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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Maybe didnthurt needs to do 30 mins of mental exercise everyday. I work outside so get a fair amount of exercise already but I’d still like to be a bit fitter and healthier and at this time of year it’s quite tempting just to get indoors and eat biscuits etc at the end of a hard day.

    Full Member

    Really enjoyed last night’s ride in the smir although any heavier and it’d have been turbo time.

    Full Member

    Yesterday I threw a barbell and dumbbells about for an hour.

    This morning I’m just back from a 5k run. Feeling a bit sore in my right hip so I’m hoping I haven’t aggravated anything that will cause my Sciatica. Might have to shelve the running for a while?

    Its way too windy for riding.

    Full Member


    Some 25% of adults are currently deemed to be inactive in England, with more than 11 million doing less than 30 minutes of total activity in a week.

    I doubt we’re reaching many of that 11 million on this forum but every little helps.

    Full Member

    Sorry, what I should have said, do people who post regularly on a mountain bike forum not do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day? Mountain biking is a tough physical activity which in order to do needs a decent base level of fitness, how are you getting this fitness by not being active?

    I do understand that some people who are seriously ill or are 24/7 carers will struggle to do this.

    Nice one replying there @stevenmenmuir to my question by implying that I might have a mental health issue.

    If this helps motivate people to be active during the dark and cold months then I’m all for it. But it’s not really a challenge for a fit and active mountain biker, is it?

    Full Member


    I’ve been riding what people would call mountain biking about about once every couple of months or so, probably lees than that for the past year or so. I ride gravel/xc probably 2 or 3 times a month, now I rarely ride to work (WFH or site most of the time). I haven’t riden my road bike for about a year. I’m not a full time carer or ill, I’m just a lazy sod who seems to let stuff get in the way of stuff I want to do. I do have a wife and kids, and we do things together most of the time, they are not all into bikes and my wife would prefer a walk most of the time, so we do that more.

    Some times I just like to flake out after work. Sometimes i’m on a piss up weekend with mates or family and don’t really get anything done.

    This thread and the challenge is hopefully going to help me turn the corner I’ve been trying to turn for a while now and get some fitness back.

    I still won’t ride MTB every week, but I’ll be doing other things.

    Please don’t come on here and spoil this thread like lots of others on STW get spoiled. This is suppposed to be motivational, if you don’t need to do it, then good for you. People doing this think they need it though, the why doesn’t really matter.

    Free Member

    <span style=”caret-color: #000000; color: #000000; font-family: Roboto, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Arial, ‘Noto Sans’, sans-serif, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, ‘Apple Color Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Emoji’, ‘Segoe UI Symbol’, ‘Noto Color Emoji’; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;”>Sorry, what I should have said, do people who post regularly on a mountain bike forum not do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day? </span>

    No. Hope that helps

    Full Member

    People have all sorts of different situations, with work, caring duties, health (mental and physical).

    With the nights closing in and weather getting worse it’s definitely good to have the nudge and an extra reason to get out.

    It’s not doing anyone any harm and hopefully many will get some benefit.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t suggesting mental health issues, I was suggesting that if you’d thought about it for a minute you might have realised not everybody on a mountain bike forum is as fit or healthy as they’d like.

    Full Member


    I appreciated your honest post, I really hope that you do turn a corner with your fitness/health.

    Apologies if my comments have been taken as a personal attack on some folk off here as it wasn’t meant to be.

    Full Member

    But it’s not really a challenge for a fit and active mountain biker, is it?

    I think the issue causing your confusion is assuming everyone is in a similar situation to you. STW has people from all ages,  walks of life and levels of fitness. Including quite a few who openly admit to not riding mtb.

    I’m approaching 60, I have had a run of bad health recently, including ACL reconstruction surgery, an accidental head injury requiring repeated surgery and a cancer diagnosis (not life threatening atm).

    I have always been reasonably fit and active, but recent accident, illness hospital time and resulting anxiety have really knocked that sideways.  Things have improved in recent months, but little motivators like this thread, or committing to riding with mates when I otherwise cba are really helpful to me.

    Also – it’s the ‘every day’ bit I really like. Even at my fittest in my 20s and 30s, I don’t think I ever exercised every single day without at least a few rest days, for over 3 months.

    It’s pissing down here now, a grey, miserable, depressing day. I am about to reluctantly gather some stuff into my gym bag and go and bash the treadmill for 40 mins. I really don’t want to, but know I’ll feel better for it. If it wasn’t for this thread there’s a good chance I’d skive off it.

    Free Member

    I went for a walk last night in between the rain showers which I wouldn’t have done without this to motivate me. Although the last two nights have just been 30-40 min walks it’s probably helped with the pain and stiffness after my long walk on Sunday.

    Full Member

    @ didnthurt no worries, cheers. I was hoping it was genuine rather than trolling.

    Full Member

    @didnthurt I typed my post above, whilst you posted this:

    Apologies if my comments have been taken as a personal attack on some folk off here as it wasn’t meant to be.

    My opening line seems a tad harsh in light of that. Apols.

    Full Member

    Anyway, getting back to it.

    Day #5 – 3.7 km swim in 83 minutes, before work.

    Think that’ll do for today, just got to stay awake and attentive at work now.

    Full Member


    An hour out with the hound today trying to wear him out before the inevitable downpours.

    Also managed to squeeze in a half hour trail run and no sign of the back pain returning.

    Now the turbo is set up and I’ve signed up for Rouvy, I may even have a play on there later to see how it all works.

    Full Member

    5/100.  20 mins deep stretching, 15 mins planks and other core stuff, 30 mins treadmill.

    Full Member

    Day 5. Lovely walk along Loch Morar and a wee skinny dip. Sods law, a boat came past as I was knee-deep, gently tottering over the rocks.


    Free Member

    Day 4 ended up being a 5km as it felt ok. Got lost a fair few times but covered 5km in 28.50. First time I’ve had a go at 5km since a knee operation last year so delighted to be under 30mins. Was at 25mins pre op with plenty of training and not getting lost so sub 25 seems gettable if I can lose weight and not get lost!

    Day 5 was 1hr of boxing circuits 🤢🤢

    Gentle turbo session tonight

    Full Member

    Day 5: I rode to work and back on my bicycle – 23 km each way. It’s starting to get colder in the mornings.

    Full Member

    @scotroutes those are some great pictures! 👍  Thanks for sparing us the skinny dipping ones.

    Full Member

    As I was scroling down, I was dreading what the next of scotroutes pics was going to show!!

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    Full Member

    Rest commute today. I think that the key point is 30 min every day, not an average of 30 min per day. Otherwise last night’s club ride of 3.5 hours would mean I am done for the week by Tuesday. That’s not how it works. Fit mtb/road biker or not. And the dog is on bed rest too :-(

    Full Member

    15 mile coffee ride done today.  My legs still hurt from walking.

    Full Member

    Been stuck on a Zoom training day today, same tomorrow, so going to have to do a Zwift session both days.

    Just what I want after staring at a computer screen for 7 hours whilst trying to resist (and failing) the biscuits, staring at a computer screen whilst pretending to rid a bike up a hill 🤣

    Full Member

    Don’t think I’d logged yesterday on here so:

    Day 4 – 8km, 1hr run with the running club. I’m coming back from more or less 6 weeks off with a calf injury, so a nice steady run where nothing twinged or grumbled was a massive positive.

    Day 5 – 3km, 35min walk at lunchtime. Didn’t even buy anything unhealthy at the Co-op to balance it out 😉

    And I’m out at a talk on ‘Philosophy for Runners’ this evening, so I’ll be listening to people talk ankle running, at least. Probably doesn’t count though :)

    And to the ‘don’t people on a bike forum do 30mins a day?’: I’m pretty fit and healthy, I race multi-day multisport races, but I don’t necessarily fit in at least half an hour every single day.  Stuff like this, Janathon, RED whatever month etc add a bit of accountability that’s a massive positive. I remember the early days of lockdowns and just how much difference to my physical and mental health two 25min walks, to and from my office, made for me each day.

    Full Member

    Its way too windy for riding.

    I sacked off work due to the weather (fixing cedar shingles on a roof) and got home about 2.30.
    The wind has been building all day and I couldn’t resist a 10 mile out and back ride across the fens. I was struggling in my lowest gears pushing 9 mph into the wind and then spinning out in top gear at 33 mph on the way back.
    We have no big climbs so I do try to make the most of windy days!

    Free Member


    30 mins of Beatsaber – yes, yes it does count!

    The disclaimer says it’s a physical activity

    Full Member

    Over an hour of walking in heavy rain. Toasty under Gore-Tex, and back home for chai. Perfect.

    Full Member

    Another home weight work out- hated it, does it ever get enjoyable?!

    Free Member

    Day 5: Yoga first thing from an app – not 30mins so did some improvised kitchen weights this evening.

    ‘beatsaber’? Is that a euphemism???

    Full Member

    Was going to swim but session not open till 9.15pm, mind you I could just step outside in my trunks and flop into the gutter with weather like this, can I stomach 30 mins of indoor exercises, time to find out…

    Full Member

    2nd dog walk of the day, this one was extended and faster and an hour long.

    Feel crap today, think I’ve gone off slightly too hard and not had enough sleep, so slowed it down a bit today. Early night tonight. Maybe go swimming tomorrow.

    Free Member


    “Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music as they fly towards you, surrounded by a futuristic world.”

    Free Member

    Another late one, had plans but didn’t materialise. So 15 mins of kata + 30 mins of weight/body weight circuits. Have done a set of chins every time I’ve walked past the bar today too. Still too fat for pulls though😭

    Full Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>5. Managed only a 30 minute walk. I had been travelling for 13 hours beforehand, so not going to apologise for that.</p>

    Free Member

    Another 30-40 min walk for me, total step count for the day was over 15000 and body battery has me at 5%, so it’ll be another evening stroll tomorrow with a bit more resting up then hopefully a nice bike ride on Friday night.

    Full Member

    After a hopeless start (was poorly on day 1 – no beer involved either) and nothing to report except dawgie walks and pupster training for a few days (I TALKED good triathlon and swimming at a tri club committee mtg on Sunday eve, but that was in a pub since our usual Sunday eve  pool sesh has been axed by the new owners/operators of the municipal pool after they bought it out of Administration) .

    I’m not counting the dawgie walks as that’s sort of a regular thing, and not massive distances or hours on end at present as the wee fella is not even 6 months old (wait to he’s grown up and we’ll be out for hours).

    Today… 45 mins of Pilates. Im just back to the classes after misssing it for nearly a year –  part of the plan to  sort a fragile glass that I developed WFH at a living room table during and since covid lockdowns.

    A stand-in teacher this eve, and  she made us work. I was shaking in places that shouldn’t shake when I got home.

    Onwards and thinwards.

    Full Member

    Day 3

    45 mins of Zwifterage.

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