Ooh, I missed this thread starting up again. I started riding to work again last week so technically I think I’m on track.
32 minute walk completed. this might seem nothing, but when you have spent your whole adult life sat on a push bike, walking is a very painful and strange thing to do
After borrowing a trainee guide dog for a few months I was amazed what a difference actually walking properly (i.e. getting my 10,000 steps in as an actual walk, not just mooching between my desk and the photocopier, and then doing decent 2-4 hour walks at the weekend) made to my posture and general mobility.
And more concerningly, 2 weeks since she went off and blinking heck are my back and hips sore! I’m tempted to swap my 2-mile / 15 minute bike commute for a walk a few days a week.