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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    My hip has been ok for over a week now and today I was thinking that a gentle jog around the village might be on the cards very soon. I love it but find that it gives me more niggles than anything else.
    Today I’ve just suffered an hour of weights and I cycled over to look at a job earlier this afternoon. Lovely weather again!

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    31. Lurgy has finally taken over. I’m not quite dead  so took a 45 minute walk with son 2 to football training, but didn’t participate. Gonna sit in front of the wood burner and stretch my glutes!

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    Day 31: very early walk in the cold and dark (thanks insomnia)

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    Did an hour in the home gym with a turbo warm up and weights, then the weekly club run tonight. It was only 10km but a bit of a hill. Lovely night for it though and we might squeeze in another next week before the clocks go back. 

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    Squats. Lots of squats

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    Missed karate due to a “poorly” kid (skiving little sod!), so 40 mins weights/circuits and bit of kata warm down

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    Very steady 30 mins in the gym today after a heavy weekend.

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    2nd ever ‘club’ ride. One more and I’ll have to join 😂 16 miles of gravel, mud, clarts, stones and fast folks (not me, they were in the pub waaay before me). (Oh, I did 5 miles to join the group, then another 3.5 to get home.) Think I’ll go for a walk tomorrow 😳

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    One if those lovely Autumn days when it’s cool, clear and still. Did 50km loop on the gravel bike. 


    Free Member

    That looks like it beats my day in meetings SR.

    30 mins on the turbo, would’ve been 45 but squashed a bollock sitting down after an interval 😖

    Full Member

    I’ve done that, made worse by the saddle having a cutout made the quick recoil just as painful!

    Went out on the Ridgeway above Cardiff today, only a short up and down as the wind on the ridge was rather strong!


    Apart from the wind it was a perfect temperature, cool enough to keep sweat to a minimum but not cold enough to warrant anything more than a windproof long sleeve and a base layer.

    Free Member

    Day 32: club run – I needed that tonight but wouldn’t have gone for a run if it wasn’t club night.

    Full Member

    Only managed a walk tonight, still got back sweaty though, so it’s done something. Bike tomorrow I reckon.

    Full Member

    32. Feeling grotty still. Short walk this evening, but Kassandra saved the day with 30 mins of yoga.

    Good effort everyone.

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    LOL – I squeezed in 30 mins with Kassandra too. Nice way to round off an evening and feels really beneficial during a spell of harder exercise. 

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    Couple of hours on the quad skates

    And the Time Warp (on skates)

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    Still on track even if a couple of days have been longer dog walks. Last night was the first MUST have lights ride. Need to put helmet mount back on.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, for the first time since 2017, I’m out of the challenge. I got a concussion right at the start and recovery from that, even though it’s mild, has proved pretty difficult.

    It’s best if I try not to run down my already low energy reserves with the challenge, and I’ve decided not to race the Strathpuffer either so I won’t be doing serious training as part of the challenge either.

    Good luck everyone still doing it.

    Free Member

    That’s rough luck, 100 days of chilling and mending for you.

    lunch walk and 30 mins weights here, off for recovery pie and peas now 🥧

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    Take it easy post concussion munrobiker and hope you’re feeling better soon.

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    Concussion is not to be taken lightly, can lead to all sorts of issues if you stress the brain out again.  I’m living with the effects of doing just that and have done for 12 years now and it’s not exactly pleasant!  Rest up, do whatever gentle exercises you feel like doing and come back to full health ready for the New Year.

    Just another Zwift session for me, weather forecast was horrible all yesterday evening and this morning but never arrived!  

    Free Member

    Do what you need to do (or not) to get feeling better


    Binned off the run thing because, weather

    Beatsaber instead

    Full Member

    Yesterday was a recovery day with extended dog walks and thirty minutes of stretching in the evening.
    Just got home from a damp and windy ride out along the local river bank on the fatty. Not ridden it in a while so was good to get back on it. First proper night ride of this autumn.

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    1500 metre swim – felt like a rest after a tough weekend and the bike commute Mon and Tuesday. Bike commute tomorrow – wet  I guess 

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    Take care of yourself Luke. Or, even better, get the Missus to do it for you :-)

    A wee run today, focussing on cadence, then stretches with Ash and a weights session. Fully expecting to be indoors tomorrow, hitting Zwift like a good ‘un.

    Full Member

    Just read scotroutes post above. Sorry Luke, missed your post. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending healing vibes. Get well soon!

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    33. Feeling a wee bit brighter this evening, so headed out into the dark and lashing rain of Storm Babet with the pooch for an hour’s walk. It was very dark, especially under the trees near the river. So much so that I almost bumped into a sizeable cow (it was black) that was sheltering from the rain.

    I hope to do something a bit more strenuous tomorrow.

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    As expected, yesterday was a walk, however tonight managed to get out for a pedal with @nobbingsford. Wind was OK til we got to the seafront (unsurprisingly)…having to pedal to stay upright going downhill is no fun 😂😂

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    Day 33: walk to shop (further than nearest shop which wouldn’t have been 30+ minutes)

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    Day 34: not going to have time for ‘Thursday night MTB’ so nipped out for a quick short run this morning.

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    Well I failed yesterday. I’m absolutely gutted.

    I thought I was getting over my cold/flu/covid thing from last week but yesterday I went backwards. Literally passed out at lunchtime, with my lunch on my lap and my phone in my hand. Woke up an hour or so later in exactly the same position. Dog had left my lunch alone, which is good though. Just so tired yesterday and could’nt do anything, was also suffering with stomach cramps and diarreah through the day.

    I’m going to keep going though, will try and get out to do something tonight after work, and try and get to chrismas having only missed one day. I am really gutted though. I thought I was going to do it this time.

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    @ads678 – don’t force it. Maybe you just need a few days taking things easy.

    Full Member

    Yeah, just pee’d off as I though I was over the worst of it, but it just seems to be dragging on!

    I’ll get out for walks over the next few days and see how I go. I want to keep going with it, I’f I can keep it down to one missed day then I’ll still feel thats a massive achievement after the last couple of years of letting myself go….

    This is a great way of getting your mojo back, keeping it intersting is the key and the hard part sometimes, but finding new things to do or places to go makes it fun.

    Full Member

    Draw up a list of things you want to do, could just be walks or random activities. That massively helps on the days you struggle. Does sound like you need a week of easy walks and the like though!

    Another Zwift session for me today, don’t really have time for anything more than that thanks to family stuff. Still ticking along though with only one day missed so far so well on my way to beating my 74/100 record.

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    Haven’t checked in for a while, so quite the war and peace update.

    day 23 – eMtb ride 31 km in 1 hour 40 mins, great fun.

    day 24 – swim 3.5 km in 74 minutes and a 2 km walk with Willa for 30 minutes

    day 25 – indoor turnpbo session 28 km in 55 minutes

    day 26 – swim 3 km in 63 minutes and later walk with Wombat 2.3 km in 33 minutes 

    day 27  – indoor turbo session, using the wahoo ride app which fubared itself on the stupid lock icon on the screen, failing to write the fit file correctly. But 52 minutes and 25.8 km, so all good-ish.

    day 28 – had to take it a bit easier, 4.2 km walking in 41 minutes.

    day 29 – walking with wombat 3.2 km in 45 minutes

    day 30 – eMtb ride (pic below) 26 km in 1 hour 25 minutes, great blast round the trails and walked wombat later.

    day 31 – indoor turbo session, 31.5 km in 1 hour.

    day 32 – fail fail fail. An immensely insane day at work, not a moment to myself, constantly talking to multiple people all day long, left work stupidly late and no energy left for a damn thing apart from holding a beer.

    day 33 – swim 2.5 km in 55 minutes, dog slow rubbish swim.

    day 34 – swim, same 2.5 km as on the 18th oct (day 33), but in 50 minutes, 5.5 minutes quicker.

    Still in the challenge, but max I’ll get is 99 days, which is still pretty good. Sometimes life just gets in the way, hey ho.


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    Generally doing pretty well withe the challenge. Full of cold but went for a 50 minute spin on the bike last night and a 5 mile walk today. Until today the weather’s been pretty good, now I think the real hard work is going to start.



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    So far, Babet has missed us, other than a constant drizzle. However, I’d already planned an indoor day so did 90 minutes on Zwift (Stage 3 of ToW) and a 20 minute yoga session with Adrienne.
    Now waiting to see what overnight/tomorrow brings… (some of that blue sky above would be nice!!)

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    Thursday night is cubs so hour and a half on the cx bike while the youngest was dibdibdibbing. Definitely feeling some benefit, getting a little bit of fitness back even chucked a couple of digs in on some little climbs.

    Good luck everyone in babets path, hope it’s a (not overly) damp squib. Up in Comrie next week for half term,  so will be reproofing all of our gear and repairing my wellies over the weekend!

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    Got out for a reasonable walk tonight. Was knackered whilst walking but I actually feel a bit better this evening. 🤞

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    34. Other than lingering catarrh, I’m feeling grand, so ventured out to the gym for an hour. Nothing too heavy.

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