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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Day 99 – turbo session, 70 minutes about 35 km at constant 185w, can’t be certain as the bloody stoopid wahoo fitness app buggered up recording the session, quite why it’s started playing up when nothing has changed and it’s connected to a kickr core I don’t know. Did irritate me a little. Walked Willa later 2.6 km in a leisurely 42 minutes. 

    Only one day to go. 

    Full Member

    I wandered into town again to see how much snow had fallen overnight on Christmas Eve eve.


    Unfortunately, it’s mostly melting but also leaving lots of flooding.


    As it was day 99 of the challenge, I wandered along Santa Claus Drive having a, err, 99!!


    Back-story here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj5grl16y5go

    Followed that up with some Turbo Trainering – trying out the Tacx app as an alternative to Zwift.

    Full Member

    yesterday skateboard at lunchtime after not mastering the olie, im moving on to the pop shove-it

    today I had to drive to Liverpool to pick up the mum in law

    so made it worthwhile by doing the trip via llandegla, was blustery but very mild for midwinter!


    Full Member

    Congratulations to everyone that’s got this far. I sort of dropped out  about 3 weeks ago, although I have been doing stuff pretty much everyday. Lots of long heavy walking for work and loads of dog walks, basically ended up not having much time for proper exercise. I mean, obviously I did have time, but I was struggling as was always bloody knackered after work and then needed to take the dog for a walk….

    Anyway, I’ve missed a few days but only really 3 or 4 over the whole thing. i feel better for it all and I’m fitting better in some clothes that were getting a bit tight! 

    Bit gutted that I haven’t completed it but it’s put me in a better place physically now, and exercise in the future.

    Full Member

    having a, err, 99!!

    Distinct lack of monkey’s blood there @scotroutes 😉

    One day to go, and 50mph+ gusts forecast…might be a seafront walk rather than a pedal…might see if I can get a 99 too 😂

    Full Member

    Swim this morning at 8am – was surprising busy at the pool.

    Full Member

    I dragged Jnr out of bed for a run, just back home and happy to have made it to the end. It hasn’t been easy this year but I have managed to stay healthy which was my downfall last year.
    A very big well done to everyone who has had a go, wishing you all a great Christmas and a day off!

    Free Member

    Day 100 will be a 35-40min stomp through the mud, after lunch… and thats it done.

    hit 81 days, 107 training sessions, 72hours.
    no surprise, to me, that my success rate dropped off after the clocks change…. my hike on Friday evening (post solstice) was worth it.

    Free Member

    Well done team 👍. The wheels came off last week for me but still way more active than I otherwise would have been. Going to get a walk in today, Boxing Day, plans for a gravel ride with the lads over the break and plenty more too so will keep up the momentum. Going off the juice for jan so will combine that with daily exercise, and will be built like arnie by summer. Perhaps.

    Free Member

    Oh aye, yesterday was concreting  potholes on our drive so 7x barrowing 50-60 kilos 100m up a 10-20% pitch. That DEFINITELY counted!

    Full Member

    Well I didnt make it this year dropoed out at the start of this month. Well done to all those who did. Ì’m starting another 100 days from today

    Full Member

    So that’s a new PB for me, 81 out of 100 completed. Well done to all of those who did the full 100, genuinely don’t know how you keep finding the time and motivation to do it.

    Full Member

    day 100. challenge completed.  just got back from a 50 mile torture ride…………   was ace.

    merry xmas all.

    Full Member

    98/100 Thanks to all for the pics and posts, it definitely helps with the motivation. Rest days (lack of) and injury were were the biggest hurdles but the two fails came from failing to plan ahead.

    Having survived this I’m better prepared for an attempt at 75 hard in February.

    Thanks to scotroutes for the inspiration. Happy Christmas.

    Full Member

    100 days completed. Phew. Well done everyone. Far too windy to pedal today, so a seafront walk it was. Cue comedy blown across the pavement moments & being told “you must be mad” by the lady serving me my ice cream 😂 raspberry ripple 99 with monkeys blood 😁
    Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe, look after each other, and here’s to next year’s various challenges. 🎄


    Full Member

    Well done everyone, thank you for updates and photos.

    We are in Norfolk and finished with a trot about.

    Have a lovely christmas and New Year


    Full Member

    Just a dog walk today of 5 miles. Cleaned the bike for the upteenth time and not again today.

    Full Member

    Day 100. Whoop! Whoop!

    Out for a dip in windy, rainy Loch Morlich this morning.

    My Hoff pose.


    Mrs S as Pamela Anderson 


    A bit choppy.


    Just when it reaches “that” depth.


    Then followed that up by running 5km to the Lily Loch and back with Mrs S.


    So, another year complete, and I wasn’t even going to do this one, though that’s actually day 201 for me.

    download (8)

    I did a lot more running this year and a lot less biking. The mix of yoga, stretches and weights all helped. 

    I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the posts and the scenic photos. It’s a great insight into where we live and how weather and climate varies. Well done to everyone for participating, whether you made all 100 days or not. Hopefully some good new habits have taken hold as a result.

    Full Member

    @eulach – don’t thank me, I’m only the messenger. It was (ironically) @houns who was keen to kick it off this year but we’re really just standing on the shoulders of giants. Maybe @munrobiker would like to add some words…

    Full Member

    Well done all. Great effort!

    I finished off the last few days with some longish dog walks, a hole lot of leaf raking in the wind and some static bike at the gym.

    I reckon I was on the 90% mark but went awry due to work and related travel. I’m planning for next year already as I’ve just bought an indoor trainer which, on reflection, I should have done a 100 days ago!

    I enjoyed the experience (mostly) and everyone’s posts definitely made it more interesting and inspiring.

    Thanks all and have a Merry Christmas!

    Full Member

    Well done to all those who managed the 100. I was on course until the mid 70’s where I got stuck down by the bloody cold that’s going around! Only just getting back to something like 100%. Will try again next year as I defo felt improvements all over.

    Merry Christmas all.

    Full Member

    day 100 was a gentle 10k ride with the kids to the local parks in an effort to tire them out

    well done everyone, its not been on easy, i did more late night yogas than i planned, next be year want to try & be a bit more active!


    Full Member

    Day 99
    I was going to go out and start the Festive 500 today but an amber weather warning means it would be lunacy.
    Zwift then.
    A half hour walk tomorrow will round things off nicely.
    Well done all it’s an undertaking, this. 👍

    Full Member

    Made it.

    Day 100 – my longest swim for a very long time, 2.8 miles (4.52 km) in 91 minutes. My goal was to crack 4km, so super pleased.

    Walked Willa later 3.4 km in 48 minutes. Done, done, done. And relax.

    Congrats to everyone who had a go at this. It’s harder than it first seems. But bloody great for getting you into a groove of doing exercise every day.

    I’ve loved seeing all the pics and stories on this thread. Quietly very inspiring stuff. I leave this thread with a Christmas pic of my companion thats accompanied me on a lot of my activities. Merry Christmas !


    Free Member

    Very well done everybody . The weather’s been a bit gash this autumn so extra browny points all round!

    PS, that dogs got a great face,very characterful.

    Full Member

    Anyone else forgotten to stop? I was just planning my day and realised I didn’t “have” to schedule sports. I will do though.

    Full Member

    I’ve still being at it, a run with Jnr on Christmas Day and I couldn’t help enjoy the balmy weather yesterday so went out all morning for a bike ride.
    We’ve guests here now and it’s raining hard so I think today might be my first day off.
    It’s great to read everyone’s posts and the positivity this challenge brings. It makes a big difference to my wellbeing at this time of year.

    Full Member

    i am gonna keep going.    never walked much, now i kind of enjoy it for something other than biking.

    Full Member

    It’s not a bad habit to have developed 😀
    I was active the past couple of mornings before everyone else in the house got up. Zwift before Xmas gifts/meal prep and a 10km run on lovely snowy tracks yesterday.


    That’s me on 203 consecutive days and I aim to keep going. If you are goal oriented/like gaming things, then the various Challenges/Badges in both Garmin Connect and Strava can help with motivation. I use  Connect Challenges to help “force” me into mixing up different sports and activities.

    Full Member

    Anyone else forgotten to stop?

    I had Christmas Day off. I’m raging with myself because I always go for a bike ride before everyone else gets up but talked myself out of it. (Stoopid mental crap.) Still, a jolly cold Boxing Day Pudding Run yesterday and a wet, wildly windy walk this morning down the seafront, then we’re off to the pub later to see friends. I’ll leave the car at theirs, then I have an excuse for a longer than normal run tomorrow morning to pick it up. 😁IMG-20231226-WA0001IMG_20231226_111401IMG_20231227_083454IMG_20231227_084831

    Full Member

    As above: I do stuff every day and it’s even easier now the Zwift man cave is complete. Working from home I put an hour at lunch time aside for swim or gym class – mainly to relieve the isolation during the day.
    Weights/ bag work in the evening.

    Full Member

    So it’s not just me then.

    I had Xmas day and Boxing Day off, as we had family and then friends over and tbh I’d overdone it on the last swim I did and really needed a rest. Not doing any exercise felt very strange though.

    today back on the turbo for an hour and Wombat and I are off for a walk later.

    @scotroutes good shout on the challenges, will check those out on garmin connect. I don’t subscribe to Strava if you need that for challenges as it seems you need to subscribe for most stuff in Strava now, which is a pain as I can’t see my 2023 yearly stats, but I’m not subscribing just to see that :) 

    Full Member

    @walowiz – Garmin only require that you record on a Garmin device. No Strava required.

    Full Member

    Well done 100 club, inspiring stuff.

    Sadly committing to 100 days of excercise running up to Christmas is a non starter for me as it’s my busiest time of year for work.  I’m just too knackered as well as lacking the time to commit.

    100 days of exercise after Christmas is much more doable for me, so I might chip in here if others are keeping the thread going.

    Last couple of days have been long walks up behind the house, on rough pathless heathery bog.  I find that a really good workout compared to walking a path.  There’s a lovely wild feel up there despite being only a couple of miles from the house.


    Full Member

    It stopped raining for a couple of hours so I went out with the dogs and came home when it started raining again. Looks like I’m still going.

    It’s not a bad habit to have developed 😀

    I think this is exactly right. Since I turned fifty, I have tried to exercise for an hour every day. Obviously you miss the odd day but I believe that keeping it going is a major benefit to my overall health and fitness.
    Just trying to maintain what I’ve got for as long as I can.

    Free Member

    Perhaps, euloch could start a 75 hard challenge thread in Febuary!Difficult time of year mind.

    Full Member

    Stunning photo @bedmaker, where is that?

    Full Member

    @fazzini cheers, it’s high above Beauly looking down over Loch Nam Bonnach.

    Full Member

    I’m doing some tidying up and was going to close the Strava group I’d set up for this, so if anyone has any reason to be referring to it, you have a few days before I do so.

    I’ve kept up my 30 min/day streak and I’m now actually on 250 days. I guess I’ll try 100 days from here to see if I can make it a full year.

    Has this thread resulted in anyone else making a change for the good?

    Full Member

    Has this thread resulted in anyone else making a change for the good?

    Yup, failed miserably before Xmas, but done about 40 of the 43 days since new year & feeling all the better for it, getting a set of rollers to make sure I do 30mins when its been cold dark & wet outside has helped no end.

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