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  • 100 days of exercise until Christmas 2023
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    Thought I’d start a new thread seeing as how there appears to be some interest.

    Assuming the same “rules” as the previous 4 years then it’s 30 minutes of exercise per day. Riding, running, walking, paddling, weights, yoga, etc, outdoor or indoor, it’s up to you. I think we agreed that taking your dog for its regular walk didn’t coudid normal commuting as it’s all about doing more than you normally would, but I’m personally not fussed how you make it through. Keep the thread going with photos and chat as that adds to the encouragement and incentive for others.

    The challenge starts on 16th September and runs through until Christmas Eve.

    There was a Strava Group set up last year too. I rarely make public all my Strava activities these days but if someone wants to kick it off then I’ll likely chime in.

    Full Member

    Right I’m in. Tried last year and got to around day 75 and then life got in the way as we moved house.

    As someone mentioned in the original thread though, I don’t expect my photos to be as inspiring as scotroutes.

    Full Member

    Cheers @scotroutes! I’m in

    Full Member

    Yes! I did ok last year then got the lurgi and that was that. Hopefully get all the way through this time :D

    Full Member

    Failed in the first couple of weeks last year! Head just wasn’t in the right place. I did manage the full 100 days in 2020 I think though.

    I really need this now though as my fitness is shocking. So I’m in. It’ll be slow at first but I’m hopefull I’ll get there again this time…..

    Full Member

    In :) completed this last year and whilst difficult had a really good impact on health and fitness.

    Full Member

    Also in, as long as I can maintain momentum I should manage…

    Full Member

    Brilliant idea.

    I’m IN.

    Desperate to get back ‘on the horse’ after losing the most of the last 10-12 months via the combination of a glass back, laziness, and  prioritising doting on a very poorly angel of a black Labrador 😪).

    I’ve voted Friday afternoon off this week to go biking and get a head start!

    Free Member

    I love the idea of this, I’m in!

    Might try and get a colleague or two at work to commit. First challenge is a 3 day conference at the end of September

    Full Member

    I’m in: but pretty easy for me as i work mainly from home so big advantage. Have joined a weightlifting club for lunch exercise, 2 days a week and swim the other 3. Bike in the evening/weekends. (outdoor/Zwift).

    Full Member

    Yeah, go on, I’m in

    Full Member

    I’m in.

    Full Member

    What’s the prize?  I’m not keen unless there’ s a trinket to prove I’ve taken part.

    Full Member

    I was only thinking last night that I could do with trying this again this year! Thanks Scotroutes.

    Full Member


    Does wrestling with grandkids count ?

    Full Member

    I’m in again, think I’ve managed to complete the last 2-3 years. Makes you go out and do something on crap weather days.

    Full Member

    Im in!

    I did it almost fully in 2021. I had a good effect on my health
    I had some brain surgery in Oct 22 that spoilt it for me last year.

    This year im retired and happy to post here and strava.


    Full Member

    I’ve failed the last 2yrs, so got to be third time lucky surely & wanting to be fit for our trip to NZ & Oz in spring will be a great incentive 🙂

    Full Member

    I’m in.

    A summer of work related nonsense, combined with only recently discovering that pizza actually does contain calories (who knew?) means that I’m in desperate need of a challenge to stick to some form of excercise routine.

    Fingers crossed it offsets that tub of Heroes that will be opened on Christmas Eve.

    Full Member

    Does wrestling with grandkids count ?

    Only if it’s for minimum 30 minutes; and you post pictures of your bloodied carcass after they’ve finished with you ;)

    Full Member

    I’m in again. I’m aiming to not lose interest halfway through again. Basically, what’s happened for the past few years. Mini 10 has not been interested in doing the Friday Night Dance Party at all this year. I think it’s time to resurrect that for 30 mins of solid baggy grooving. Just have to pick up all the Lego!

    Full Member

    I’m going to give it a go.

    Without wishing to show weakness before it even starts…..if you miss a day can you do a couple of sessions the next day to catch up?

    Full Member

    I’m up for trying it again – I’ve made it for 80 days or so in the past.

    Free Member

    <p>246Without wishing to show weakness before it even starts…..if you miss a day can you do a couple of sessions the next day to catch up?</p>

    No. You will be executed forthwith and your  bicycles distributed amongst the faithful adherents.

    Full Member

    I’m going to try again. Life usually gets in the way, but if you’re not in the park you can’t score a goal (to kick off related cliches)

    Full Member

    I’m in. Pushed an email all at work and have got 20 folk signed up to the 100days team. It’s November that’s awful in teaching so hoping it’ll get folk through in a better state of mind and body.

    Full Member

    Is there a strava group yet?


    Full Member

    I’m already on it!

    Started on the 1st as I did last year which worked well as I came down with the Flu the week before Christmas last year so still got in my 100 days.

    Started running as my New Year’s resolution, I’ve built up gradually to 5k which I have been doing every other day since January and intend to try to run every morning for this year’s challenge. A big step up but I think I’m ready?

    I know I am going to need some easy days but that’s the plan. Good luck to everyone having a go, it really helps my fitness and mental health as the days drawn in.

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    Full Member

    I’m in. The dog likes a late night walk :D

    Free Member

    I’m in. Better year for it, for me.

    Full Member

    I just came on here to ask about the 75hard “challenge” but saw this had been propsed so I guess I’m in. No strava though, sorry.

    ☑️ Follow a diet.  This can be the diet of your choice, but it must be a structured plan designed with a physical improvement in mind.

    ☑️ You must complete two 45-minute workouts. One of those workouts MUST be outdoors.

    ☑️ Absolutely NO alcohol or cheat meals.

    ☑️ Take a progress picture every day.

    ☑️ Drink 1 gallon of water.

    ☑️ Read 10 pages of a book.  **Audiobooks DO NOT COUNT.



    You have until you go to sleep to complete the day.

    If you fail, you MUST start over on Day 1.

    Full Member

    Thank you for organising again, I’ll have another go.

    At the 100 days I hasten to add, not the other bits above my post

    Full Member

    I’d like to join in, it just may get me off my arse a little more often. Assume I’m going to have to spam my Strava followers feeds with stuff I wouldn’t normally share but meh

    Free Member

    Done 3 days with a hike, a bike and a “run” (too hot to run the uphills today!). Hoping these will remain as prep days rather than bankers this year!

    Full Member

    Might have to start a few days late this year: I’m doing a stupidly long ultra marathon next week, and I can’t see myself doing any kind of exercise on Saturday. But I might just take that stupidly long race as an excuse to take the first couple of days off :)

    Full Member

    I’m in! This sounds good!

    Full Member

    Assume I’m going to have to spam my Strava followers feeds with stuff I wouldn’t normally share but meh

    Yeah – I have this dilemma too. My Strava is normally set to Private mode but I tend to open it up to Followers during this challenge. Having said that, Strava is very much optional. Better to make use of this thread really.

    Full Member

    I’m in, early morning gym sessions combined with the MTB fitness app. Hoping to see improvements in my head.

    Free Member

    pondering having another go this year.

    last year i did reasonably well, but not restricting my usual exercise routine made it difficult to not ‘over train’…. doing 90mins of ju jitsu on a wed and then 120mins on the mtb on a thursday made friday/saturday a real struggle…

    this year, ive a week in spain in Sept and two weeks in Oz in November – reckon i need to start running again, last year i didnt pay any attention to my diet or alcohol intake….. hmmmm….

    strava was the easiest way to record/track activities

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