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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Bonus day today.
    Went to bed after reading Kramer’s sleep thread and woke up extra early!
    Decide that I would cycle to the beach with a tailwind, meet the wife and mates. We had a two and half hours on the beach with the dogs and a lift home.
    Now with feet up watching the football.

    Full Member

    Day 92 (16 dec) – turbo session 42.75 km in 85 minutes at 183w, need to get a new app as the wahoo base app is a bit dull. Walked Willa later for 30 minutes.

    day 93, after a short rubbish sleep, morning swim 4.4 km (2.7 miles) in 89 minutes, longest swim to date according to Strava, not fast, but my pace dropped off hugely towards the end. Walked Wombat with Soph for 32 minutes later. Very tired now.

    one week to go !

    Full Member

    Knackered today through lack of sleep. I had to get up early, so fitted my new winter tyre before breakfast but was too knacked to take the bike anywhere meaningful.

    I ended up driving up to a local hill and did a circular route for an hour. Bloody windy on the tops so not such a bad call to ditch cycling.

    Full Member

    Day 93 – one week to go!!

    Another hour and a half indoors with Zwift and weights but I did get my Xmas tree up.

    Saw Santa too!!


    Full Member

    Day 94 – turbo session, 70 minutes 36km at constant 193w. Was using an old pair of trainers and flat pedals, but today I threw them away and used my new 510s with some nice flat pedals and that is soooo much better.

    6 days to go.

    Full Member

    Day 94 – Monday club run. Only four of us out and the other three I’d consider to be in the “fast” crowd. Nevertheless, I didn’t embarass myself in the 13km and we made it back to the cars as the heavens opened.

    Full Member

    I was cooking dinner when I received a message from Jnr, “ fancy a run”?
    I was going to do an hour of weights but took up his invitation and we went out for an hour while dinner was cooking. I enjoyed that!

    Full Member

    Unfortunately not been able to keep up with this, due to motivation, pains, sprains etc. However, it has definitely increased my exercise intensity and upped my overall level of exercise. Hoping next year I can complete it, but I bow out happy.
    Keep going everyone. Great effort.

    Full Member

    Late evening static bike at the gym. 42 mins as I had to duck the last 3 mins as son #1 needed collecting from work.

    Full Member

    Half an hour on Zwift as I did the Restrap Solstice ride yesterday in dreadful weather, rained for 8 hours straight.
    The typhoon blowing me along the lang whang at 30 mph was a nice way to finish the day right enough.👌

    I won’t be keeping it up after Christmas, it’s been good and I will do something just not every day.

    Full Member

    Day off today. 1500 meter swim and then 90 minutes of Zwifting. I’ve lost another kilo but Christmas will put a stop to this weight loss shenanigans.

    Full Member

    Out for the club Xmas gravel ride last night. Wish I’d lost weight, however, I have at least maintained and not put any on, despite keeping various winemakers in business and I seriously need to get help for my crisps addiction 🤣.

    Full Member

    I’ve just done an hour of weights that I didn’t do yesterday.
    Jnr has just asked if I want to go for a run? I’m not sure what to do.

    Free Member

    CRashed and burned last week, missed three days because life. Weekend of hard graft and karate last night, so chugging along but failed the mission. Tempted to bike to work tomorrow though – once I’ve checked the weather

    Full Member

    Day 95 – I’ve not been in the water for a while so we had a day trip to a very windy and wavy Loch Ness.


    The water was about 7.5C, which is quite a bit warmer than our local lochs,


    The waves were a bit mental at times though. Swimming was tough and we kept getting swept back to the shore


    A great laugh though.

    I also treated myself to a wee yoga session with Kassandra earlier this evening. FWIW I find the combination of cold water and yoga is great for muscle recovery.

    Full Member

    Another gym sesh. It’s nice and quiet in the evenings right now. No meatheads!

    @thestabiliser – commiserations, but kudos to you too for keeping at it. ✊

    Full Member

    Just add to my report above: it was a day off work, not missed a day of exercise yet.

    Full Member

    A brisk 50 minute walk in the dark by the river. Very mild here. Still quite a few flies attracted to the headtorch.

    May try to fit in a bit of yoga later on.

    Full Member

    Day 96 – Back in the gym on a driech day. Did my first Climb Portal ride on Zwift.

    Weather for tomorrow looks pretty awful but I’m supposed to be running a half marathon…

    Full Member

    Decline Jnr’s invitation for a run last night, no point in overdoing it this late in the game!
    Finished my last job by midday so had a lovely road ride this afternoon.
    I have just been informed that although everyone is now on holiday, I’m free all day tomorrow. Might be nice to mark the Solstice with a long ride. If the forecast is dry, could be on the cards.

    Full Member

    Day 95 (dec 19th) – 2 mile swim in 67 minutes and a grey wet gloomy lunchtime walk by the thames in the city for 45 minutes 4.62 km and walked the long way home for another 45 minutes at 4.2 km.

    day 96 – turbo session 33 km in 65 minutes at constant 196w.

    day 97 – 3 km swim in 59 minutes. Done, off this afternoon for an afternoon to evening catch-up with my old dev team from the 90’s. Tomorrow’s update will very likely be super lightweight at best.

    ONLY 3 days to go, congrats to everyone who has made it this far. Superb effort.

    Full Member

    Short run after work on Monday round eyam/follow.

    Hilly ride on the road doing Christmas card deliveries around Sheffield yesterday.

    Walked to dentist then into town this morning as super windy for a ride, planning to go bouldering this afternoon.

    Glad to hear what everyone is getting up to.

    Full Member

    I forgot to post my pics from my wet and gloomy walk on day 95.

    was quite impressive how they get those fairy lights round those tall columns.


    Full Member

    walking has been my go to for the last few days.

    had a hangover since saturday which i cant shake, and have no desire to ride my bike at all.

    so walking will see me complete the challenge.

    Full Member

    I went for a lunch time run today. I never go for a run at lunch time. It was OK. I survived. The homeward leg, however, running into Storm Pia’s headwind quite literally took my breath away. 😂 Fingers crossed its a bike ride tomorrow, parkrun on Saturday, then a traditional, for me, bike ride on Xmas Eve.

    Free Member

    Good luck to you all, you’re nearly there!

    I just thought that I’d pop this up in case anyone is looking for inspiration for their next challenge – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-67708818

    Full Member

    Way too windy for bike riding to be enjoyable so it was double extended dog walks both first thing and this afternoon. It’s a shame it’s still so windy as it’s mild and clear, lovely for a night ride.

    Full Member

    Day 97 – some pre-run stretches with Ash and then the planned Solstice Half Marathon. We had a good turn out and split into a few groups. I ended up with the fast squad and seriously thought about pulling out half way round (we were doing two laps).  Anyway, I soldiered on fuelled by Active Root drink and some Iron Brew jelly babies, found a fresh pair of legs and finished strong. 2h05 for the HM.

    Mince pies at the finish too!!


    Full Member

    I’ve really missed the running and cycling due to my hamstring injury. Abs and upper body exercises following yt videos have kept me going. On Tuesday I stood on the balance board for half an hour continuously, so that was an achievment.

    Full Member

    been a busy week with xmas prep & train disruption getting in the way! bodyweight workouts this week has me quite stiff 

    didn’t get to do my usual night ride, so late night yoga, before bed last night 

    Full Member

    75 kms around some of the Dingle peninsula. As I entered Dingle I treated the onlooking shoppers to a comedy fall when my lace got caught in the front sprocket. Rookie error.

    Full Member

    Again today, too windy for cycling so I did an hour of weights this morning in the hope that it might improve later. No such luck so the dogs have enjoyed a two hour walk this afternoon.
    Let’s hope the wind has died down by tomorrow!

    Full Member

    Day 98 (dec 22) – knackered even before I started today. Morning swim 2.8 km in 55 minutes, walked Wombat later 3km in 35 minutes. Done and feeling very tired. 

    but only 2 days to go. Woohoo. 

    Full Member

    37 gravel-ish miles today with some of the club folks. Very windy into a headwind, which ‘oddly’ had vanished as a tailwind when we changed direction 🤔😫 it was a morning out. It was good. It’s helping the anxiety a little at a time. Looking forward to finishing this year, and already thinking about how to do more/better/be more effective next year 😂 yoga sounds like a plan 👍🏻

    Full Member

    Did park run this morning – fallen off the waggon a bit this week – did a 72 mile ride on Sunday – cream crackered commute on Monday – Tuesday and Wednesday just needed to recover. Back on the bike commuting Thursday and Friday. sick of the incessant rain………….

    Full Member

    Rising Sun parkrun this morning. I’ll be out for a walk later to find pork pies as Tesco seem to only have mini Melton Mowbray ones for my order, and a large pork pie is my Christmas Eve tradition!


    Full Member

    Day 98 was a bit of wandering around town and then a relaxing session with Kassandra in the evening.

    Full Member

    At last, a bike ride! Still very blustery but went out this morning for a couple of hours. Hard going against the wind but feeling much better for a pedal.

    Full Member

    55 Kms in some appalling drizzle. Came back clean, as if jet washed.

    Full Member

    Day 99 – more Zwift (like almost all of the other 98 days).

    congratulations to everyone else that has managed to stick with challenge.

    I’m going to finish with a Zwift ride tomorrow and then going to have a couple of days off.

    Have enjoyed the great photos some of you have posted.

    I hope you all have a good Christmas break and a peaceful New Year.

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