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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    That’s quite an assumption :-)

    Full Member

    Never done anything like this before but last 18mths have been rough and my fitness has taken a dive and my belly taken a boost in size, need a kick up the arse so lets do this.

    Same here, have completely fallen off the exercise wagon thaes last 2 years. Have gone from cycling to work 4 days a week and going for a ride at least once but usually twice on the other 3 days to the occasional ride maybe twice a month. Will probably only manage half the days but the motivation will do it for me so I’m in.

    Full Member

    I’m in. New job last September has crucified my fitness, a 10km run was a breeze 12 months ago. Now it’s something to be taken seriously so action is required.

    Full Member

    I’m in

    Full Member

    100% in. Since getting an Ebike I have noticed a real drop off in aerobic fitness and at least 2 kgs of weight gain. I am someone who needs motivation so really hope I can keep it up. Do we have to set goals/targets or have any sort of spreadsheet like the chub-club?

    Full Member


    I think we are one in the same person, honestly its strange could have written that myself lol.

    Full Member

    Is there a minimum standard we are supposed to adhere to and does one or both of jumping to conclusions or running up a bar tab count 😏

    Another one in. 🙂

    Full Member

    Is there a minimum standard we are supposed to adhere to

    30 minutes of exercise extra to anything you would already do like walking the dog or a short commute. It is accepted that at times life does get in the way and an occasional day off is inevitable.
    This challenge provides the added motivation to do something when you really don’t feel like it.

    Full Member

    I’m in, separation last year killed routine for me, but I have a handle on life again for this year and need to get into myself back onto the regular exercise routine, I’ve found it too easy to not do anything this year.

    30minutes of sit ups and press ups when I don’t get on a bike. I do need to make the non bike days more fun…

    Free Member

    I’ll attempt this again.
    I may not do 30 mins each day but I’ll aim to do something.
    I did start doing Joe Wicks HIIT workouts via YouTube, which are anything from 10 to 30 mins. Found them to be a pretty good workout but stopped recently to give my wrist a bit more rest and then life got in the way. It also gives me a deadline to get the decorating/deep cleaning done and out the way.
    I’ll probably end up doing a lot of walks and a lot of Joe Wicks but that’s a lot of what I’m not doing now.

    Anything is better than nothing.

    Full Member

    Go on then.
    – And with that kind of go getting attitude, I’m bound to do well :-)

    Strava group sounds good too.

    Full Member

    I’m in. Bloody hot weather and holidays over the summer have been no good for my already poor fitness levels…

    Full Member

    I’ve set up a Strava Club – STW-100DEB4X-2022

    Free Member

    I’m in too.

    Full Member

    Is there a minimum standard we are supposed to adhere to

    The 30 minutes thing is a guideline – as long as you reckon you’ve done some exercise, you’re good. But it needs to be a bit of a challenge, so just doing 5 pressups every morning and saying you’re done goes a bit against the spirit of the thing!

    Full Member

    My aim is to either ride outdoors, do an early morning sufferfest on the static bike or 30 mins of yoga every day.

    Full Member

    Dammit. I need the motivation. If nothing else, it will persuade me to take a bvreak from work now and again

    Full Member

    Just spotted the thread at 11pm last night, so I managed my 100 press-ups and 100 squats before midnight, and I’ll put that with walking the dog for day one. Started a list on my shopping list app on my phone to nudge me a bit more.

    Full Member

    I’ll do it again this year. It will give me more reasons to escape the DIY abyss.

    Full Member

    day one

    Day one is next week!

    Free Member

    I gym, cycle and/or swim daily anyway. I assumed most did on here

    I’d rather slam my testicles in a door than go to the gym.

    Full Member

    I’m in, could do with a push in getting back to fitness

    Full Member

    down to once a week cycling at the moment, need some motivation!

    Full Member

    100 press-ups and 100 squats

    Add in 100 sit ups and a 10km run and you will following the training routine Saitama from ‘One Punch Man’ follows.
    I might try for a quarter of the above numbers?

    Full Member

    Day one is next week

    Oops. Have now installed my Santa countdown.

    Free Member

    Right, I’m in as well. I’ve never signed up for any social challenge like this but I need to shift the belly and get fit for next Spring.

    Full Member

    I’d rather slam my testicles in a door than go to the gym.

    For 30 minutes, for 100 days?

    Free Member

    Putting in the preparation here. McDonald’s for tea, rum for pudding and just had a bed time buttered scone. Hench.

    Full Member

    I’d rather slam my testicles in a door than go to the gym.

    I suppose that’s also a form of exercise. You won’t need the gym you can do that in your car.

    Full Member

    Righto, I’m up for this.
    Not wanting to bang on about it, but having metastatic prostate cancer and starting chemo on the 21st, I need plenty of goals to pull me through.

    No pressure but if I can do this… you lot can :-)

    Full Member

    I’m in again. I’ve done this for the past 2 years and have ended up missing days throughout. Mostly due to going off like a frog in a sock, and running out of steam. I’ll try and get the pacing better this year. I’m recovering from shoulder surgery, so the motivation will be nice. But I’m going to be limited in what I can do. I know I can do at least one thing one-handed. Slam my balls in a door. I’m somewhat ambitiously going to try to lose 10kg over these 100 days.

    Full Member

    I’m going to give this a shot. Loved it the first year I tried it but failed miserably last year due to a dodgy knee! Still have knee trouble but need to shift the 10kgs I’ve put on recently!!

    Full Member

    Clicked on this and relieved to find I’m not too late to join.
    100 days of calf muscle strengthening would be more accurate. I tore it earlier in the year, did the physio for a while, thought it felt better and stopped. Some long descents recently have suggested otherwise 😞

    Full Member

    When does it start?

    Full Member

    I’m in, didn’t really work for me previously but I’m pretty locked in to Pilates 4/5 days per week now which work for days when running/biking is off the cards.

    Full Member

    Starts 16th September.

    Full Member

    Brillo, ta. :)

    Free Member

    Returning from a STW sabbatical and happy to be back in time for this.

    I started stretching/yoga regularly back in June and now WANT to do it everyday but I don’t always accomplish that. Hoping this little challenge will get me over the hump.

    May I take this opportunity to encourage you to make stretching/yoga part of your exercise game plan over the next 100 days. As a 47 year old fella I feel fantastic for it. Not just in body but also in mind … I just feel so calm recently, its wonderful (and I haven’t even got into the mediation side of yoga, just the physical) It’s low impact and doesn’t knacker you out, in fact I find it energizing.

    Anybody wondering whether they could do this challenge in a boarder sense allow me to give you a tip…. Get way from thinking about WORKING OUT !! Beasting yourself every day for the next 100 days isn’t the idea. Do enough to get a little sweat on but not too much
    that you can’t go again the next day.

    Good Luck

    Full Member

    Do you go to a class? If it’s anything online, colour me interested! :) I get back pain from WFH and being sedentary, but have started just walking to the bottom of the garden and back every hour, gets me a few minutes away from the screen and I feel the benefit already of not just sitting all day long. :)

    Full Member

    As above I’ll do a 30mins recovery ride on wahoo as a rest day but still enough to raise the HRM. Tbf usually stick in a yoga 15min to.

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