Probably not the only one given the current economic climate, but my company look like they are going to impose a 4 day week.
(We only work 1/2 day on a Friday anyway)
This basically means a 10% reduction in take home pay.
Anyone know much about the legalities behind the such a change being imposed ?
Anything we should be looking for as far as negotiations go…?
Should it be negotiated for a fixed term ? Company are saying 12 months but could end sooner.
Clauses such as “Unless business conditions dictate otherwise” have been banded about, I mean, whats to stop the whole management team, or certain other more unscrupulous authoritative figures deciding that they need to be in work ?
Seems ripe for corruption. A few years ago we were forced to take a week off, either without pay or by making up unpaid overtime afterward’s, a lot of areas (self-managed) their overtime & didn’t make the hours up.
Any advice ?