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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    2 hours of Zwift followed by a 1k swim – outdoors. Usually this is the wrong way round but quite atmospheric swimming in the dark.

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    A leisurely 30 min walk today as I have the lurgy and the thought of anything harder was not being entertained..

    Full Member

    CaherFull Member2 hours of Zwift followed by a 1k swim – outdoors.

    I managed 30mins of kettlebells so well done!

    Yoga yesterday morning 20k Night ride in the peeing rain on Thursday, bodyweight workout Tues & weds 

    Full Member

    Day 85. Still lurgied.

    Did a 20 minute Zwift session this morning to check out the new release, then a 90 minute walk this afternoon showing some friends one of our finer viewpoints.


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    Had the gym all to myself today so, amongst other things, I experimented with a barbell for the first time in years. Deadlifts… happy days!

    Full Member

    Day 86. The lurgy lingers.

    Did a couple of hours in my gym – one hour on Zwift and one hour on weights.

    Full Member

    Day 86 (10 dec) – swim 3.8 km (2.3 miles) in 78 minutes, which given I don’t feel great is really bloody good. Quick scan of the lap data and most of my 100m’s are in the 1:40 range, but clearly I run out of energy and then do a 2:20 100m to recover. Need to work on that. Still haven’t got the hang od rehydration either whilst swimming. Hey ho.

    walked Wombat later 3.4 km in 48 minutes. Done for today.

    two weeks to go.

    Free Member

    I was motivated by the last time you guys ran through this.  I dont post on here but i record pretty much everything i do on myfitnesspal or on my apple health.  What it did for me is amazing because if i look at my apple health app now my average daily workout total for 2023 has been 1h37.  I log my morning dog walks, my lunch break walks + my weights routines.  Ive even recently added a weight vest to my morning dog walks to up the intensity and get the heartrate up.

    Never been stronger.

    Dont just do it in the run up to christmas.  Do it all year.

    Full Member

    Day 87. Lurgy is clearing (at least I got a better nights sleep). Walked a lap of Loch Morlich with Mrs S after lunch. Then did the club run this evening. With a warning that I was a bit off colour, I actually ran off the front a bit and ended up doing really pretty well!


    – You’re correct to say that it good to make the effort for the full year. This annual challenge comes along a time when it is perhaps a little bit easier to lapse into too many “days off” with weather playing a part and the the festive season at the end of it. It’s a good way of helping provide a little extra motivation to not just carry on exercising, but to do “a little bit extra”.

    My VeloViewer stats for the year so far…VV

    Full Member

    Weather has been honking so to get out was a real treat today…

    Loch Katrine/Loch Arklet some great light and sunshine! Cold though.😎 70 odd miles all told with a couple of recovery drinks in the pub at the end.👌

    Full Member

    Wow. Great photo of the alps!

    Full Member

    @scotroutes  phones are ace! Was discussing this with my chum today no need for a camera anymore.🙏

    Full Member

    Just a 30 minute dose of Vinyasa yoga (deep stretch, baby!) with Kassandra. It was painful enough on my tight muscles but, without a mat, the hard ceramic tiles under knees and spine was a killer.

    Not sure how I’ll fair tomorrow. A couple of brutal travel days ahead, starting at 6 am. 

    Full Member

    Day 88.

    It was a bit damp but not enough to keep me from a relaxed 55km road spin on my Amazon.


    On my return trip I saw a very large cat entering a disused farmyard. Likely one of the elusive native wildcats. 

    Full Member

    Still plugging away! Managed my first run in over 3 weeks this morning, and it was slow. Not that I’m fast usually, I was just just slower than my usual slow…you could probably best sum up my running pace as ‘glacial’ 😳. I also discovered that my running jacket is anything but waterproof/resistant and has the hydrophobic qualities of a sponge.

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    Squeezed in a yoga sesh in between overland travel and going to the airport. Ceramic tiles encore. Pah! But was good to stretch out after 7 hours in a minibus.

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    30 mins on the Zwift this evening, weather looks better tomorrow.👌

    Full Member

    Back in the UK, but pretty knackered from an overnight flight. Just a couple of walks with the pooch for me. Longest was  about 40 mins.

    Full Member

    Day 89. A quiet one, partially due to tight legs. Had a good wander round town looking for presents (with some success). Still 5km of walking.

    Full Member

    day 89 ???

    anyway, a gloriously filthy fatbike ride for a few hours……….. win.

    Full Member

    Lots of lovely photos above. Good to hear everyone is still getting out.

    I’ve failed to update for a bit, have still been doing the 30mins each day but managed double lurgy in November so have only really just got going again properly. Trot about after work monday, managed to pop out bouldering yesterday and hoping to get a bit of a ride today.

    Weather has been quite mixed, couple of photos from local rides in the lovely frosty spell with a bit of snow at the end of November.

    strawberry Lea

    strawberry Lea 2

    shilito woods

    Free Member

    Hmmmm….am I a bit late to this? I did some press ups this morning.

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    On sunday I decided to do sprints. Find a space, sprint along it, walk back, repeat, he said.  I jogged to my “space” as a warm up – about 12 minutes. 1st sprint, nice, walk back, second sprint, better, feels good to really let go, walk back, 3rd spr… ping,ow, ping, ooowwwww. I hobbled home and took some ibruprofen and looked up torn hamstrings on the internet.

    The left leg aches a bit still but the right leg really hurts going up stairs.

    So the rest of this week has been walking and yt videos for abs and upper body. I realy don’t want a reoccurrance so I’ll be sticking to that routine until I’m confident again. Skinny girls on the fingernail are no indication of the quality of the content and some of the accompanying music is horrific. Any recommendations for videos to follow are welcome. 

    Full Member

    I’m full of lurgy and really struggling.
    Monday morning I went out first thing for my usual run and it was hard going but I carried on and finished but felt rough for the rest of the day.
    Unfortunately it’s been just extended dog walks for me since then, feeling a little bit better now so I’m hoping to get out for a gentle ride tomorrow.
    This time last year I was off my feet with flu, which meant I failed at the final hurdle. I’m determined not to let that happen this year.

    Full Member

    Took a day off and went for a walk by the sea. First time at the beach for probably over a year. We spent about an hour walking along the shore of the Bristol Channel when the tide was out. It was great… then the dog found something putrid to roll in on the way back to the car. It was a bit cool to have the windows open, but the rancid stench of dead marine life in her fur made it an easy choice.

    Full Member

    Eau de dead seal is just the worst stench ever!!
    Don’t ask how I know.

    Full Member

    Day 90.

    Hit the gym for an hour of weights earlier and then spent 25 minutes with Ash doing some leg conditioning aimed at improving my running resilience.

    As regards balance, I’m definitely stronger on my left foot, even though I’m basically right handed. Still, that gives me something to work on.

    Full Member

    full of cold this morning, so a long slow walk could be todays episode.

    Full Member

    But of a long update, as haven’t updated for a few days now.

    day 87 (dec 11) – 3km swim in 60 minutes. Walked Wombat later 3.45 km in 43 minutes.

    day 88 – nada, fail, fail, fail. Long long busy day, with my teams Xmas lunch in the middle, so I couldn’t even get out for a walk. Lunch was loads of fun though, so good for overall well-being.
    day 89 – 2.6 km swim in 51 minutes

    day 90 – had to take it easy today, 3.4 km walk in 44 minutes with Willa. Team Xmas do on the night of day 89 :)

    day 91 (dec 15) – 2 mile swim (3.32 km)  this morning in 65 minutes, which I think is quite quick for an old guy. Walked Willa the wombat this afternoon 4.2 km in 56 minutes. Done.

    Only 9 days to go !

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    Day 91. My legs were a bit sore after last nights Ash session but I was out for a 10km trail run with some of the club this afternoon and felt pretty quick!

    Followed up with another Ash stretching session.

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    Gym sesh this evening.

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    Well I’m quite shocked but got a 5k PB this morning according to Garmin/Strava. Parkrun says differently, but I’m taking it 😂


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    I very rarely weight myself but for Zwift to ensure more accurate wattage you have to – it appears since October i have lost 6 kgs (103-97). Right, off to the gym on the bike (20 mile very convoluted round trip).

    Full Member

    I did manage a ride yesterday, a very gentle hour and half, my breathing restricted due to completely blocked sinuses!
    Out again this afternoon for another ride which was a little easier but still lots of snot. I definitely feel better than I did and now confident that I can get through the next week.
    Tomorrow, the plan is to meet up with friends for a dog walk on the beach which will be fun and also a chance to aid recovery.

    Full Member

    been a busy one this week, yoga Monday, kettlebell Tuesday, bodyweight wednesday, Thursday was xmas drinks with old friends so went for a 5k run before work, got under 30mins for 1st time, then skateboard Friday lunchtime, and today dropped wife n kids at panto then a nostalgic ride through the claggy mud & brambles of bridleways on the downs, was treated to an owl circling and divebombing below me


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    I love seeing barn owls when out on my bike. I’m very lucky that we have a healthy population of them and I’m almost guaranteed to see one if I’m out at dawn or dusk. Magical!

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    Just a decent walk for me. Maybe 7k. Initially to the bike shop to finally buy a new winter tyre. As I took the dog I just carried on along the riverside.

    Full Member

    Day 92 (late update). Mucho busy today but managed to fit in over an hour of Zwift in the afternoon.

    Does walking to and from the pub count?

    Full Member

    Does walking to and from the pub count?

    Well that depends on how long the walk is and more importantly which pub! 🤔

    Full Member

    I’ve been plodding away at this reasonably successfully this year – in previous years I’ve seemed to get lurgied around day 15-20 and fallen off the wagon. I managed a good mix of Zwift, 20km off-road commutes, and hill days until the last couple of weeks, when we’ve hit the pre-Christmas manic phase at work. I’ve ended up recording a lot of my late evening dog walks for the purposes of keeping my tally going on Strava, when I spent 4 days in the last fortnight building raised beds and prepping wild flower planting areas at the local primary school, which I couldn’t realistically record, but which felt like a good outdoor workout!


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