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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
  • Houns
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    I’m in, I’m in the absolute worst state of my life, actually ashamed!

    Full Member

    Yep I’ll have a go again. 16th is my birthday though do I always start on a food and drink day!

    Full Member

    I’m going to give this a go.
    Just ordered a new bike to try and motivate myself as I’ve started to really enjoy my mountain biking again and want to get some fitness back for next year.
    This year will be my lowest mileage since about 2011!

    Full Member

    I’ll be starting today as I’ve just had 2-3 tonnes of manure dropped onto my drive which I need to shift to back garden and then dig in.
    Don’t tell me that doesn’t count!

    Full Member

    I’m in too. I’m a bit feast or famine with my exercise and I hope this will make at least just a little bit everyday a habit. Especially building in a bit of yoga – I know how much it improves my flexibility which in turn is helping my sport, especially kayaking – but it always falls off the daily routine.

    But I’m keeping commuting as counting – It’s best part of 30 miles each way and getting myself to do it more than a couple of days a week (one way, then drive the other) is tough enough without it not counting. And I’m no going to start logging yoga or trx sessions on strava – that’s route one to weirdness.

    Quite tempted by the #75hard too…..but it’s a bit too American alpha in its prose for me.

    Full Member

    normally i do something everyday but today is tough as i just do not do heat so backed out of my club ride – so huge fans and Zwift. Could be carnage.

    Full Member

    I’m just back from a ride. Managed just 25 miles before I’d had enough of the heat.
    Nice to get out but way too hot for exercise! It’s even too hot for sitting in the garden so will be watching the Vuelta indoors.

    Full Member

    The challenge starts on 16th September

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Has Houns finished/started last years challenge yet?😆</p>

    Full Member

    god I think I need this. Worse and heaviest shape of my life and new responsibility of being a dad, need to sorry myself out! Glad it’s the 16th though as I appear to have pulled my back hopping a fence to retrieve the bloody cat.

    Free Member

    I am in, naturally. The start this year will be tough as I’m on a train across Canada for two weeks but I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

    – savage but he totally deserves it.

    Free Member

    Only kidding!Sounds like the guy needs to do it this year.I hope you all give him encouragement.

    Free Member

    He’s a mate of mine and Scotroutes, our encouragement will be in the form of teasing.

    , do you even remember how to ride a bike?

    Full Member

    🖕🏻 meanies 🥺

    Full Member

    Right I’m in.

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    Full Member

    Sounds like a good idea, I’m in.  I suspect I’ll mostly do yoga to get there.  But hopefully it’ll help battle the usual post summer weight belt that creeps on.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: center;”><p style=”text-align: left;”>Thinking of doing that 75 day hard challenge during this. I think the extra pressure might be good for me.Are at @eulach and @convert still interested.It would be nice if someone else had to go without alcohol!Dietary discipline would also be of some benefit.</p>
    Hope munrobiker doesn’t feel this would be in anyway disrespectful towards his mate.Neil.</p>

    Free Member

    When I started doing the challenge I was combining it with a diet (got myself back down from 14 stone to 11 over the course of a year). Thinner is healthier and faster so it seems in the spirit of things.

    Full Member

    Can anyone recommend a decent yoga/pilates you tube video set? My body is fecked at the moment and needs stretching as well as making lighter and faster!! Would like to do a couple of sessions a week, so I don;t break myself, but I’ll need to start at the begining and work my way up….

    Full Member

    Yoga with Kassandra – Look for anything with “Beginner” in the title

    Yoga with Adriene – similarly

    Free Member

    Thanks,I could certainly use a good diet and no chocolate. Along with no alcohol, this may be just the kick up the backside I need.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>However, I might give the daily photo/ tik tok narcissism a miss.I also think, a move over to book reading instead of the depressing newspapers would be positive.</p>

    Full Member

    Cheers @scotroutes, a I’ll check them out.

    Full Member

    I’m in. I was doing OK through the summer but I fell off the wagon a few weeks ago, skiving on the exercise, eating crap and accumulating some blubber.

    This should be the shove I need to get up off my lardy arse.

    Full Member

    Thinking of doing that 75 day hard challenge during this. I think the extra pressure might be good for me.Are at @eulach and @convert still interested.It would be nice if someone else had to go without alcohol!Dietary discipline would also be of some benefit

    I was actually just thinking about the diet part. I’m not sure if it’s a realistic goal. It’s been on my mind for about 2 months now. The reading and photo are not a problem, the water part I’ve tried for the last month and is achievable, the diet is really dependant on what you choose but that’s the most flexible part of the plan. No alcohol is not so much fun but I did dry January and Lent this year. Twice a day workouts will be the killer – especially since there are no rest days and I have a job and family.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Define Workouts?Could be just yoga.</p>

    Free Member

    Everyone excited for tomorrow?

    I definitely need this kick up the arse. I was enjoying the weather and doing a lot of exercise at the start of summer which led to a biiiiig appetite

    I then broke my scaphoid bone which put a halt to any exercise yet I kept eating like I was some sort of athlete, except maybe more crisps and beer than chicken and rice – piled the pounds on since then!
    Still struggling with weight bearing on my wrist so bike and yoga (my go to “easy day” in previous years) are on hold just now but hopefully a combination of running and walking will see me through a month or so until my scaphoids fully healed…

    Full Member

    I’m out all day tomorrow helping my Mrs with her art stall at a Michaelmas fair (Bishops Castle if anyone is near by). There’s music and stuff afterwards and a few beers I suspect so not ideal timing!

    So…. in order not to fall at the first hurdle I’m going to have to get up early and go for a run or walk before it’s light. Motivated though so will do it. I’m struggling a bit with a knee issue at the mo so I’ll start with the intention of of running and back off to a walk if necessary.

    Full Member

    A question for the adjudicator. Or a kangaroo court of STWers!

    I have an uplift day booked at BPW on Monday. Does that ‘count’, being gravity assisted ‘n’ all? I’m always absolutely bolloxed after a day there, so it feels like it should, but I thought I’d ask the floor. It’s a fair old drive at either side of the day, so I’d struggle to fit anything else in, even if I was physically able to do so (doubtful).

    Full Member

    The only adjudication is that taking place in your own head.

    Full Member

    I know. But fishing for some validation 😁

    Full Member

    Count me in this year.

    Full Member

    I would say an uplift day was definitely a day’s exercise. It’s all part of a mix anyway.

    Have a good time on Monday.

    Full Member

    Going to Steel City Downhill tomorrow, not riding but my son is so I’m the support crew. Walking up and down the fire road multiple times is going to have to be my excuse for exercise.

    Full Member

    Having a proper rest day today ready for tomorrow, have hit things rather hard this week (stupid timing) so legs are a bit screwed! Probably best to start slowly anyway, don’t want to burn out too early.

    Personal goal is to beat my previous best of 74/100 days and 11 days consecutive. I’ve not got a regular cycle commute or a dog walk to worry about so everything counts!

    I have an uplift day booked at BPW on Monday. Does that ‘count’, being gravity assisted ‘n’ all?

    Of course it does! You may not be giving your cardio system a beating but you’re definitely using muscles hard, just make sure you get enough runs in to tick over the 30 mins of descending. It’ll be a better workout than a walk round the local park and that counts.

    Full Member

    It begins…

    …in the morning.

    Full Member

    OK, first one in the bank! 😁 A short run testing my knee, which behaved itself.

    Full Member

    Day 1 and my bloody Achilles tendonitis has flared up on my left heel!! Will walk around on it for an hour and see if it eases off. Want to do park run this morning but might have to be bikes instead if it doesn’t ease off.

    Get the voltarol and ibuprofen out. Bloody hell!!!🙄

    Full Member

    I’m in too, slightly late as always.

    I can’t bear to look in the mirror, so something’s got to change.

    *throws mirror in skip*

    Full Member

    Started well for me as the 9am gym class was cancelled! Heading down in a bit though and even made a chart for my wife and me so here we go!!

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