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  • Awesome Good Looking People You just Dont Get
  • trailwagger
    Free Member

    People who are generally considered attractive by the masses, but not by you.

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    Julia Roberts. Or is it Juliet Roberts? Anyway, the actress not the diva.

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    This is a slightly odd one…

    Carrie from Sex in the City, who admittedly is a character rather than a real person, but bear with me, because, and I don’t know if it’s lighting, make-up clothes, type of camera or what – but she looks different to Sarah Jessica Parker, not so much as you can’t tell they’re the same person, but different, I think SJP is a really attractive person, perhaps because she seems nice and Carrie is a bit of a dick, but still.

    My Wife, and most of my female friends have from time to time mentioned how she looks AMAZING, but I think this sums up how Men and Women look at female beauty differently (or maybe how people who fancy women and people who fancy men look at women, but again bear with me).


    Reminds me of:

    My wife says “oh, she’s so thin/fit” “she’s got this make-up” or “those shoes” or “that dress” – it’s like they, Dr. Frankenstein style, took a collection of really good bits and stuck them together, but collectively it’s a bit of a dogs dinner.

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    Cameron Diaz on the female front

    and Benedict Cumberbatch on the male front

    Free Member

    Ageed on Cumberbatch

    On the female front..Cate Blanchet..And all the weird looking cat walk models

    Also myself..I’m told I’m devastatingly dashing, but pehaps I’m too modest to see it..:-)

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    Kate Moss

    Must say I don’t ever recall hearing or reading anyone say that Uma, SJP, Diaz or Benedict Cummerbund were good looking though. Usually the opposite.

    Free Member

    Must say I don’t ever recall hearing or reading anyone say that Uma, SJP, Diaz or Benedict Cummerbund were good looking though. Usually the opposite.

    I think Cameron Diaz would be considered good looking by the majority, but happy to be corrected.

    Full Member

    You’ve never heard anyone say Diaz was good looking? You must socialise with some higher hopers.

    Full Member

    I just don’t get it. Even her voice grates a bit.
    Never got Brad Pitt either, he just looks like a rough red neck to me.

    Free Member

    Jennifer Aniston. Nope. Just don’t get it.

    A bit too smug and genuinely not very funny; I imagine she carries around her own canned laughter generator.

    Edit: totally agreed on Cumberbatch – one day I hope they release a movie that he’s not in.

    Free Member

    Camercon Diaz, poor girl, I mean she tries bless her, but she’s no oil painting. 😉

    Free Member

    but she looks different to Sarah Jessica Parker

    Like when she was in Flight of the Navigator?

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    You’ve never heard anyone say Diaz was good looking? You must socialise with some higher hopers.

    Not sure what a ‘higher hoper’ is, but no, I can’t recall anyone saying she’s good looking. Maybe it’s an older generation thing?

    Free Member

    Agree 200% with Jennifer Anniston. Here’s another pic of her to remind us all:

    Free Member

    Not sure what a ‘higher hoper’ is, but no, I can’t recall anyone saying she’s good looking. Maybe it’s an older generation thing?

    I don’t think it’s unfair to say she was clearly regarded in the media as an exceptionally beautiful actress, especially when she first appeared in the 1990s (The Mask etc).

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    Yup she was pretty stunning in The Mask.

    Free Member

    Not sure what a ‘higher hoper’ is, but no, I can’t recall anyone saying she’s good looking. Maybe it’s an older generation thing?

    So is Retro83 calling us old? 😕 😆
    If so how old are you? Does the 83 give it away? If so, I’m not that much older than you, which dispels the older generation thing. To be fair, to be a Hollywood actress, being exceptionally beautiful is the norm rather than the exception is it not? Her career was based on her looks, at least at the beginning. Who do you recall as being described as ‘good looking’?

    Free Member

    You lot are mad: Diaz is lovely.

    I agree about SJP, though: I can’t stand her, or anything she’s been in.

    Free Member

    trailwagger – Member

    I think Cameron Diaz would be considered good looking by the majority, but happy to be corrected.

    IIRC, although never hitting the top slot, she was (over the years) the most voted for in FHM’s annual 100 sexiest list at one point.

    ETA: FHM is pornography for those that don’t have the balls to reach up for top shelf grot, I was just reading it in the waiting room.

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    That girl with the ginger, in the US cop show where she has a photographic memory…

    Cant remember her name, does nothing for me.

    Full Member

    Just dont get for the right reasons and im not alone – strangely alluring but not sure why, just dont get it…

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    When you get to 50 pretty much anyone under 44 is looking good* 😉

    *Except for over-made-up fake-tanned perma-pouters with fake beaubs and real cankles. I feel mean saying it.

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    That girl with the ginger, in the US cop show where she has a photographic memory…

    Definition of irony.

    Free Member

    Diaz is tall and has a nice Ronson.

    Uma Thurman is tall and has a nice Ronson

    Free Member

    Jennifer Aniston has her finer points ..especially in Friends ..

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    Free Member

    Diaz when she first popped on the scene: Lovely.
    Diaz for the last decade: Way too skinny.

    On the other hand: Sandra Bullock. In Speed (left) way too cutesy.

    Now (right),

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Sandra Bullock. In Speed (left) way too. Cutesy.


    Full Member

    Watched The Holiday last night (the missus made me, and I get to choose the Xmas eve film, suggestions welcome). Apart from the obvious which is that Jude Law is way overrated (applies to both looks and acting) and Kate Winslet isn’t as good looking as you think she is (& is out acted as a comedy angst-ridden middle class Englishwoman by Renee Zellweger of all people), the real conundrum was Diaz. In some shots she was drop dead gorgeous. In others it looked like they were using the wide mouthed frog as a body double..
    All things considered I’ll stick with drop dead. Anyone who uses man juice as hair gel is alright in my book.
    In terms of the original thread I’ll throw Shane MacGowan into the mix, just don’t see it myself..

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    What funkrodent says about Diaz reminds me of this clip from Seinfeld:


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