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  • Any employment law experts on here….
  • takisawa2
    Full Member

    Probably not the only one given the current economic climate, but my company look like they are going to impose a 4 day week.
    (We only work 1/2 day on a Friday anyway)
    This basically means a 10% reduction in take home pay.

    Anyone know much about the legalities behind the such a change being imposed ?
    Anything we should be looking for as far as negotiations go…?

    Should it be negotiated for a fixed term ? Company are saying 12 months but could end sooner.

    Clauses such as “Unless business conditions dictate otherwise” have been banded about, I mean, whats to stop the whole management team, or certain other more unscrupulous authoritative figures deciding that they need to be in work ?

    Seems ripe for corruption. A few years ago we were forced to take a week off, either without pay or by making up unpaid overtime afterward’s, a lot of areas (self-managed) their overtime & didn’t make the hours up.

    Any advice ?


    Full Member

    We’re going through the same thing here. Except it looks like our directors are cutting our salaries and not their own… 😡

    Free Member

    You probably could fight it but would the company not just pay people off if you won.

    Free Member

    The company does not have the right to change your terms and conditions without consultation / negotiation.

    However they can make you redundant. So can give you the choice of accept this or have no job.


    Free Member

    There was a big article on this in either the Guardian or Observer this weekend.

    Free Member

    as tj says – they should go through a consultation process. But there comes a period of reflection on your and other employees parts – do you want 10% less take-home, or do you want the potential of no take-home.

    Right now I’m happy that I have a job.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I work a 4 day week already,but last week the company have decided to cut our pay by 10 % , they went through the correct channels to do so and have given us all 30 days notice to end our present contract and sign the new one on a lower rate … if we refuse to sign our new contract ,then your making yourself unemployed !! ….. got you totally by the balls … sign or lose yer job ..

    Lifes s**t

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