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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    53. 7km easy run with Mrs S, then spent all afternoon fitting a curtain pole and new curtains. I know which was easier and less stressful.

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    I’ve really struggled this week so far. All just walks since Sunday’s bike ride. Away for work again, and, well , I’ve struggled. Still in it, just, and I’m determined not to miss any days like last year. Looking forward to tomorrow morning’s walk before work, then getting home tomorrow night. Well done everyone still going, and those making up for missed days etc 👍🏻

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    53. 7km easy run….

    Easy!! 😯🥵

    Gym for me tonight, treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and a load of weight stuff.

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    LOL. Day 53. 7km easy run…. :-)

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    Aah! 🤣

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    53. Similar to fazzini, I’m struggling due to work at the moment. I’ll be working long hours until Tuesday. Just squeezing in what I can. Tonight was just 30 minutes of Pilates with Nicole.

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    Don’t worry about only doing the minimum, if that’s all you can do it still counts. About to do 30 mins with a pace partner on Zwift as, despite not working currently, I’m really struggling to fit any outside exercise in. Just keep the days ticking along and do more when you can.

    Full Member

    Day 54 – turbo session 37 km in 72 minutes using the bog standard wahoo app at a constant 182w.
    Think I might try bkool or Zwift as the wahoo app is dull dull dull
    Walked wombat later in the rain; 2.75 km in 38 minutes, she doesn’t like getting wet.
    Done for today.

    Re the posts above @bonni @fazzini
    This challenge is only to do 30 minutes of activity per day – if you’ve done 30 then all good. I know I had to reset my approach and expectations on myself to do this challenge, otherwise I’d get quite demotivated as I get more tired through no proper rest days and end up crashing and burning.

    Through this challenge I’m now ok with the days where life / work / family / wombat get completely in the bloody way of me following a fitness program, or my own exercise schedule. And all I get the time or energy to do is walk along the thames, or walk Wombat. Previously I’d beat myself up for not doing something really productive for at leat an hour. And ultimately now I’m actually getting up & out and doing something every day just for 30 mins or so, it’s not setting my HR or the world on fire, but that’s ok.

    There is merit in doing something even if it’s low impact, or just easy for 30 mins is what I’m trying very badly to say.

    Full Member

    Turbo session for me as well. Only a 30 min test as I haven’t used it for a loooong time. 13.5k ish. Need to download a free app as the elite app is freakin awful, but don’t want to pay for zwift yet!

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    An hour upper body PT today, 30 mins interval runs yesterday. Meant to be biking tomorrow but my boy is poorly so I’ll have to fit in a bit of gym time at some point.

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    PXL_20231109_150843944One hour on the turbo and then another swim in Loch Garten. Water is getting suddenly colder, now at 5.3C.

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    54. Squeezed in a shimmy to the gym. As I don’t have Zwift, I decided to hop on a fancy static bike on a set routine for 45 mins.

    TBH it was a bit easy and dull, but it did make me focus on cadence, with various target cadences between 84-93 rpm. Quite a change from my normal sub-65 rpm meniscus grinding ascent of local hills.

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    @scotroutes – how much lower than 5.3°C would you bear it?

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    chilly night ride tonight

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    @bonni – it never gets too cold. It just means spending less time immersed.

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    Day 55 – rest ish day, walk along thames near work 5 km in 56 minutes, getting colder I had to wear a jumper.


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    Day 55.

    Easy 5k jog and a yoga stretching session with Ash. 

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    Just a 7k walk tonight, saving myself for park run in the morning and some.mtb with the boy if I can squeeze him away from revising for mocks…

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    55. Short walk and then 30 mins yoga with Kassandra and cat.

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    This week has been a bit of a mix, road rides after work on Monday and Wednesday with a weights session in between, Thursday was a shopping ride and yesterday I managed to finish work by lunchtime so had a lovely ride in the afternoon.
    Well over halfway now, great effort from everyone still in the game!

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    Park run done – decent turnout at Oakwell. lovely morning for a run.

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    Park run done here to, PB then added and extra 1.8k jogging home as well. Go me!!

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    Parkrun here too! Beautiful morning. Very cold, but the sunshine was ace! Might go for a short pedal later too 😁 (then again, I might just watch cricket, footie, rugby et al 😂 I’m slow enough that the Parkrun completes my 30 minutes for the day)

    Free Member

    Thursday night was30 mins of kata. Took yesterday off work and walked from Broughton Moor Forest up to Dow Crag and OMoC. Original target was Grey Friar but it was fairly icy on the top and so sacked it off. Stunning day though

    Today was an hours walk with family down Ulverston canal

    24 7 gas station nearby

    Full Member

    Day 56.

    A Parkrun. Then another. Then another. Then another …😂

    Nah. Just jesting. Did the Dava Way 50km (actually 51.5km)  instead. Felt pretty good at the end, actually overtaking a few folk as they tired. I’ll try to get some photos up later, but have these in the meantime…



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    Well done Colin.

    Lots of nice photos from everyone above too.

    I got back from the Lakes and have been quite busy and dodging the bad weather. Managed to get out each day though quite a few have been walks or short runs. Did the RIde SHeffield Dig Day last Sunday.

    Got out yesterday testing the work

    Piper house
    photo from the top of Piper house so not quite the bit we worked on!

    Headed out today out to Stanage, very busy in the Peak with the nice weather
    stanage 1

    Stanage view


    Full Member

    actually 51.5km

    Day 51 .5km??🤯 Thought you’d do better @scotroutes 😜 (terrible joke I know)

    Fabulous effort. I struggle to run 5km, never mind 50 of the buggers!!! Well done.

    where is that last photo from. It’s stunning.

    Full Member

    @fazzini – thank you, it’s Redmires reservoir, I couldn’t quite find the perfect spot to avoid the straggly small trees in the foreground!

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    @AndrewL – I think it works really well with the trees in the foreground.

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    Second time of trying to post this, love the stw site.

    day 56 – turbo session wahoo app, 40 km in 75 minutes, which was as much as I could do tbh. Walked wombat later 2 km in 33 minutes. Done.

    @scotroutes amazing effort on the 51.5 km run.

    loving the pics on this thread.

    Full Member

    Stunning morning, but bloody cold. Seriously need to re-think my winter footwear set-up. Very painful feet. Worth it for the sunrise though. 


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    @scotroutes – Wow that’s amazing. Well done.

    Swim for this morning, 1600km or 1 mile in old money. Then about 3 hours of dog walking.

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    Day 57 – swim 4.04 km in 85 minutes. That’s my distance goal achieved 4 km – 2.5 miles. Now to speed it up, and get onto the running. Wasn’t the quickest session – felt flat and not full of energy, suspect that’s more diet than anything. Also any techniques for not getting cramp in my toes whilst swimming would be most welcome, as this always creeps in towards the end of a long swim.
    walked wombat in the rain later for 2 km in 30 minutes.

    great pics, where is that ?

    Full Member

    any techniques for not getting cramp in my toes whilst swimming would be most welcome

    85 minutes is a fair time to be exercising at any appreciable effort. I’d be thinking about hydration and salt levels. You might be in the water but you’re not absorbing it by osmosis :-)

    Day 57 – Did an hour on Zwift at Zone 1, supposedly “Active Recovery” pace. Boring as hell but it did spin my legs out a bit. Followed up with 30 minutes of stretches with Ash, and then a wee walk. My legs now feel pretty good despite yesterdays exertions. Just a shame about my toes/toenails!

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    After a ludicrous Bonk on my indoor bike yesterday I came back today with gym, swim and Zwift session.

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    Wanted to get out on the bike today but by the time I had chance it was windy and tipping down so went to the gym. Yesterday I spent a couple of hours helping my mate’s mum move house which involved lifting lots of heavy furniture up four flights of stairs so I recorded it. Turned out to be the second most strenuous session of the week!

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    56. Barely scraped through. Still under the pressure from work, so just a walk to the bike shop and for a trim, a walk with pooch, then some press-ups.

    57.  Yoga with Kassandra, but went for 35 minutes of  intermediate out of curiosity… Oh Lordy!

    Free Member

    Swimming and weights yesterday. Karate tonight.

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    @fazzini great pics, where is that ?

    its Tynemouth Priory overlooking King Edwards Bay.

    Full Member

    Well done chaps. Some cracking photos there too.

    I’m still chasing my 99 days but nothing exciting to report.

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