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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    47. Yesterday was as predicted. 15k steps with the family out and about.

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    A very muddy and soggy off road ride on Tuesday night and an hour of weights last night.
    Today was going to be a road ride but due to the weather, there’s no way I’m working on scaffolding so with an unexpected day off I’m contemplating a long dog walk this morning, not so sure the dogs will agree!

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    Interval runs yesterday, gym class mon/tues, PT today. Bit tired tbf!

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    Out on the bike yesterday afternoon/evening after work. Just local Sustrans stuff as I couldn’t be bothered to get covered in gloop, still pretty muddy though.

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    I was also out on the bike yesterday. Just an hour on the road. Lovely day here dry and sunny, so I waited till it was getting dark and had just a smir of rain.

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    Kassandra saved me yesterday.

    Today I managed out for a damp/chilly 15km run and then some post-run stretches with Ash. 

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    48. Last day of site seeing today and another 13K steps logged.

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    49. Tried to post this earlier but disappeared. Short walk, stretching with Tom Merrick, then Breathe and Flow yoga for 25 mins.

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    Day 49. A quiet day. A walk into town and back for some errands. Sometimes feels like a bit of a cheat but I’ve learnt that it’s important not to have too many bigger days back-to-back – and having this challenge meant I walked in, in the rain, rather than drive so a double benefit really :-)

    Full Member

    Best thing about this challenge is how often it gets me down to the seafront. It’s my spot when a walk is the option, and it’s reminded me I don’t do it enough! Walk and then a pedal yesterday; Rising Sun Parkrun this morning which was more than moderately moist and chilly – the shin deep puddle halfway round was a fragrant delight 😬😂


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    50. Gym sesh – 1 hour.

    The rain was relentless today. Hoping to get out on the bike tomorrow as we are promised fine weather.

    @fazzini – where is that? 

    Full Member

    Day 50 – and we’re half way there!!

    Bloody cold fog over the strath today (air temp 3 C) and it was refusing to clear, so I took myself up a few wee local hills with the gravel bike. It didn’t need much elevation to break through into warmer air.

    Lochan nan Geadas – recently revealed to all as the forest around has mostly been felled.


    Blackpark – looking over to the Lairig Ghru


    Strathspey, with Torr Alvie and the Duke of Gordon monument looking like a wee island.


    Day 4 of winter facial hair growth :-)


    I felt really good out on the bike today. Like some cycling fitness had returned. I’m putting it down to an easy day yesterday.

    Full Member

    @bonni – first few are from a bike ride in North Tyneside, map below. Last image is from Rising Sun Country Park in Wallsend. Used to be the site of a coal mine, and a hospital for isolating people with infectious diseases!


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    @fazzini – Nice!

    That brings back memories of visiting some family friends in Whitley Bay.  Youthful me wasted all my pocket money in Spanish City. 

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    Day 50 woop woop!!

    Today was park run, yesterday was Leeds bike park for an hour or so after work before it got dark. Thursday was walking but didn’t get strava’d. Think that’s up to date, Wednesday was a 5k run if I haven’t already posted that one.

    Full Member

    Back on it after a few days missed due to personal circumstances, Tour of Watopia along the new road this morning.

    Still only missed 5 days though so well on target for beating my 74/100 previous best. Brilliant to see so many still on for a perfect 100.

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    bit of a long check in, as haven’t been posting as regularly as I should’ve.
    day 42 – 3 km swim in 61 minutes and walk with wombat later 32 mins for 2.2 km
    day 43 – turbo session using wahoo app, 65 minutes 34.2 km and walk with wombat for 30 mins 2 km.
    day 44 – eMtb ride, great to be out on a bike, 31 km in 1 hour 52 mins, total blast. EMtb is more tiring than I thought it would be too.
    day 45 – London city walk, 4.4 km in 49 mins.
    day 46 – another rest ish day, walk along thames 4 km in 45 minutes, going the other way to my normal route along the thames.
    day 47 – swim, 2.6 km in 54 minutes, bloody slow swim, walked wombat later 2 km in circa thirty minutes
    day 48 – swim 3.04 km in 63 minutes
    day 48 – walk in city of London, another rest effort 3.9 km in 45 minutes
    day 49 – turbo session 36.55 km in 71 minutes, walked wombat later 2 km in 30 minutes
    day 50 – 3.62 km in 73 minutes, felt slow, but checked garmin and I did the 3 km in 1 hour, which was one of my targets to reach, so that’s good. Target for next week is to do a 4 km continuous swim.
    good to have reached half way and still be doing this. Have to confess a few days when I’ve gone out for a walk at work, I have to drag myself out. Feels good and is definitely doing me some good, but always a struggle to keep going at the half way point, well for me anyway.

    edit good effort @scotroutes on completing the Illuminator Run.


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    32 road-ish miles on the bike this morning, revisiting an old route I used to do all of the time. I discovered halfway round that my left knee no longer wanted to work (I hit it yesterday getting in to the car of all things 🤦‍♂️) and struggled home. Think a walking day is in order tomorrow; the day after; the day after that…maybe even the day after that too 😂

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    51. A quiet one for me. I procrastinated on a bike ride as it was a bit showery and I wasn’t feeling it, for various reasons. Ended up taking the pooch out for an hour at dusk along the river before the firework displays kicked-off in earnest.

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    51 – Weights for an hour, then Zwift. Trying to keep fitness up this week without too much high impact stuff as I have a long run next weekend.

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    Day 51 ?

    Damn I’ve just re read my post today – I have two day 48s !

    That’s what happens when you type it up on your iPad whilst eating brekki, mainly trying to figure out what date is what day number whilst scanning Strava, getting it wrong – correcting it and still getting it wrong.


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    came down with the worst case of the shytes i have ever had yesterday.   not eaten anything for over 24 hours.

    managed a 2 mile walk yesterday, and a 10 mile ride today.

    if the runs dont stop i fear i may fail tomorrow.

    Full Member

    managed to squeeze in some yoga yesterday between fireworks & birthday drinks

    then got a hungover ride in today, even managed a PR on a very greasy descent

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    52. Post-lunch grind up-hill. Cruddy and windy, but lovely to be out. I really need to swap my tyres out though.


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    Day 52 (I hope) – swim today 2.98 km as I miscounted the lengths in 59 minutes – woohoo ! Reviewing the lap info on garmin I saw my fastest 100m was 75 seconds a pace I held onto for 400m – got me to believing that if I lost some weight maybe I could actually be quite quick at swimming. Also walked little Wombat for 2.1 km in 35 minutes.

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    3E51B7BB-0BBE-44BC-95BF-72DA459A93D5I don’t often stop to take photos but on Friday I couldn’t find my Garmin and was really enjoying a ride without numbers.

    The weekend was extended dog walks and some active recovery and today, I cycled to the supermarket for groceries after work.

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    A gentle 6km run round Loch Morlich with Mrs S today – followed up by some stretchy yoga.

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    Yesterday (Sunday) was swimming not as good as walowiz though. Today just a walk this evening, 5.5k.

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    Congratulations to everyone that’s still going. Ironically, it was through attempting the 100days that a fairly major health issue was found, which has stopped me until the end of the year at the earliest. Next time!

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    @jimfrandisco – Uh oh!! Hope what ever it is has been caught early and can be sorted!

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    Day 52 and just over halfway equals a FTP Test! Considering I had a mare of a week last week I’m really chuffed in having boosted it from 183w at the beginning of this to a nice round 210w. Now to just keep on at it and get that number above my PB of 236w by christmas.

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    @jimfrandisco – ditto what scotroutes said.

    Something must be working for me, I managed a 7km run tonight. Not fast but it’s still 1.5km more than I’ve done for a good year or 2!!

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    Man flu has struck casa stabiliser so a walk round grizedale Saturday, walk over HOad Sunday, yet another walk round the fell yesterday And karate at night. The youngest has been showing an interest though so cobbled him some little dumbbells from curtain rail and did some “circuits” together, this evening 😎.

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    Still going, not missed a day yet. Still haven’t managed a single photo worthy of sharing with the class.

    Given the recent weather zwift and YouTube yoga have been doing some good stints.

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    @jimfrandisco hope all good.

    day 52 – tired, overslept though to be fair to myself overslept in this context means I failed to get up 2 hours early at 5 am to do an hours or so turbo before heading off to work.

    Lunchtime walk, 6 km in 1 hour 10 mins.


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    Just done Workout 1 of the Zwift Academy, the short one! Surprisingly not too bad considering I’ve just upped my FTP. Doubt I’ll get much time to get out IRL until next week so plenty more of indoor nonsense to come for me.

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    Off to Loch Garten this morning for a swim. Water is down to 6C.


    Stroll into town for some “nutrition” and then 25 minutes with Ash doing some stretchy yoga again.

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    53. Had a busy/stressful day of work. Nearly missed this one. 30 mins of vinyasa with Charlie Follows (plus a short dog walk) for me.

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    some yoga after cubs yesterday to de-stress- then a core bodyweight workout last night, considering you cant see them under my das bod, my abs are sote today 

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    Day 53 – swim 3.16 km in 64 minutes, slower than my last swim, as for some stupid reason they split the lane mid my swim and about 15 people got in the lane next to me for a swimming lesson disrupting all the rhythm and pace I’d had. Note to self get up early and avoid the midday session. Walked wombat later, 2.3 km in 34 minutes.

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