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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Has this thread resulted in anyone else making a change for the good?

    Definitely yes, still keeping on keeping on with the daily exercise of 45 mins or so. Feeling fitter and just better, I do plan a rest day in every 10 days or so which really helps, the rest day is actually a hour or two walking with Willa, rest just means not biking, swimming or running.

    Could be timing, but I felt bloody exhausted after doing the 100 days in 2022 and after 2-3 weeks barely returned to exercising 2-3 times a week and not bothering to get out and move when at work.

    But this time I have kept it going. Must just be slightly more motivated this time. Definitely helps with overall feeling of well being.

    Full Member

    Yes, much like walowiz, still going but with planned rest days (I really do rest though). The Parkour training is going great – my daughter was on school holiday and we just did 7 days straight an hour a day. It’s starting to get a bit scary when she’s climbing along window ledges 3 metres up. I’m looking forward to warmer weather though…

    Full Member

    Since completing this challenge some years back now, I have made it a bit of a habit or commitment to myself. I’m still aiming to exercise for at least an hour every day and probably only had one or two days off since Christmas.
    I’m trying to run first thing every weekday morning for thirty minutes followed by a ride or weights session later on.
    Weekends it’s been bike rides and dog walks. I love it!

    Full Member

    Kudos if you’ve kept going.

    I had a fairly active Christmas, but found it difficult finding time to exercise while transitioning back to work (heavy workload, business trips, DIY and crap weather), other than lots of dog walking and uprooting a tree!

    The latter part of January has seen improvements. I have bought a smart trainer and started Zwifting, which I’m quite enjoying and trying to do regularly.

    Only one yoga sesh this year but yesterday I got my mat out, which is a start!

    Full Member

    Anyone keen this year?  It’s not far away…

    This thread gave me just enough persuasion to get out into the darkness (or on to a floor mat) and make the most of those darkening months.

    I got a lot out of it and I’m keen to engage again.

    Anyone else?

    Full Member

    I don’t mind joining in again if it helps with anyones motivation, although I haven’t stopped since the last one finished. In fact, I’m currently on 441 consecutive days. By careful intermingling of intense activities and some more gentle ones I definitely entered 2024 in better shape than I had in many previous years. I’d like 2025 to be the same.

    Plus, it’s always nice seeing photos from around the country as we slide into Autumn and Winter.

    Start a new thread and we’ll see how many start with good intentions (again ;-)  )

    Full Member

    441! Great effort @scotroutes

    Glad to hear you’re in.

    I totally agree about the photos.


    I’d be up for it in principle, but there are some days when it’s just not going to happen.

    2024 has been probably my most active year to date though (I’m 53 in a few weeks) and at a fitness and weight level I’m totally happy with – still room to improve though

    Full Member

    Was only thinking about this today & hope it’ll give me the kick up the butt I need to get back on the wagon.

    Free Member

    I was gonna start the thread on September the 1st if we can hang on til then.

    Full Member

    @munrobiker – go for it.

    16th September is the official Day 1, I think.

    Full Member

    Scotroutes photos were great, made me very jealous.

    I mostly did it last year. Think I may have missed out a handful of days.

    One thing I did find though, was that I was exercising for the sake of it. Which sounds a bit odd but I’d end up doing 3.5 hours of sometimes mediocre exercise spread over 7 days when I’d rather do a solid 3.5 hour ride in one go on Saturday or Sunday.

    So I’ll be watching the thread, mostly for the photos, but for me it just didn’t seem enjoyable. Good luck to everyone doing it this year.

    Full Member

    I’d end up doing 3.5 hours of sometimes mediocre exercise spread over 7 days when I’d rather do a solid 3.5 hour ride in one go on Saturday or Sunday.

    The trick is to do both. If all you normally do is a 3.5 hour ride at the weekend then the challenge here is to use the other days to add something else. That’s where I found yoga, weights etc all good. It’s not just wasted “mediocre” exercise, it actually improves your cycling.

    Full Member

    Lard needs shifting – I’m in.

    Full Member

    I’m in.

    Free Member

    In. Even fatter than last year, habits need to change.

    Full Member

    Me too, worst state of unfitness ever

    Full Member

    I’m in this year. Didn’t really try last year but did a similar work thing in January/February and felt great for it.

    For anyone needing to shift lard, maybe try combining with 100 days of something dietary, like intermittent fasting or just cutting it pointless snacks.

    Free Member

    25th September will mark 4 years since I missed a day – minimum qualification at least a 2 mile walk, a run or a bike ride.

    Still a way to go to catch up with Ron Hill though who I think ran every day for over 50 years!

    Full Member

    I’m in, not really stopped, it’s definitely become a daily habit.
    This challenge has helped me become fitter than I ever imagined I could be and my head is in a much better place as a result.

    For many years I dismissed running due to my knees but having built the distance and intensity very gradually, I’m now running every other day and really enjoying it!
    All thanks to munrobiker introducing me to this challenge.

    Full Member

    In! Managed to get to the end of November last year before being struck down with flu so want to do the 100 this time.

    Free Member

    I’m in, after last years summer never really happening, last winter being an absolute washout, and 2 bouts of COVID this year and a really crappy year of unachievable (in a sensible workload) schedules my weights nudged back into triple digits and this time round I’ve not got the weightlifting numbers to justify it!

    Thankfully work has settled down and I’ve moved offices so can get back into some sort of routine.

    Plan from here until Track SQT starts again next May/June is

    Monday – Lunch ride + Free-weights in the evening

    Tuesday – Track (on road bikes, so more like a chaingang but without cars, potholes, corners, hills etc just pedal till you get dropped)

    Wednesday – Lunch ride + Free-weights in the evening

    Thursday – ~35miles Road group to the pub

    Friday – Lunch ride + Free-weights in the evening

    Saturday – MTB

    Sunday – Road (either this or the Saturday MTB will need to be a longer/slower recovery ride)

    One thing I did find though, was that I was exercising for the sake of it. Which sounds a bit odd but I’d end up doing 3.5 hours of sometimes mediocre exercise spread over 7 days when I’d rather do a solid 3.5 hour ride in one go on Saturday or Sunday.

    As above, you have to do both.  But have a plan. Just absent mindedly doing some random stretching / yoga / weights won’t keep you motivated through the winter*, . Also depends on what you count. To me it had to be something with exercise as the purpose so walking the dog, commuting or Livingroom yoga didn’t count.

    e.g. take up a gym routine of free-weights Mon/Wed/Friday, do your normal big ride at the weekend, do a shorter recovery ride the other weekend day, then you’ve only got 2 days left to fill with something else.

    *depends on your brains wiring. I can’t motivate myself without a routine. Some people can, some people do it with a goal, I just like to know at at 6:00 on a Monday I’ll be in the gym doing Routine A, same as last week, same as the next week.

    Full Member

    *waddles into the thread*

    Yep, am going to set it up with mrs_oab to do it together this year.

    Set it up munrobiker.

    *waddles out thread again*

    Full Member

    I’m in again….

    I was rubbish last year, dog walking actually got in the way(!!), but this year I’ve slowly been doing abit more and have been going to the gym on and off with a couple of mates, one of which is an ex squaddie and can be brutal! I’m riding more with my son as well so hopefully there will be enough chances for me to be doing things with other people as well as filling gaps on my own. I need to shift some weight and actuially really want it, but I struggle with motivation when its dark and its just me.

    Might see if Mrs Ads678 wants to join in as well…

    Full Member

    I’m up for trying again this year – in a better place mentally than lastbyear and have a variety of options to help the physical side

    Full Member

    I’m going to attempt more activity. Last night’s biking was harder than it should have been. Mywhoosh has been updated for some indoor biking.

    Full Member

    I’m up for it.

    Definitely need something to motivate me and keep me accountable. Had a poor year of exercise which has meant IF i ever do get out on the bike it is more hard work and less fun.

    Hopefully this will allow me to build a routine and some decent habits I can carry on (although didn’t work last year!)

    Full Member

    I’ve been out of action for 3 months with broken bones galore. I’ll give this a go.

    begin a new thread

    Free Member

    Anybody mind if I try the 75 hard challenge alongside this?I need to do more than just exercise to sort myself out.I know it’s not a very logical thing but I think I might be benefit from it.Avoiding the autumn sniffles will probably be my biggest issue.

    Full Member

    I’ve never heard of the Hard 75 before. That sounds a pretty brutal regime.  Definitely not something that I could achieve, or would want to try, but good luck with it.

    No objections from me.I hope tagging along on the new thread helps.

    Free Member

    It’s as hard as you want to make it.Think for most on here it wouldn’t be a problem at all.Thanks for your encouragement though.

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