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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas
  • AndrewL
    Full Member

    Bit of a ride this afternoon after working in the morning

    looking back to great hucklow

    Weather not too bad at all.

    Full Member

    Lovely dyke!

    Weather was pretty foul here today so I fired up Zwift and ticked off the badges for both 100km and for 25 laps of the volcano.

    The final three days are going to be tough as I’ll have to work around a night out/away and Xmas preparations. Day 98 might be a couple of hours of Highland Dancing!

    Free Member

    ^Is that bloke in his Wham shorts still alive.Guess he must of defrosted by now.

    Free Member

    D97 – gym sesh on the way out of work, tomorrow is thursday night ride, friday and saturday are going to require planning and motivation….

    Full Member

    Day 98 – turbo session 28.8 km in 60 minutes.

    The next two days are going to be interesting keeping this going, may involve some very early starts.

    Full Member

    I made it out for a run at lunchtime, so that’s day 98 ticked off. Only 7km but I bumped into a friend out riding and “wasted” 25 minutes chatting. That made the second half of the run a bit less comfortable than it should have been. I always find the first 2-3km a bit meh!

    Random forest photo

    Full Member

    I like the woodland near Aviemore. It’s a really nice place to be.

    Drizzly here most of the day. I got out for a ride this evening and delivered Christmas cards on a loop via bits of woodland.

    Nearly there now!

    Full Member

    Day 99 !

    Day 99 – Swim 2.42 km in 52 minutes.

    Last session tomorrow, I think I’m actually going to miss doing this every day.

    I’ve only missed 2 days, but overall I’m way over the 30 minutes a day in total, which I’m so happy about.

    I know there’s one day still go, so not over just yet, but to everyone still doing this at this stage – really bloody well done.

    Full Member

    Well, the wheels finally fell off!
    Round 5 of the chemo has completely done me in. I’ve only managed one short walk over the last week. Side effects are now too numerous and too great to mention!

    At least attempting this has probably slowed down the slide a little bit. Just one more cycle in January, then 20 cycles of radiotherapy and hopefully I can start building up again. Being “able bodied” again feels a long time off at the moment. But I’ll get there eventually.

    Hope to see some of you out and about next year.

    All the best to everyone here 👍

    Full Member

    Good luck Stanley..hope you feel more lively in the New Year.

    I had a great windsurfing session for day 99….the sea temp has dropped so quickly 😱

    Full Member

    Aw @stanley, sorry to hear about that reaction. I know that Mrs S had a couple of bad ones too ( I had to deal with the consequences :-)  ). Hope it doesn’t spoil the festive period too much for you.

    For day 99 I took the drone for a walk, surveying some old paths and tracks. It was too cold to be standing about in the open though. I either need to wait for warmer weather (which would improve battery life somewhat) or wrap up in extra layers.

    Here’s a random overhead shot

    This evening was spent doing some more Yoga with Kassandra. It was a de-stressing session as much as a stretching one!

    Full Member

    First time on the bike in 3 weeks this morning. Been feeling sorry for myself due to working away, colds, weather, fluey rubbish blah blah blah. Then I get to read @stanley’s posts and realise I need to give myself a shake, have a bit of a word with myself in the corner facing the wall, and stop being such a softy.
    Merry Christmas everyone, well done on your individual achievements, and a special festive mention to anyone suffering, struggling, or just persevering through any challenges you have. Hope the end of this year and next year bring whatever it is you need. 🎄🎅

    Free Member

    so the plan was to celebrate D100 with a christmas deliveries ride… then my dad sent a pic of what im supposed to collect, and its not going to fit in a single pannier.

    I dropped days for work, family and sick, but picked myself up and got back to it, I had a couple of training sessions canx at short notice and managed to motivate myself enough to go home, grab gym kit and head back out to get it done… generally impressed with myself, moreso now ive had a count on strava and find that ive logged 100 phys sessions total!

    what i learned – its easy to overdo it, but having a focus that got me from ‘clocks go back’ to ‘winter solstice’ was good.

    Full Member

    @stanley Sorry to hear you’re not having a good time with the treatment, the wheels will be back on soon.

    Day 100, made it.. I had it in my head to go for it in Day 100s effort, this mornings swim, there’s only an hour after the centre opens and before the aqua aerobics crew get in the pool.

    Day 100 – swim, 2.64 km in 53 minutes, which is .64 km further in the same time, from when I started this challenge. 100 days of exercise until Christmas – Done.

    It’s been a lot tougher than I’d imagined, but has been brilliant for changing my routine and attitude to getting up and about; getting me back into shape and getting rid of the malingering crap leftover from covid and pneumonia from last year.

    Merry Xmas and job well done to all who took part in this.

    Free Member

    @stanley hope 2023 sees you bounce back to health. Having a positive attitude to these things can be a big help and sounds like you have what it takes.

    Woo hoo, 100 days completed. To be honest I would (like most on here I guess) have exercised on most of those days anyway but where this has been great is in making me do something on the recovery days, usually half an hour of stretches or yoga, or even a short walk.

    I’ve also gone out (not for long admittedly) on some days where the weather was miserable. And I know it’s an old cliche but once I was out I always felt better for it.

    Happy Christmas everyone.

    Full Member

    Have I miscounted?
    I’m on 99 today. Convinced I’ve done every day, some better than others.

    Free Member

    @ajaydoubleyou – the point of the challenge is it ends on Christmas Eve! It’s very easy to miscount, this is the first year I haven’t.

    I’ve chipped away at it – mostly mountain biking the last couple of weeks. Those -9 days last week were pretty intense but I rode through them.

    Finished with my traditional Christmas finish when I’m at my folks’ in Yorkshire – the descent from Cartworth Moor to Yateholme. Unfortunately my Strathpuffer training meant I had to combine it with some horrible intervals and now I’m wrecked. I’d better have a nap before I go to the pub tonight.

    IMG_20221224_102233_TIMEBURST87 by Luke Bradley[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    Done….finished off with another run with the mutt. I’ve really enjoyed it this time, and it’s got me started running again…hope no can continue that injury free.

    Congratulations to everyone who joined in..and happy Christmas 🎄

    Ps as per usual I’ll do a little bit of exercise tomorrow…has become a tradition 😂

    Free Member

    Well I’ve missed quite a few days these last few weeks but the habit and desire to exercise is well and truly in place. Got a last home workout done this morning before a couple of days of eating and drinking.
    Will be straight back on with it and more drumming all being well.

    Stanley, be proud of what you’ve been able to continue doing despite what you are going through. I maintain my stance that you are an inspiration and I hope your healing journey improves continually from here on.

    Merry Christmas all 🎉

    Free Member

    Congratulations and well done everybody.Day 98 here!🤷‍♂️😄 went for a walk for half an hour after a heavy sesh.

    Full Member

    @ajaydoubleyou – the point of the challenge is it ends on Christmas Eve! It’s very easy to miscount, this is the first year I haven’t

    Gah, I’d labelled two day 68’s!

    Technically I’ve completed it now but all my Strava friends* will laugh if I don’t do a day 100. Early run tomorrow morning I think.

    *pretty sure most have blocked me as I’ve posted every banal activity public this autumn so it counted in the stw group.

    Full Member

    Ride today for day 100. Note ride accessory is capped by a full pastry disc, breached only by regulation fork produced vent holes.

    Well done all. Especially Stanley.

    Full Member

    Woo and, indeed Hoo!!!

    100 days completed without a miss.

    Today was a wee ride up to a local hilltop which I reckon has one of the best views in the Strath.

    Trails were damp, but not muddy, bumped into some friends, chilled away from the madness that is Xmas, and there’s surprisingly(?) not too many other folk on the trails. All in all, a good end to the challenge.

    Looking back, it seems like this is a great way of forcing me to make the best of those last days of Summer, for getting me out when the weather goes a bit “soft” and for keeping me going when the Winter starts to bite. I’ve used all sorts of activities to keep it going, including those yoga, weight and stretching sessions that I know I need to do more of. I’ve entered a running event for 2023 and I’m hoping my current level of fitness doesn’t deteriorate too much before I start building up to that,

    Big thanks to; Luke (@munrobiker) for first introducing this annual event to STW, @houns for (ironically) starting us off this year before disappearing into the void, all the other participants whether you made it through all 100 days or not – it was great to see/hear what other folk were getting up to, and @stanley for purely being an inspiration.

    I would also like to thank Aviemore Tourist Board for their ongoing sponsorship :-)

    Free Member

    Congrats and thanks to @scotroutes for keeping this going.

    Full Member

    Have been a silent watcher to this thread, well done all. Park run for me today and park run again tomorrow by insistent daughters. Should be fun. Choir today was nice (Dewsbury- there are dome decent parts)

    Full Member

    Note ride accessory

    Is Endura Windchill gloves??? 😂 Nice pie though 👍🏻

    Full Member

    That is an uncanny level of glove spotting skills!

    Full Member

    Congratulations to all who’ve managed it – and particularly Stanley, of course! In the end I missed 5 days, not that I’m too bothered. I’ll make them up next year :)

    Anyway today we went for a trail run, 27km on the border between Madrid and Guadalajara province with the last few km next to “Las Cárcavas”. I’d seen photos of the place, but in person it’s pretty spectacular. It’s all this very soft sandstone that’s been massively eroded, leaving a lunar landscape that reminds me of Cappadocia in Turkey. Unfortunately it was a bit misty today, so the photos are nowhere up to Scotroutes’ standards…


    Happy Christmas all!

    Full Member

    That is an uncanny level of glove spotting skills!

    Nearly missed them I was so distracted by the pie 😁

    Full Member

    Lovely looking landscape mogrim.

    I know it’s kind of day 101, but am home alone as other half at work and family arrive at lunchtime

    Quick run this morning.

    Happy Christmas all and thanks for the updates, photos and sharing adventures.

    Main thanks to hector my cat who has done sterling work on Strava for me this year. It helps to put the catflap on out only and the miles just rack up!

    A well earned rest now.


    Full Member

    Merry Xmas folks!

    Free Member

    Day 99 an hours walk.

    Full Member

    Merry Christmas @scotroutes – loving the festive swimcap 😂

    Free Member

    🥳Day 100 for me.Two hour hike round parks and gardens.An easy finish with a KFC thrown in!Might do some yoga before bed.Well done to you all.💪

    Full Member

    Well done to all. Read this thread in admiration, especially Stanley. Meanwhile I’ve sat on my backside and done zilch, BUT have been massively inspired. Thanks all.
    As such I’ve entered a big run event in 23 way beyond my capabilities. Decided plagiarism is best option. 99 days to Easter from NY day. I’m on my own but that’s what I’ll be doing thanks to input and inspiration from from you all.

    Free Member

    Might join you mate.Need all the motivation I can get.

    Full Member

    Yep, motivation is key and the thread has given me lots. The stories, pictures, commitment and of course, achievement.
    99 days days should be a bit easier 😅.

    Full Member

    It’s nearly that time again. Who’s in?

    Full Member

    Coming to the end of a lazy and unhealthy holiday so might well join in.

    Free Member

    In. Fatter than I’ve ever been, motivation minimal. Going to start this lunchtime with a yomp up the fell. When’s the official start date 15th?

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