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  • Avengers: Endgame
  • emac65
    Free Member

    To get me to sit still for over 3hrs(we got there 30 mins before it started) with stupid tinted 3d glasses on, then it would have to be something pretty f****ing amazing………..& it was !
    Went to bed with a big daft cheesy grin on my face, loved it !

    Free Member

    @boomerlives – looks like someone has been triggered 🤣

    Free Member

    Suggestion: spoilers? Use the spoiler tag to hide them?
    Eg. 😊

    Spoiler for
    who was the kid by the house at the end funeral scene?
    Free Member

    Not seen it yet, but expecting Thanos to survive, move to Gloucestershire and join Extinction Rebellion…

    Free Member

    Suggestion: spoilers? Use the spoiler tag to hide them?

    Suggestion: That’s a very good suggestion, but it’s not obvious from the toolbar exactly how to do that so it would be much more helpful to explain the details than to just show the end result.

    Free Member

    Suggestion: Could a mod add spoilers to the thread title maybe?

    Free Member

    it’s not obvious from the toolbar exactly how to do that

    Well, if you can use tags… the square brackets? It’s the same as all the others.

    You put spoiler in the square brackets… then the spoiler, then close the tag with square brackets with /spoiler inside.

    Free Member

    It’s the same as all the others.

    Not exactly. First you have to know that there’s a feature that has an associated tag, which is not obvious in the case of spoilers. Things that are in the toolbar are obviously available. Things that are not in the toolbar are not obviously available. Secondly, each one has a different tag, so they’re not all the same. If you don’t know the code, it’s not actually obvious.

    Free Member

    Ive waited 10 years to watch Endgame and lucky for us most of Marvels big films have landed on my Lad birthday weekend , hes 15 today and boy what a present he got today, no disappointment was had.
    I spent the first hour with wet eyes be it sadness or joy , giggling like a kid at the dialogue and hi fiving my daughter and the winning bits. Best make an evening free to watch it again with her shes 10 and loved it. The only low points the all to convenient “meeting” between Start and Bre at the beginning . and the headache from trying to work out the finer points of temporal mechanics ..

    Free Member

    I thought it was ok. Preferred Infinity War. It was quite a big build up to the end fight and I thought it was quite disjointed. Thor was hilarious though.

    Free Member

    The only low points the all to convenient “meeting” between Start and Bre at the beginning

    Had you seen the end credits bit in Captain Marvel?

    (Sort of spoiler…very very very minor)

    Spoiler for
    If not, or had forgotten, she showed up to Cap & Co at Avengers HQ. Timing of that is pre-Endgame so I assume they told her that he was out there somewhere and she flew around a bit until finding him….or something like that….
    Free Member

    and hi fiving my daughter …

    Bloody glad I wasn’t sat behind someone like you at the cinema!

    Free Member

    Not exactly

    Bleedin hell. My sincerest apologies! Wish I’d never **** suggested it 🙄

    Free Member

    @ Speed.. yes twice 🙂

    what some like me enjoying a film with my family and 10 year old Rocket fan .. so what

    Full Member

    I thought it was ok. Preferred Infinity War. It was quite a big build up to the end fight and I thought it was quite disjointed. Thor was hilarious though

    Agreed. It’s not as pure and controlled cinematic experience as IW and not as well written, preferring to opt for ho-hum plot mechanics to get the story where they need it to be.

    There are good things about it, and it delivers but it’s just not as good of a film.

    IW is a five star experience. EG a four.

    However, satisfying everyone is an unenviable task. It still has lots of excellent moments and I think it warrants a second viewing.

    Full Member


    Really enjoyed it but i thought Antmans daughter looked the same age as him. In the last movie i thought she was about 10, add on the 5 years and give or take she should be a teenager. She looked about 30 to me.

    And at the end when they were all together saying a certain goodbye to a certain someone by the river who was the youngish lad near the back?

    As others have said it certainly did not feel like 3hrs and there was silence at the sad quiet bit, you could of heard a pin drop.

    Free Member

    who was the youngish lad near the back?

    Spoiler for
    Re watch Iron Man 3, it’s Harley Keener
    Free Member

    I thought the youngish lad might be the kid from iron man 3, but didn’t see him for long enough to be sure
    Then wondered if it was the same kid that was on the bike that Antman spoke to when he first got out the quantum realm. They seemed to linger on him a bit at the time, but I wasn’t sure why
    Also thought maybe I didn’t pay enough attention and it was only Peter Parker
    Think I might need to rewatch that scene 😂

    Free Member

    Played by the same actor too

    Free Member

    The kid at the funeral of Tony that no one knew, is actually the kid from Iron Man 3 who helped Tony. Rumors are that he might be “Iron Lad”

    Free Member

    $1.2bn in 5 days 😳 Beating the previous record first weeks’ takings, held by Infinity War, by $360m.

    Just as well, as I’m sure the credits get longer with each film 😃

    Free Member

    Wow, just WOW. I can’t remember the last time I had a physical and emotional response to a “action movie” like that. What a great way to round off the series, but where do Marvel go next? the accountants will want more, and I don’t think they will be happy with a spin off here and there.

    Free Member

    Saw it this morning. Absolutely fantastic. Felt almost perfectly balanced, funny, emotional – far less action than I expected, but it worked fabulously well.

    The investment in making us care about this huge cast of characters over the past 10 years just gives you a massive payoff.

    Free Member


    Am I the only one on the planet that was really disappointed with this film?. I’ve watched all the Marvel films avidly and was expecting it to be at least as good as Infinity War. But it just didn’t do it for me.
    There was no Hulk v Thanos rematch (which I’m sure most people were expecting), infact yet again Hulk wasn’t in it enough. The most powerful Avenger, Captain Marvel was also only in it for very brief periods. I felt the first 1-2hrs was too slow and wasted too much time reassembling the characters. The Thor and Iron Man v Thanos battle near the end was good, but after that the rest of the battle sequence felt disjointed.

    Sorry Disney/Marvel, but this was the worst Avengers film and really feel quite let down by it.

    Full Member

    Yeah, was a bit disappointing with all the build up, was just a bit disjointed the way the world had worked out, the plan and so on, it felt like a few movies thrown together, there was some bits that reminded me of lord of the rings, and other bits that reminded me of game of thrones, i guess they boxed themselves into a corner a bit, the other bit i struggled with was how some of the characters appeared to be way more powerful, or weaker than in previous films.

    Free Member

    Yeah, was a bit disappointing with all the build up, was just a bit disjointed the way the world had worked out, the plan and so on, it felt like a few movies thrown together, there was some bits that reminded me of lord of the rings, and other bits that reminded me of game of thrones, i guess they boxed themselves into a corner a bit, the other bit i struggled with was how some of the characters appeared to be way more powerful, or weaker than in previous films.

    Glad someone else agrees, my brother was even more disappointed with it than me. I think your reference to Lord of the Rings makes sense and perhaps they were trying to appeal to a younger/broader audience.

    Free Member

    There was no Hulk v Thanos rematch
    Thor and Iron Man v Thanos

    Yeah.. moar fites needed!
    The fights are the worst bit! so dull.

    Full Member



    There was no Hulk v Thanos rematch (which I’m sure most people were expecting)

    Joe Russo says that Hulk was just done with Banner essentially using him as a convenient brute force, and not letting him out otherwise- which ties in with the whole professor hulk thing.

    Have to admit, I did prefer the PTSD theory- that Hulk’s not recovered from getting so effortlessly pasted by Thanos, and doesn’t want to come out in case it happens again.

    Full Member

    Am I the only one on the planet that was really disappointed with this film?

    Yeah, it’s at least 30 mins too long.  Takes an hour to get going, has 90 mins of story then half an hour of goodbyes.  Fine if you’re a die-hard Marvel fan but as someone going to be entertained it felt stretched out.  It’s a decent superhero action movie but it doesn’t really do anything different to most of its predecessors.

    Free Member

    I loved it, for lots of reasons.
    For the h8rs who either
    a) didn’t get what they expected and didn’t like it OR
    b) got exactly what they expected and didn’t like it:
    heres an interview with the writers:


    Full Member


    I have to confess, I was a little underwhelmed by Endgame. Perhaps because Infinity war was so good and the reviews of Endgame were so high, I expected…more, but the whole time travel thing just seemed to come too easy, the stones gathered too easily, handled directly by both the Hulk and Hawkeye. Also, how is Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet almost as powerful as Thanos with it?

    Maybe a second watch will allow me to review it on its own merits, rather than through comparison.

    Full Member

    A couple of ladies at work were very disappointed. They are Chris Hemsworth fans!!

    Full Member



    Also, how is Thanos without the Infinity Gauntlet almost as powerful as Thanos with it?

    We saw Thanos and co without the complete gauntlet kill half of all living asgardians, defeating Loki, Heimdall and Thor and presumably Korg and then battering Hulk, in Infinity War… And the stones only gathered easily because they were already gathered.

    Free Member

    That NY Times link above sucks. Seems I have to register and log in to the NYT to read the frikkin article, which is the sort of behaviour which makes me want a fully loaded gauntlet… Snap! 😁

    Full Member

    Finally seen it last night and loved it great entertainment. Remarkably I avoided all spoilers so had no idea what was coming at the start.

    Bloody glad I wasn’t sat behind someone like you at the cinema!

    Careful you’ll end up taking my crown.

    Free Member

    That was properly ace! The bit where Cap did that thing with the thing was brill and the online gaming bit was really funny.

    Free Member

    Careful you’ll end up taking my crown.

    I just hide it better 😉
    Seriously though, it’s a public cinema, other people are there, watching, trying to be absorbed, totally involved in a film. Waving your arms about and generally be an inconsiderate arse should be kept in the home.

    Full Member

    I really enjoyed it, especially the first 2 acts. But the third act, the final showdown, was really clunkily written. With the reviews and how well the first 2/3rds of the film progressed I just thought it was leading to something more, so was left a little flat. It wasn’t that it was bad, just that it could have been more, but it didn’t feel like a 3 hour film

    Free Member

    I saw it today, wife was really looking forward to it and we rewatched Infinity War the other week.

    Unfortunately, and this is just our opinion….. Twas crap. I’m pretty sure the reviews have been paid for because it is in no way a five star film. It’s not even the best Avengers film. I was never really the biggest Marvel fanatic going in but I enjoyed them. This for me was just a bit flat to be honest

    Full Member

    After dodging spoilers from the kids at school all week I saw it this afternoon.

    Loved it.

    Thought it was a fitting end to this crop of Marvel movies. I guess it’s mixed opinions here as it isn’t a full-on fists and fights superhero film. Felt more at times like a character-driven piece that just happened to involve superpowers. Granted the final battle seemed a bit rushed/contrived/there just to get everyone a bit of screentime (I’d maybe have had the big battle first and then have Thanos left alone to fight the three amigos).

    The fact that the Russos managed to tie up pretty much every story arc was an impressive piece of structuring even if the actual writing took a few short cuts at times.

    Glad that they pretty much avoided Danvers Ex Machina – they could even have arguably left her out of the final battle too and still got to the same place.

    Liked the way that one character was ‘killed off’ at the end without actually having to kill him, and nice nod to the fans having both potential successors there with him.

    Genuinely think that, along with Logan, this is the superhero film coming of age a bit.

    My other gauge is that my wife (who can take or leave superhero films) loved it, and shed more than a few tears at the funeral scene.

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