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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    @sandboy – congratulations!!  I actually had a couple of days off before the 16th Sept just for a break :-)

    I was out in the snow again. Popped down to the Uath Lochan via the Speyside Way, stopped at Loch Insh Boathouse for food and drink (and a chance to warm up) then back via Drakes Bothy.

    It was overcast most of the day with very, very low cloud and snow/sleet showers flitting through. I did get one short burst of blue sky

    Only two weeks to go. Seems to have flown by.

    Free Member

    Eyup, no idea what day we are on and I’ve missed pretty much 2 weeks of specific workouts, maybe even more.

    Life got hectic due to finding a house we wanted to buy. This meant a huge amount of time and effort to get the current house on the market and so that has consumed all my time. Alongside child related worries, I have been mentally exhausted most days and mostly have had no time.

    House is now up for sale and the desperate job of keeping it ship shape is ongoing, to ensure the viewers that come round aren’t disgusted by my methods of living and therefore want to buy my house.

    Today I managed to get the first targeted workout since my last update, and I hope to make this continue. One thing I’ve noticed (as per last year) is that I’m sacrificing time on the drums or doing hobby related stuff in favour of exercising. So I will be changing that as I find it frustrating.

    Full Member

    Attempted an ascent of Alpe Du Zwift this morning, aiming for 175w for each section. Managed to get to hairpin 11 ok but blew up halfway to 10 so stopped there. Still a solid 50 minute workout though and gives me an aim to work at over the next few weeks.

    Free Member

    Couple of hours of a walk today, wire from yesterday’s workout haha


    Full Member

    Day 87 – snowy bimble with Mrs S

    About 30cm of snow now in the Glenmore area. It’s not been too trodden so still fine for walking on.

    Not-so-Green Lochan


    Meall a Bhuachaille

    One for @fazzini

    Sun sets early now so easy to catch these sunlit hillsides.

    Just before Mrs S lost her hat (we found it again)

    Full Member

    Lovely photos above.
    LAst few days have been walks to fit round work.

    Got out this morning, fog in Sheffield but transient blue sky at Burbage (which disappeared for photos!)



    Free Member

    A couple hours hike and exercises along the Tees.Sort of Newport Bridge to the Transporter.Lots of ducks on the river,which I’ve never seen before.I guess all the ponds are frozen.My body and mind feel like hibernating but I,m fighting it.
    Big thanks to @scotroutes and @AndrewL for keeping us all going with their beautiful pics.

    Full Member

    loving the pics on this thread. some lovely places you guys get to ride (and swim) ! (all my pics on my strava activities)

    Haven’t posted my activities for a few weeks, as my activities are all a bit indoorsy and routine esp when compared to the activities posted on this thread. But for completeness here’s todays:

    Day 89 – 2.4km swim in 51 minutes

    I’ve mainly been alternating or combining a long pool swim, hour on the turbo, long walks every day. I did miss one day – Day 75 (november 29th) as time completely ran away from me. But I have been doing an hour to hour and a half regularly every day, so overall I’m doing ok.

    Unless my date maths is off, there are only 11 days to go after today.

    Superb job by all who have made it this far, I cannot believe I’ve made it this far. I do feel a lot better for it.

    Free Member

    Fail today😔.Unless somebody can think up an extremely relaxing, half an hour,pre bed exercise idea for me!😃

    Free Member


    Missed yesterday, still too sore from Saturdays workout and house needed cleaning again for a viewing today (house is now sold all being well).

    Did half an hour of upper body and core workout this evening though. Keen to keep up the progress I’ve made in the previous couple of months.

    Had an MOT through work last week, measuring body and visceral fat, cholesterol etc. At 184cm tall and a smidge under 83kg apparently I’m healthy but top end of healthy. Body fat however is around 5% high at 24.6%. visceral fat is good at 7% and cholesterol is marginally above healthy so all good.
    However, now I know I’m a big fat bastard, I’m going to work towards losing that 5% and get into the healthy band of body fat for my age of 35.
    After Christmas at least.

    Free Member

    Made it…30 minute yt video.Feel a bit awake now though.Sub zero bike ride tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Good effort

    Full Member

    One for @fazzini

    Cheers @scotroutes 😁 lovely pics everyone. The Green Lochan certainly looks a bit different to when I was there in May.

    Full Member

    Feeling a bit perkier than last few days so got out for another slow ride.

    The lesson of the ride is that a 180mm rotor is just close enough in size to a 200mm rotor to give a bit of pad overlap – so that if you are being dopey you can do half a ride before you realise you have the wrong front wheel on the bike and are then very careful on all the remaining descents!

    a nice bit of wall
    a nice wall

    Totley Moss Trig point
    totley moss trig

    hope everyone else is OK and managing to get some bits done in or out.

    Full Member

    Great pictures. One day I’ll find the motivation to post some!

    I’ve done several more ebike rides over the last week or so, including the or four very cold and snowy Peak rides. I did take my old Solaris to the Cotic ride out, but couldn’t hack the pace!
    I’m finding that things are getting a bit harder now… The chemo has caused peripheral neuropathy, so my hands and feet are a bit painful. Feels like the nails are coming off 😕

    Chemo round 5 tomorrow, so it will probably be back to gentle walks for a few days.

    Nearly there folks 👍

    Full Member

    Good luck with the chemo @stanley. I hope it doesn’t hit you too hard.

    Domestic “issues” have kept me close to home for the past three days so it’s mostly been Zwift/yoga. However, Mrs S and I had to do some shopping earlier so rather than drive into town we walked and then had the opportunity to stop off for a beer – and then dinner – at the Balavoulin.   I’m counting that as a double win!

    Only 10 days to go!!!

    Full Member

    Best wishes with the chemo @stanley!

    I’ve been keeping up with this (excluding one sort of fail day in Amsterdam a month back) but I fear today is the last day I really keep up… tomorrow and Friday I’ve got two office parties, and Saturday I’ve got to drive to my MiL’s village. Realistically I can’t see it happening. I could try and do a 30min yoga session while pretending to work, but I’d be faking it and that’s not my style. Come Christmas Day I’ll have done more than 100 sessions of exercise, but the idea of 100 continuous days I’m afraid isn’t going to happen. C’est la vie.

    So, best wishes to everyone who’s still in. As usual I’ve really enjoyed @scotroutes’ photos, as well as anyone else who’s posted. I’ll certainly keep following the thread, and hope to see more reports of fun and adventures despite the cold!

    Full Member

    It’s really impressive what you’re getting out and doing @stanley. Make sure you’re keeping well wrapped up and your core / hands & feet warm especially with the neuropathy and this cold weather.

    Good luck to all for the last few days.

    Free Member

    Keep going @stanley and keep warm out there.
    I did a couple of hours along the river.It was nearly frozen over at the Stockton end.Coming home tonight it was -9C on my bike(windchill included).I kind of got the feeling my concentration and reactions weren’t as good as usual.Must work on my cold weather cycling skills.
    Battle on folks

    Full Member

    Turned out nice again.

    top of burbage

    Full Member

    Chemo round 5 tomorrow, so it will probably be back to gentle walks for a few days

    good luck with the treatment. Impressive that you’re doing that and this 100 day challenge.

    As for me, yesterday was a fail, managed to get to work around the many train strikes in London no probs and thought I’d be ok to get on the turbo later, but by the time I’d got back home, I had to collect my child from not too far away, but damn traffic took up my remaining free time and I then decided I’d had enough and watched the France WC game.

    Today is back to normal
    Day 91 early doors swim 2.4 km in 49 minutes and then at lunchtime, nice frosty walk with my daughters and wombat, 3.3 km walk in 44 minutes.

    Not long to go now !

    I’m finding it relatively comfortable enough that I’m considering keeping it going. I may change my mind on Christmas Day.

    Full Member

    Day 91. After 3 days of being restricted to “barrack duties” I was intent on getting out on the fatbike again. As it happens, it’s Corrour Station Restaurants last weekend of the season so that seemed like a great objective.

    I wasn’t sure that the roads were even going to be passable but I got there OK and set off up the hill. Some low cloud was obscuring the view but not too bad.

    Clearer skies from the south. Although it was around minus 3c at this point, the climb and the direct sun meant I’d had to strip off my outer jacket.

    There was a cold descent in the shade to get down to Loch Ossian.

    Quick look back before arriving at the station

    Train strikes, the season and the conditions meant I was the only paying customer today. Double venison lorne…

    Full Member

    Day 91 – Part 2 (forum software won’t let me post all the photos at once)

    No hurry to return as I wanted to get some of the fading light later in the afternoon.

    Using the drone as a “long tripod” for a couple of selfies. The first is from a still in “follow me” mode.

    I was right about the fading light. This is one for @tjagain – looking over to Lochan na h-Earba.

    As the sun continued to set I found myself pedalling slower and slower. Eventually I stepped off the bike and just stood, eyes closed, deep breathing for 5-10 minutes.

    Had to get this shot on the way back home. We don’t really get sunsets in Aviemore so this was a real treat.

    Free Member

    Cracking photos as ever.
    I’ll be out for a walk tomorrow, potentially shove myself on the bike if I can muster up the courage.
    Last night was nothing but tonight got a bodyweight workout done.

    Full Member

    Out for a run this morning. Crunchy trails, snow-laden trees, frozen lochs.

    Just to prove I’m not shooting in B&W :-)

    I went out thinking I might make it 10km, if I could manage it. Ended up doing 12km in a decent time (given the conditions) and feeling like I could have carried on. This exercise malarkey might have something going for it!

    Full Member

    Great pics @scotroutes

    This exercise malarkey might have something going for it!

    You might be on to something there.

    Day #92 swim 3km in 65 minutes and then a cold walk out with wombat and my daughters. No pics.

    Free Member

    Morning mooch up to Darwen tower. A walk and views I never get tired of!
    Certainly not the best in the world but not bad for a few miles up a hill



    Full Member

    That looked like a grand day out to Corrour Station @scotroutes.

    That’s a lovely view from Darwen tower @keefezza

    I got another ride in yesterday in the lovely frosty blue sky weather.

    Today the rain has returned. Will get out for a walk later.

    Full Member

    Page 3! Updates are slowing down.

    The Great Thaw is on so outdoor surfaces are a lovely combination of hard-packed snow/ice covered with water. Really not pleasant.

    Saturday’s exercise was some yoga, stretching out the legs and back in particular. Sunday was a couple of hours on Zwift, doing some badge hunting and working towards Level 27.

    6 days to go!

    Full Member

    Day 93 – turbo session 29 km in 60 minutes
    Day 94 – 2 mile swim in 80 minutes, and much later a 30 minute walk with the dog for a leisurely 2km. In my defence I was knackered from the swim.
    Day 95 – turbo session 29km in 60 minutes

    Once this is complete, I should be in good enough shape to actually start a proper bike training program.

    Only 5 days left !

    Free Member

    close to two weeks lost due to a nasty cold…

    D95 – commuting to work, PR’s set on the way home due to the tail wind :)
    D94 Traditional Pre-Christmas Bike Ride, 18miles off road, had to extend the route twice as conditions are (were) so fast we were in danger of finishing before the pub opened!

    D91 – Thursday Night Bike Ride – no idea if the image will work, not even on my own feed EDIT – while it shows for me, if it doesnt for the rest of you, please say..

    hoping to finish this with 80 plus days completed – will be happy, particularly by picking back up after a fail, I owe you all thanks for the support and motivation that makes that possible.

    Free Member

    50 minutes, Seniors Chair exercises with Sharon!🙆‍♂️I did a harder version whilst following along.Nice loosener for the bike ride tomorrow.My achilles issues seem a good bit less this winter.Well done all.

    Free Member

    You could always add a couple of weeks on @soobalias.

    Full Member

    Trot after work yesterday with the headtorch. Walk round Eyam today with visiting family.


    abney moor

    Full Member

    Day 96, swim at lunchtime 2km in 43 minutes. Swimming is a bit boring, but it’s getting me fitter and got me through this challenge.

    4 days to go.

    Full Member

    Back in Loch Morlich this morning – with the pros!

    Air temp 4C – water temp 1.8C :-)

    And then a 7km run this afternoon, at a Garmin-stipulated 6:30 km pace.

    Full Member

    Great pics again @scotroutes. Still going although missed another day last week. Think that’s 5 or 6 missed overall but c’est la vie.

    Did get a nice snow ride in with Mrs Blitz on Saturday

    Well done all

    Full Member

    Really good to see how many of you are still going and even in single digits of missed day! Sadly I’ve had a very bad run of missed days due to work so I’ve now missed my chance of beating my previous worst total of 74 days. With luck I’ll be able to make it to 70 by the end.

    Free Member

    Colin, that mate of yours in the shorts looks bloody frozen!75 minute bike ride along the Tees made interesting by the fight in Stockton library.No pics just use your imagination.Anybody having any problems with battery packs or lights in the cold.Mine seem a bit temperamental at the moment.

    Full Member

    Day 97 – 4 km swim in 90 minutes, been trying to get to 4km in a single session for the last 5 weeks, glad I made it before the end of this challenge.

    Great pics @scotroutes

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