TandemJeremy – Member
Its only sour grapes from me. I’m still disappointed how poor Scotland were. 2000 was the last time Scotland won owt IIRC
TJ, don’t be too depressed. IMO, and my opinion only probably, there was very little to choose between any of the 6N teams.
Forward pass here, shocking yellow card there, home advantage, crap refs (even Jiffy was complaining about SH refs on ScrumV). The difference between Wales (for instance) winning the 6N and coming 4th was 6 tries*
Now, I wouldn’t expect Italy to win the 6N, but they came close enough to beating more teams than just France. Scotland similarly lost games they could/should have won. A different ref, or even a slightly different ‘interpretation’ of the lawbook and Scotland may have beaten England, Ireland may have beaten Wales, and so on.
All credit to England. They almost won a GS and deserved to win the 6N. Just. But at the end of the competition there weren’t many teams holding their heads high.
England were worse at the end than the start.
Ireland were far better but why couldn’t they find that form weeks ago?
Wales look so badly set up it’s hard to believe that they’ll get out of the group stages of the WC.
Scotland keep looking as if the can take the next step. But then select Dan Parks in the next game.
Italy – most improved? Probably.
France. trying out the Welsh Improvement and Disaster-a-Week Management Plan. They should have been playing for the GS on Saturday, but forgot to win the week before.
* And to be fair, they were 6 tries that Wales couldn’t have scored if they’d been playing against my local primary school.