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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    You ran 25k??

    Yep. But I did get a lift back home (via Nethy Cafe).

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    21. Another gym sesh. Avoided legs as we’re on the bikes tomorrow. 

    Free Member

    Day 22: parkrun shocker – had to stop running after ~1km and walked most of the rest. Even when walking my HR and breathing took ages to come back.

    I think I may be going down with some form of ‘lurgy’ – if I have to take some days off the challenge through proper illness I will and then keep going again once I’m OK to carry on (although tomorrow’s plan is walk to/from junior parkrun and I’m reasonably sure I can do that).

    Full Member

    I’ve had a bit of a lurgy, all of us in the house have had it, wife had it worse though. I really struggled on a run Thursday night so just had a walk last night, and going biking today instead of doing park run.

    Free Member

    D22 could/should have started better, a nice lazy saturday morning, veggie brekkie and coffee….. now turns out the kids are over this afternoon for a BBQ!2hrs 34mins to procrastinate, cut the lawn, prep the BBQ and decide on an exercise session – wish me luck.I thought i pulled it out the bag yesterday, staying on at work to use the gym after a rubbish week

    Free Member


    Bit of a stretch and running round getting gig ready – bit of a cop out today

    Full Member

    Day 22 in the Big Brother house and…
    OK. Not really. But I did manage a mud-avoiding 29 miles on the bicycle today. 😁 One of those days when everything was lush and I had a stupid grin on my chops the whole way.

    Lovely flapjack in The Cycle Hub cafe too.


    Free Member

    Not checked in for a while. Day 15 was a fail. Really annoyed with myself but just couldn’t get past a mental block. Was really down, got through a tough day at work and just couldn’t haul my ass off the sofa. Picked it back up and been going solidly since but I know I’m out for this year. 

    Been mixing up circuits, jogging, turbo sessions, etc but annoyingly it seems like I can run and ride but can’t walk because of a dodgy knee so gentle days are hard. Managed another 5km run and was another 30s faster than last time. 

    This morning managed an 8km run in just over 50mins which is the furthest I have run since 2007!!

    Can’t get over the amount of sweating I am doing with all this😳 I’m constantly drinking water to try and catch up. Also dropped about 1kg so far. Getting a lot closer to my pre operation weight but also much fitter all round. 

    I am liking what this is doing to me

    Full Member

    I know I’m out for this year

    Just go for a walk on Xmas day and call it even 😁

    Full Member

    Out this morning in the lashing rain to support Mrs S in her dip-a-day challenge. Well, I guess it wouldn’t be a challenge if it didn’t involve some hardship! 


    It must be love. Right?

    And then an hour on Zwift to remind myself what spinning a crank is like. 

    Full Member

    Another hour of weights yesterday and a very enjoyable ride this morning. The weather has been very unseasonal, it was a pleasure to be out so made the most of it and was out for three hours.

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    After being away in Spain last Fri – Mon, drinking *way* too much and only walking blew the cobwebs off with a decent ride up to Lady Cannings, just under 40 miles. Lovely weather, although the coffee van wasn’t at Curbar Gap which was disappointing. Curbar Edge was super busy.



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    Easily the hardest part of doing this is avoiding getting sick.. last year it was flu- was flattened for 3 weeks. This year it’s the ‘vid. Managed 15 days and have just had to rest this week. Looking forward to picking back up when the chest allows.

    Full Member

    Easily the hardest part of doing this is avoiding getting sick.

    Absolutely this.
    It’s a lottery and illness or injury is hard to avoid. Last year I was struck down with flu the week before Christmas. All we can do is give it our best shot.
    Best of health to everyone!

    Free Member

    Just a lunch time walk yesterday, grafting on the house today and just done 30 mins weights and 15 mins kata

    Can o’clock!

    Full Member

    30 mins interval running on the treadmill today.

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    Most of this week has been Zwift based, so good to get out for a wander up Conic Hill last night after work. Have been struggling with a lack of fitness and motivation since having shoulder problems at the start of the year, so the 100 day challenge is proving a good motivation to build some consistency back into my exercise habits.


    Full Member

    Day #21 – eMtb ride 33 km in 1 hour 42 minutes. Brilliant fun. Later a 3km walk with Wombat in 48 minutes.

    Day #22 – swim 2.64 km in 54 minutes. Not a great session, was bloody tired. Am still knackered now !

    but still in the challenge and well done everyone still doing this. It’s not always that easy to keep going at this.

    some great pics and stuff being done by you guys. 

    Full Member

    22. Off colour this morning, so cycling postponed until tomorrow. I went for a short walk (30-40 mins) to enjoy the balmy weather. Finally did some stretching and pseudo-yoga moves for about 30 mins after the rugby Not great but FoD tomorrow.

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    Had a really rough 36 hours so only just managed to squeeze a Zwift training session in before midnight. Probably be another one tomorrow too as I doubt I’ll have any time for a proper ride despite the decent forecast.

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    How difficult can it be to keep count of what day I’m on! Had a great walk on south coast yesterday on what I thought was D21 – but just read thread and realised it was D22 😀. Out for a road ride shortly for D23.
    Nearly 25% done!

    Full Member

    9 mile run yesterday – prep for a trail run next week. Bike or weights today


    Dipped out of this site to a couple of gruellers at work and a stomach bug.

    Happy in myself that in getting more than enough exercise though

    Full Member

    Haven’t posted in here until now but I’ve been following this and have managed to succeed so far with a mixture of MTB, turbo, bouldering, walks and weight training. I must admit it’s quite satisfying seeing a big block of activities on my Strava training log!

    If I don’t get ill before Xmas I’m quietly confident I can get this done. Back on the MTB this morning after a big 43km 1200m day yesterday.

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    Had a therapeutic/ cathartic few days in Chesterfield looking after my mum post spinal op. Thursday and Friday were dog walks in Stone Edge quarry, where we spent a lot of teenage time “sessioning” one particular trail and rocky chutes. Yesterday was a run along Curbar and Baslow edges – bit shorter than planned but didn’t feel great so no bad thing. Then walked around Holymoorside rediscovering more trails of my youth and visiting Dad & Dog’s ash scattering spot. Lovely part of the world. Yoga this morning to stretch it all off.


    Free Member

    Day 23: walk to/from junior parkrun 

    Full Member

    Two hours scarifying the lawn with a rake will have to do for today. Quite a workout!

    Full Member

    23. FoD with son 2. Lovely weather but Cannop was packed! Now off to mow the lawn.

    Free Member

    2hrs on the single speed today. Can’t stop eating but feel like I’ve worked hard for it. Toad in the hole for tea and it doesn’t stand a chance

    Free Member

    Went for a run up to Levers water, well, a run back down from Levers water.

    gas station with e85 gas near me

    Full Member

    7k walk Friday evening, MTB Saturday and just been for a run/walk with my wife. Only 4.3k but she’s not been well this week and I’m still sweating like mad and knackered!

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    Dancing around at rehearsals then a good wander round town for the photos.

    Too wired today

    Full Member

    Had to exercise indoors today. Flood warning was at RED – Danger to Life level and bit of the town are submerged.

    Coincidentally, Zwift sent me a “we’ve not seen you for a while” email with a promo code for a free month so I’ll count that as a win!

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    skateboard on Friday

    then 2 days on cub camp, that’s definitely a workout!

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    Really couldn’t be bothered today but managed some more interval runs + some upper body stuff. Hopefully get out on MTB tomorrow.

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    A few hours down the local beach with the RC club and our crawlers this afternoon followed by a Zwift session. Honing in on 25 days without a missed day, really happy with that!

    Full Member

    Had to exercise indoors today. Flood warning was at RED – Danger to Life level and bit of the town are submerged.

    Perfect for your wife’s “dip a day”, though?

    Not doing the challenge this year – I’ve got a couple of races coming up, so knew I’d be tapering/recovering and it wasn’t going to happen. But I’m enjoying following along with all your activities, and it’s great to see a few of you are starting to notice real gains from doing it!

    And the photos, obviously :)

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    Went for a walk to see the waterfalls at Blaen Y Glyn Isaf in the Brecon Beacons today, not a huge distance but a tough walk so plenty of calories burned. Took the little truck with me too.PXL_20231009_101453113PXL_20231009_110921872

    One day I might actually go for a walk somewhere without it 🤣

    Free Member

    Day 24: lunchtime walk – I was going to walk to/from work but had a crap night’s sleep so opted to wfh but dragged myself out for a walk.

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    Road ride after work. The weather is beautiful, better than July and August, really warm and a most noticeably light breeze. Perfect cycling conditions and I’d say the best I can remember for some time.

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