of interest, what’s the sanction if, (likely when!) he he continues to behave in the same way?

    At the risk of sounding like hancock – that’s a very good question.
    I don’t know but would be very interested to find out.

    Full Member

    Out of interest, what’s the sanction if, (likely when!) he he continues to behave in the same way?

    MPs can be suspended for a period of time, preumably that could happen here. There’d normally be a vote though, so given the Tory majority that probably wouldn’t happen?


    Full Member

    I was surprised to read this:

    Johnson 1 – 0 Starmer (Labour leader keep criticising but has nothing new to offer).

    Until I saw this:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    chewkw, that’s bollocks trolling as per usual and you know it.


    Do not engage. Repeat do not engage.

    Or killfile.

    Free Member


    The attitude described is that of a textbook narcissist/sociopath

    Full Member

    Out of interest, what’s the sanction if, (likely when!) he he continues to behave in the same way?

    Nothing concrete as far as I am aware but the speaker could direct him to answer the questions when he blusters and thats not a good look at all – and upsetting thre speaker is a bad move – so politically it could be quite damaging and makes good TV

    Starmer asks question
    Johnson Blusters
    Starmer appeals to speaker
    Speaker directs him to answer
    Johnson blusters
    etc etc

    Looking shifty on TV is a real vote killer

    Free Member

    Johnson 1 – 0 Starmer (Labour leader keep criticising but has nothing new to offer).

    Glad I’m not the only one who thought that this was nonsense. All Johnson does is bluster and mumble, whilst repeating the line that he has been given about “sniping from the sidelines”. He answered not one question today and I think that anyone with half a brain, sorry chewkw, could see that.

    Blackford’s description, at a different time with different players, could well have earned him a rebuke however, as frankconway says, you “can’t dispute the facts.”

    Full Member

    anyone with half a brain, sorry chewkw

    That’s being over-generous to our resident troll.

    Full Member

    I liked Blackfords line when Johnson had finally finished blathering some incoherent responce

    “I have no idea what that was, Mr Speaker, but it certainly wasn’t an answer to my question”

    Free Member

    “I have no idea what that was, Mr Speaker, but it certainly wasn’t an answer to my question”


    To be fair to BoZo BoJo, though, I struggle to be coherent when I’m pissed too….

    Full Member

    Wish they had pointed out that it would help if there was something consistent to support.

    I do think that lines like that would reinforce how crap the government is in the public mind. Bkackford seems to be delivering the punches today but may not get the attention they deserve.

    Free Member

    This is good, reminds me of the librarian a few weeks back:

    Full Member

    Did anyone else catch Lindsay Hoyle’s one-liner after johnson’s witterings about Bolton, hospitals – A&E specifcally.
    I paraphrase…’I hope that includes Chorley’ which is his constituency.
    He’s used it before to jab at hancock when he’s given windy answers which include references to A&E and ‘…our brave NHS’.
    That’s the Speaker off johnson’s christmas card list.

    Free Member

    That’s the Speaker off johnson’s christmas card list.

    It’s everyone who is tainted by association. Hoyle is a conservative, everyone knows that, and people are probably asking him how exactly this oaf of a PM represents him personally.

    Full Member

    dannyh – Hoyle is labour so johnson does not represent him; he may have conservative, small c, views.

    Free Member

    dannyh – Hoyle is labour so johnson does not represent him; he may have conservative, small c, views.


    Thanks for trying to save me a bit of face – I’m just plain wrong on this one, though!

    Free Member

    They don’t let you into the Tory party with a regional accent as strong as Hoyle’s!

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