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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Day 28

    Morning 10km run with Mrs S and chum, following the Aviemore 10km route. She was so chuffed to get round in what is her fastest 10km since chemo.


    30 minutes Yoga with Kassandra. I can just about make a reclined pigeon for the first time ever!!

    Afternoon (well, early evening) dip-a-day in Loch Garten. Water still holding up at 11C but we were cooling down very quickly while getting dried with air temps around 7C and the sun dipping below the trees.


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    Far from it here with shades of green

    Was that the green of the loch?? 😉 Never grey in that part of the world for me! 😁

    Last 3 days and 3 walks is best I’ve managed. Been so tired for last 3 days. Very odd. Maybe a covid ‘hangover’. Got the thumbs up for being good for another year from the asthma nurse though. Apparently I’m now in total control of my asthma 🙏🏻

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    Feeling shite again, full of cold, completely bunged up, maybe worse than I was a couple of days ago. Think my bike ride last night has sent me backwards.

    Managed a 6km walk tonight though, and squeezed in a pint of Guinness. Well, it’s good for you innit!!

    Full Member

    28. Feeling stiff as a board after yesterdays gym sesh. So only managed to do 30 mins of yoga with Kassandra. Her vids are decent.

    Hopefully out on the bike tomorrow.

    Full Member

    A full week of cycle commuting, with no car trips at all this week. Biblical rain on the way home today, but after about 30 minutes it just became fun, so added an extra few miles in to enjoy the deserted lanes and cycle paths. Nothing better than a warm shower and toasty clothes after a wet ride.
    Have also managed to get some decent walks in this week – last night was 2 hours.
    Feeling good, and a bit happier for it.

    Full Member

    I’m out due to covid striking. But I’m being looked after by the reason I’ve got myself back into shape, so I’ll take that as a win.

    Keep on going you lot, Covid has scuppered my last two attempts!

    Full Member

    Just done a 4.5k run(ish) with Sandy my small Labradoodle. First time I’ve got her jogging with me, worked ok, not sure she was completely convinced but we’ll try again. I was slow but that’s good cos I’m still feeling crap but hopefully building up slowly will get rid of the cold….


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    Woke up this morning with some energy, so Rising Sun Parkrun it was, although, I forgot my barcode so I’m now an ‘unknown’ near the bottom of the results list 🤦🏻‍♂️. 3 weeks since my last run thanks to covid, work, biking etc. but historically I would have found a mental excuse to not do it, so I’m taking it as a win that I even bothered to get out there. Off for a walk now to see if Aldi have any of their bike gear left 😁

    Full Member

    29. 7 mile walk with the pooch up and around the flanks of the ‘Loaf.51FA96AA-F25F-40C0-9A05-1BB7E7F3FC8AE0F60284-6977-44A2-A51E-91CC6842109A

    Full Member

    An hour of weights yesterday and out today on the road bike. Bright and sunny but definitely chilly compared to last weekend! Beautiful autumn countryside under huge Norfolk skies,
    I love this time of year.

    Free Member

    Surely rest days are as important for increasing strength and fitness as actual exercise itself is?

    If you’re doing 100 days if exercise in a row I’d wager a large chunk of that is junk hours/miles/kgs.

    Full Member

    Active recovery counts on any given day. There’s no way anyone is going to go flat out for 100 days.
    The whole point of the challenge is to give you the incentive to go out when you would otherwise stay indoors as the weather and daylight deteriorates. The true testament to the challenge is the increased fitness come springtime.

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    If you’d read any of the thread then you’d see lots of low stress activities – yoga, lots of walking, easy swimming and so on.

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    More gentle moving

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    Day 29: parkrun (unexpected PB at my ‘home-from-home’ parkrun I’ve done 13 times)

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    I’d planned to get up the mountain to check out the fresh snow but the combination of winds, rain and sleet put me off. Settled for a couple of hours on Zwift instead :-)

    Full Member

    but the combination of winds, rain and sleet put me off

    Softie 😉😉

    Free Member

    Surely rest days are as important for increasing strength and fitness as actual exercise itself is?

    If you’re doing 100 days if exercise in a row I’d wager a large chunk of that is junk hours/miles/kgs.

    Active recovery counts on any given day. There’s no way anyone is going to go flat out for 100 days.The whole point of the challenge is to give you the incentive to go out when you would otherwise stay indoors as the weather and daylight deteriorates. The true testament to the challenge is the increased fitness come springtime.

    I’m rubbish at quoting/formatting on STW so who knows how the above will turn out but, as an example, tomorrow I will walk to/from junior parkrun where I volunteer most Sundays. I’ve got into the habit of driving there even though it’s only a mile but this challenge has nudged me to walking there back. So it’s still a rest day after 5k parkrun today but it’s 30+ minutes of walking that I wouldn’t have done otherwise.

    Free Member

    another week done

    mon evening road ride on the commuter in sports mode (no pannier)

    tues a quick go on the treadmill and a couple of weights machine in the hotel gym

    wed night ju jitsu

    thursday night bike ride

    friday gym after work for x-trainer and a weights circuit

    saturday nice gentle walk out near the coast and yoga and core session (breathe and flow)

    cant believe its D29 already

    Full Member

    Some how I’m still going.
    Now it was never about fitness for me, more just moving in run up to Christmas.
    Mainly 30min walks but that’s good for my back recovery since a disc bulge damaged a nerve.

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    My first Fail day, family stuff just took over the whole day and had no energy or time to do anything. If I was stretching things I could count 3 hours of cleaning a very dusty bedroom or walking my mum’s dog (that’s more a short walk with stops for pees, sniffs and me picking up poo) but it’s not what I call exercise.

    Still, 28 days in a row is by far a new personal record for this challenge!

    Full Member

    15km trail run yesterday in the lakes with 450 other idiots – well organised lakeland trail from Glennridding – weather was great too. Tough in a good way. Bike today

    Full Member

    Lots of turbo this week due to busy family and kids.  Nearly didn’t do it yesterday but ended on a weighs session fro 30 min in the garage just before the rugby!!

    Full Member

    I’m still in, getting harder to commit, but no way quitting.  Mostly running and some bike (weather permitting).   My rest days are 30 min walks, not many of them but certainly needed.
    Bike today, cold but beautiful.  Keep it going everyone, nearly a third done.

    one problem, I’m eating lots more so no weight reduction benefit.

    Full Member

    Out on the bike this morning on a mini tour de waggonways 😁 Stunning morning and very chilly in places ❄️


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    I havent cycled for a couple of weeks, but there’s been walking swimming, and tai chi

    Free Member


    A solo walk up the hills

    Sunshine is beautiful, cold beautiful 

    Full Member

    100km on the bike – flatlands out to Donny and back. Cracking day though.

    Free Member

    Day 30: walked to/from junior parkrun (and also walked the course as did the pre-event course check)

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    Extended dog walk this morning was going to be it for the day but due to the beautiful sunshine, couldn’t resist a nice and easy hour out on the road before the rugby.
    I came across a few Chestnut trees and now have a pound or two of sweet chestnuts which will be going in the oven very soon. I love this time of year!

    Full Member

    Ride round ashover yesterday, lovely and sunny but ground quite wet.

    ashover loop

    Rerun of weather today, even a few spots of frost. Ride from Hope over to Ladybower and back.

    lose hill

    Full Member

    30. Got lurgy-lite, so nothing too cardio.
    Just an hour walk by the river and 25 mins of pilates brutalisation by Nicole.

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    Was gonna get out for some trail slaying with the boy this aft, but full of the lurgy now as well, so went for a 9km walk with wife and dog instead.

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    skateboard & basketball yesterday with the kids

    then this afternoon had an hour to kill while my daughter was in dance class, found a new a skatepark, managed to fall over in front of the teenage girls there; they didn’t  acknowledge my graceless tumble not t even to laugh

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    Day 30 – 15km walk along Loch Affric. We’d planned a loop but it was exceedingly wet and I knew the return track would be a nightmare, with potentially unfordable crossings.


    Stopped on the way back for a dip.


    Free Member

    Friday was a 2 hr walk up the fell. Saturday was a no show, eldests birthday so it was a trip to morecambe and Lancaster for trampolining and retail therapy. Swimming with the kids today, will do a bit on the chinning bar when the kids are in bed. Probably. Being a bit lax at the mo, need to up the tempo and get some more running/bike time in

    Full Member

    Another Zwift training senior followed by a gentle run in Stage 2 of the Tour of Watopia to make up for missing yesterday. Will be doing something outdoors tomorrow and hoping to tick something off the Hit List (stuff I wouldn’t normally do) this next week.

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    This week I was walking part of the Camino de Santiago with the family, so no problems getting the exercise in. And managed a bonus swim on Saturday.20231012_16473020231013_11214220231013_174457

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    Got out in the hills this morning, a walk up to the saddle south of Waun Fach from Pengenfordd. Cold enough to keep me cool but not so cold as to feel cold!


    First time I’ve ever walked up there, usually on the bike.

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    5.4k run this evening. Was thinking I might do 6k but massive stitch got me. I know I’ve got 6k in me though and I’m still feeling a bit crap and haven’t shaken my cold off quite yet.

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