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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Another POETS day sunset ride yesterday afternoon.

    Third week on the trot. Great way to start the weekend, I can feel a habit forming!😀


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    First tentative pedal in over 2 weeks thanks to this chest infection. It’s still lingering but much better. Very cold and icy on the snow this morning. I even got a frosty helmet 😳 Amazing sunrise, plus a free Mr Slushy 😂


    Full Member

    Chilly challenge looks a bit much mind.

    I was under-selling it. The total distance was actually 5km. That did involve a few trips to the coast, where the warmer waters enabled longer swims. Another of my friends had already completed it and a third still has about 1km to go (by end-January IIRC). It gets a lot harder now of course. Air temp this morning was -11c and the lochs are beginning to freeze up. 

    Free Member

    I’ve fallen by the wayside. Same as last year. I get to mid/late October and I’m so knackered from life and work that I can’t maintain it. I’m going to try and do 100 days after Christmas. Probably start on Boxing Day. Makes more sense to me anyway for my lifestyle.

    Full Member

    Good week this week – Mon – Wed – bike to work, Thurs – bike to dentist, Fri Swim – today – Park Run  was -4 at Brighouse – was quite busy – a lot cancelled but good work by the Brighouse volunteers to keep one going. Steady pace (as always) was slippy underfoot.

    Full Member

    cold morning at the skate bowl

    after watching a young girl hit the big slope last week managed it myself while no one was around, my son concussed himself on it a couple of years ago, so i was quite apprehensive – dunno what the fuss was about!

    Full Member

    Way too icy for cycling today! It’s about a mile on the road to the woods or the river bank and I concluded that it wasn’t worth the risk of an injury this late in the challenge.
    As a result, I’ve had a bit of a recovery day, a lovely walk this morning along the river, made especially memorable because it was white over with a dusting of snow and the frozen spider webs were amazing!
    I have spent an hour using the foam roller this afternoon whilst watching the football.
    Determined to get out cycling tomorrow hopefully on the fatty with a nice dump of snow.

    Full Member

    Bit of a long update.

    Day 75 (Nov 29) – swim 2.8 km in 62 minutes and walked wombat later 2.3 km in 32 minutes

    Day 76 – swim (again) 3.04 km in 63 minutes, walked wombat (again) 2.2 km in 31 minutes

    Day 77 – just for a change – swim 3.12 km in 63 minutes and you guessed it walked Willa later 2.6 km in 41 minutes.

    Day 78 (dec 2) – turbo session 38 km in 76 minutes at 185w, watched dawn of planets of the apes to stave of the boredom.  Chilly walk with wombat for 48 minutes, 3.4 km. Done.

    It’s interesting that I’ve somehow gone through the being completely fatigued all the time stage and now after nearly 80 days of this, physically I’m recovering fairly well with doing a good hours plus exercise every day, don’t think the bug / whatever the hell it was I had has helped in the last week, but managed to power through that.

    very envious of where you guys live, pics look amazing. 

    How is everyone else going?

    Full Member

    Day 78. A bit pushed for time between being a taxi driver for the Missus and heading into Inverness for a bit of seasonal over-indulgence, but I squeezed in an hour on Zwift to keep things rolling along.

    Full Member

    Did the Ventoux climb on Zwift this morning walking around like a new born deer now.

    Full Member

    Back to walking for me today. Still snowy!


    Free Member

    Yesterday was an hours trudge through the snow to retrieve supplies from the garage in the village plus numerous jobs

    today was 5hrs digging out and gritting the drive to get the neighbors pregnant daughter off to the hospital.  There’s still a foot of snow on our drive to get us out……. so guess what tomosrrow’s exercise is going to be?🙄


    The bit yet to be dug (yesterday)

    Full Member

    Sadly, not the snow I was hoping for but a whole day of freezing rain.
    For me, this has been the most difficult of the whole challenge. I have forced myself to get out in it for the last hour to walk the dogs. Properly grim!

    Full Member

    Day 79. Global Fat Bike Day.

    52km ride taking in An Lochan Uaine, Ryvoan, Rynettin, Nethy House cafe and a sneaky pint in the Old Bridge Inn.


    Snow was pretty much perfect, with just a few shiny patches and frozen puddles causing a couple of spills for the non-fatties amongst us.


    We were asked to wear something festive. I was Elf Insafety.

    FB_IMG_1701626192550 - Copy
    It was bloody cold but very dry. The bike will not need cleaned!


    Full Member

    If only!!^^^

    Full Member

    Can’t remember where I got up to, but last week was made up of walks and home workouts with some yoga thrown in as well.

    Saturday morning went for a run in the frozen sunshine, 15 seconds off 30 minute 5k, well pleased with that. Also did 3 15 minute go kart sessions and my shoulders are killing me now!

    Today just managed a walk in the snow as was visiting family.

    Full Member

    No snow down here, just a day of cold rain.

    the fat bike outing looked fun @scotroutes.

    Day 79 – 2.6 mile swim in 1 hour 28 minutes. That’s 4.2 km in new money, longest swim I’ve done for years. Still trying to work out hydration and salts to prevent cramp for long swims, so far I’ve not really managed it well at all. In fact t the cramp has persisted through the day in my toes,  which is a bit of a pain.
    walked little Willa later in the rain 3.2 km in 46 minutes.
    done for today. No snow pics, only got a pick of the pup from tonight’s walk.

    Free Member

    Digging. Hours of bastard digging.

    Full Member

    Stupid cold has knocked me out for a week so will have to try again next year.

    Full Member

    Day 80 – another swim 2.8 km in 54 minutes which was pretty good, walked Wombat later for 30 minutes. Done

    only 20 days to go !

    Full Member

    Day 80.

    7.km run round a verey snowy Loch Morlich with the running club


    only 20 days to go !

    Yep. Feels like the countdown has commenced!

    Full Member

    I’m out, man flu has got to me. I feel ropey and my Garmin stats for HRV and resting heart rate are a bit shocking. Couple of days off I think as the walks and yoga are feeling like a cheat.


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    Day 81 – ran out of time to do a turbo session before work today, lunchtime walk round the Thames, 4.8 km in 57 minutes. Done. Walking round you do see some stuff in London, today was no exception –  and frankly it was impossible to miss, a massive power cruiser boat moored just past London Bridge.


    Full Member

    Nice photos there. Some fascinating stuff to see when you walk around and take the time to look  :-)

    I squeezed in an hour of home gym today. It’s the thing I enjoy least but I’ve learnt that it’s essential for all-round fitness – especially for the elderly :-)

    Full Member

    Day 80. I’m still in, however a chilly half hour run tonight in sketchy conditions with the man flu makes me feel like I’m flogging a dead horse.

    Hopefully rally a bit tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Hello! Well done you lot for keeping going.

    I had to temporarily bail out due to 2 massive travel days and working all (yes all) hours that I’m awake.

    I’m gonna try to get back in the groove for the last 3 weeks. Currently working abroad but may have a couple of hours per day to myself going forward. There’s a gym 100 metres away so hard to make excuses going forward.

    Cheers all.

    Free Member

    @walowiz,how is that Willow tree still in leaf?Is it a special breed of some kind?

    Free Member

    ^Breed may be the wrong word.

    Full Member

    @monkeycmonkeydo absolutely no idea.  It’s right by St Katherine’s docks. Looking at my pics quite a few trees are still in leaf round the docks. 

    anyway back to business.

    Day 82 (no really it is Day 82!) – somehow I’m still here, haven’t had a heart attack, or worse fallen at man flu, or injured myself horribly. Today was a swim 3.6 km in 76 minutes, felt absolutely rubbish, but was quicker than normal, go figure. Walked little Willa at lunchtime in some rare sunshine, 3.3 km in 43 minutes. Done, no pics today.

    Full Member

    Day 82.

    Out for a walk with a mate (my old boss actually) for a good old chinwag. 

    We were on some minor hills just south of Inverness, with low cloud/fog covering the Moray Firth and a fine view over to Ben Wyvis.


    Free Member

    Weights and kata Tuesday

    bag work and kata last night

    50 min “run” tonight (walked up the steeper hills, need to refocus on cardio!

    pn the plus side (which I currently am) my weekend digging has won me a notch on my belt! It’s happening. Slowly.

    Full Member

    Day 83. Grrr! Mrs S has kindly given me the cold she’s been suffering from the past few days. I guess it was somewhat inevitable. I did 90 minutes on Zwift earlier and will likely relax with Kassandra for a session later. I’m hoping I can keep going on autopilot for a few days while this clears out.

    Full Member

    This week has been tough, the weather has meant that running or cycling have been difficult due to freezing conditions before and after work.
    Yesterday and Tuesday were weights sessions at home and today was a day when this challenge really counts.
    Wet, cold and blowing a gale but I decided to get out after work for an hour on the road bike. It was a case of thinking it’s just an hour, I’ll feel much better for getting out, I can’t fail now!!
    It was great to get out, I was cold for the first five minutes and once in the shower afterwards, I felt it was well worth the effort. Had it not been my commitment to the cause, I’d have cracked a beer and sat in front of the fire. Exactly what it’s all about.

    Free Member

    The great news is you still can crack a Can and sit in front of the fire but safe in the knowledge that you’ve done a bit 🍺🔥👍

    Full Member

    Well I failed on posting everyday but won on doing the excercise everyday, despite weather and family conditions.

    Keep it up, people, we’re into the teenage territory.

    Full Member

    Day 83 (7 Dec) – 4.06 km swim in 82 minutes, not fast but steady. Good to be able to complete that distance. Walk with Wombat at lunchtime 3.3 km in 44 minutes, nice to get out at during the daylight and actually see where we are walking.

    day 84 – 2.48 km swim in 49 minutes, bit quicker, missed out on 1 length as there was a H&S issue that meant they had to close the main pool. Walked Willa later 2 km in 30 minutes, so it counts sort of.

    I must confess my euphoria about not being that tired has evaporated, I’m absolutely friggin exhausted. Managed to get ear ache, and now have that feeling of over tiredness you get from Classic over training. But only a few weeks to go.

    Full Member

    Day 84. Shit nights sleep due to lurgy but thought I’d best try for a wee run this morning. Felt OK running at Zone 2 so managed 13km. Amazing how much of the snow has melted in the past 48 hours.


    Followed that up with another 25 minute stretching session

    now have that feeling of over tiredness you get from Classic over training

    So have an easier day. Recovery is important.

    Full Member

    Another POETS day ride this afternoon but no sunset photo this week as it didn’t really happen. Two hours just pedalling out in the countryside which gave me a good appetite for dinner tonight!!

    Full Member

    Day 85  (9 dec) – ignored the sensible advice above in the pursuit of going for it come what may, did a turbo session using the stoopid wahoo app for 1 hour 25 minutes, 43 km at 185w, which was harder work than I expected.

    Walked Willa later 47 minutes for 3.4 km, bloody windy and cold. Done.

    Full Member

    I missed about a week or so (work and travel). Hope it offends nobody if I keep posting; I find this whole thing pretty useful motivation and missed it when I couldn’t keep going.

    Got in the gym this evening for a decent sesh and feeling it now. I’m in West Africa and it’s humid as flip. Meh, I don’t have Prince Andrew’s medical condition.

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