Home Forums Chat Forum 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023

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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Late home from work yesterday so just fitted in a 45 ride then had PT today so got a good session in. Going well so far!

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    Another Zwift interval session 30 mins hard labour.😅

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    Facefull of cold. Managed a 50:50 walk run of 6.5km with dogs. Actually averaged 7min30s/km with 200m of ascent so an ok dog walk

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    Another home work out, feel I need to step it up a bit to match others on here

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    Day 7 – took a detour on the commute home, so got an extra hour in on quiet lanes and paths. Even managed to dodge a few downpours, just lots of surface water.
    Legs felt really tired, which makes sense given that it’s the end of a week with plenty of activity for once!
    On to the next week it is.

    Full Member

    @rockbus – very much depends on your starting point. I think most of us are just trying to do a wee bit over-and-above our normal routine. Don’t feel forced into pushing too much too early. It’s not a sprint.

    Full Member

    30 min Zwift last night and a 30 min bike commute today. Zwift was on the Elite powered rollers which made for entertainment. Power was 40W over my Assioma so I am a Zwift racing god (maybe) 🤣

    Full Member

    @rockbus – active recovery still counts. Your body will tell you when you need an easy day, it’s unlikely anyone can be expected to go flat out for 100 days!
    30 minutes stretching or using a foam roller, or a 30 minute stroll around the block. It’s all good!
    This challenge is definitely more a marathon than a sprint and the real challenge starts when the nights draw in and the weather turns.

    Full Member

    lunchtime skateboard session

    still can’t olie

    Full Member

    6. Went for 45 min walk to the gym and joined up!

    7. 30 min walk then a 40 min gym sesh!

    Full Member

    @bonni – good going if you’ve already cut the walk time to the gym by 33%!!

    Full Member

    Finished touring week today with a 35m ride home from the Train. Have to start making things up tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Was lured into dinner when I got home which combined with the rain scuppered my bike ride. Still went out for a walk which I wouldn’t have done if not for this. Walked past the local leisure centre to check on yoga classes, there’s one on Sunday mornings which might suit, been meaning to do Yoga for years. If this gets me into Yoga and I can make it a regular thing then it’ll have been worth it for that.

    Full Member

    @scotroutes – well spotted! Yes, I managed to reduce my time drooling in the takeaway window to 20 mins. Progress!

    Full Member

    4th ever Park Run completed today and second one of my ‘local’ones. Rising Sun Country Park. Very nice too 😁. Might go for a walk later too…or might just watch rugby and drink wine…don’t wish to peak too soon 🤔

    Full Member

    Slight spanner in the works. I took a daft zero speed tumble on the bike yesterday. Fell awkwardly down a slope and managed to get the bike wrapped around my leg! It was a bit sore, but thought nothing of it and carried on round with no real issues. Last night my knee started to really hurt and kept me awake until I took some painkillers. This is the knee I had ACL reconstruction surgery on 10 months ago!

    Pretty sure I haven’t bust my ACL again as my knee is still stable, it’s just swollen and sore. I went for a very slow walk this morning and that eased it off a bit and was 40 mins – so I’m still in!

    It’s going to clip my wings a bit for at least a couple of weeks I think, but I’m determined to carry on. More upper body in the gym or single leg stuff on the good side for a while.  Maybe some swimming too.

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    Take it steady, but total respect for pushing on 👏

    Free Member

    Day 8: parkrun

    Free Member

    blokeuptheroad – everyone says swimming…. i reckon that sounds better than single leg stuff, which may exacerbate an imbalance but IANAPhysio

    Week 1

    mix of running (first run in months, maybe years…… suffered for that for 2 days)
    swimming (gps managed to clock me at 97yds over 32mins!  i know it was rough but even so)
    and bike rides.
    Went on holiday with friends D2-D7 so quite impressed i managed to eek out the time.

    D8 – somewhere between catching up sleep, shopping and catching up with family, im keen to get a proper ride in….. lets see how the day pans out tho

    Full Member

    2 hour road bike ride today, tougher than it should’ve been!

    Full Member

    Oh bugger, I read the thread title as 10 days. I was doing really well on that too.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>^ LOL.</p>

    Full Member

    skateboard again

    getting a cold though ☹️

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    Todays big plan was a longer run – 18km or thereabouts – but I woke up with tired legs and just couldn’t face it.

    I had a wee wander up to Loch Vaa this afternoon, taking the drone. Water level is veery low at the moment so it was a good opportunity to scout out the crannog* which is normally submerged. This one is thought to be only 1,000 or so years old, though it could be on the site of a much older structure.

    * artificial island.

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    Gym and yoga later!!

    Full Member

    2 hour dog walk this afternoon, home just as rugby is starting. Now to ruin the hard work with a few ciders from the fridge.

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    I must admit that the momentum and wanting to stay committed to this has seen me doing a longer dog walk after work some days.

    Its tempting to go mad as i feel better than i have in ages, but there is still a long way to go.

    Well done all for doing the first week in style.

    Full Member

    Day 6 and another Zwift interval session. Currently demolishing beer and curry, ying and yang.😬😅

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    Day 8 (week 2 already!): 45 mins Zwift; total sweatfest. Gentle walk to the shops the long way as a warm down.
    No way I’d normally have done that today after a hectic week at work, so that’s something.

    Full Member

    Day 8 was an hour of yoga.

    Full Member

    Patterdale to Howtown along the ullswater way. About 9k, 2 1/2 hours walking. Ullswater steamer back to Glenriding then a few pints and fish and chips at the White Lion in Patterdale. Noice!

    Full Member

    Day #8 – turbo 26.6 km in 50 minutes.

    I’d planned to go swimming, but overslept so missed the early doors lanes session, thought I’d go whilst my daughter was at rowing at midday – mistake bloody pool was full of kids and the lanes all had some very slow swimmers and some plonkers walking up and down ffs.
    I left as there was no way I was going to be able to plough up and down, returned home and very nearly sacked today off 100%. Checked the time and did 50 mins on the turbo instead.
    I’m not a fan of doing the same activity on consecutive days, but have to keep going – as that’s what the thread / challenge is about.

    Full Member

    30 min full body workout at the gym today followed by stretching.

    I’ve toned down what I usually do so instead of a 60 min class I’m just doing half, instead of a long ride I’ll keep it shorter. I usually try to exercise 3 to 4 times a week and there’s no way I could keep going for 100 days without starting a bit steadier as I usually really need my rest days!

    Free Member

    Just walks the last two days, will up the ante tomorrow

    Kirkby moor wind farm this afternoon

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    8. Had a pretty active day with domestic chores, but still got in a decent 5 kn walk and some yoga/stretches.

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    Due to go on a big(ish) ride tomorrow and the weather looks crap. So spent an hour popping the mudguards on the hardtail, popping on some wet lube, then a fun game of find the lights and waterproofs before a quick spin out to this evening to check it’s all working.

    Full Member

    Very nearly had a fail today, got so caught up in doing other stuff that I didn’t remember I hadn’t done anything to qualify until 23:30! A quick Pace Partner ride on Zwift has saved the day (it’s pissing it down outside otherwise I’d have gone for a walk).

    Seeing as it started on Day 8 I’ll count it.

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    Return of the man flu. Felt like death all day and nearly ended up bailing on the challenge.
    Went to collect a takeaway for dinner but they were rushed off their feet so instead of sitting in the car to wait I dragged myself around the town for a half hour walk!

    The curry was well worth the wait.

    Full Member

    I’ve decided to not too hung on this as I have in a previous year. Not logging to Strava etc as I know I’ve got a lot going on at the moment, and I don’t need the mental pressure. However it has been a good background motivation to move more as July and August were pretty lacking. So far I’ve done:

    Day 1: Took my Dad out on his new e-Mtb

    Day 2: walk with my Mum

    Day 3: walk with p20 after work – not sure if this was really half an hour of walking but he’s got long covid so it’s about being outside together

    Day 4: weights session and walk with p20

    Day 5: swim and walk with p20

    Day 6: cycle to work (my default is the train so an hours cycle counts for me)

    Day 7: weights again

    Day 8: local mtb ride (was feeling the fatigue)

    Day 9: longer walk with p20 (hopefully).

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    As asaht, I’m not logging everything this year, just rides. I have a lot of life stuff swirling round at the moment, some stressful, some joyous.

    I had to count a dog walk for Friday, but was an extra one for my four legged friend.

    Late bike ride again last night, swimming this morning.

    Free Member

    Day 9: walk to/from junior parkrun again

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