I think we have to be clear with some of the information on here.
yes its is possible to OD. You stop breathing as it supresses the breathing reflex. a shot of naran and you are right as rain.
How many smack heads have naran or even know how to administer it and at what doses?
Again as ernie says it’s the illegality of it that leads to variable purity and thus ODs
In some cases but ODs are also from people trying to get a harder hit or getting clean for a bit and then taking the same dose levels they had built up over time. “pure” gear still kills people.
People can’t live well with heroin,no matter how “clean” it is. The William Burroughs argument is an old one. Read his books and look at his life and see how happy he was as a junkie.
If you inject you run the risk of infections, scaring and amputations. Also running out of veins so injecting in your feet groin etcetera. If you smoke it you get traces of sticky smack in your lungs. If you are a regular user you will walking a fine line of not rattling or being too numb to enjoy and appreciate life. You run the risk of arrest of house raids and are propping up a cruel aspect of the criminal world. It will be expensive and finding a stable balance is impossible.
Addiction to anything can leed to physiological disorders, family break ups, poor quiality of live and death. All rather sad just for a nice warm glow and a clean high, for a bit.