Because once there's a few together, there's always probable caws
that is all; carry on
Very good (smiley face)
In all seriousness, I do like the "Memory of Elephants" and a "Flambouyance of Flamingoes" collective nouns
My favourite is a "muddle of guinea pigs".
Because once there’s a few together, there’s always probable caws
that is all; carrion
that is all; carrion
splendid effort !
Someone did a study into all the dead crows on the hard shoulder of the M4 to find out what killed them.
Nearly 100% of the dead birds had traces of vehicle paint on their feathers which indicated the probable cause of death.
Further research into the paint revealed that it was all traceable to paint from trucks and lorries.
The theory into this is that crows are very good at working collaboratively and can warn each other about danger and that they can shout 'car!' really well but not 'lorry!'....
An equivocation of economists
A pork pie of politicians
A flush of billionaires
A Prickle of hedgehogs 🙂
ok but explain a gargle of strippers?
ok but explain a gargle of strippers?
not before 9pm
not before 9pm
So its a mouthwash thing?
My nephew aged 5.
"What did the elephant say to the naked man?"
"How to you breathe with that little thing"
A swift tangent from crows to swallows?
I’ve never been able to work out why it’s a Murder of Crows and not Ravens; you seldom see more than two Ravens together, and it always seems like they’re plotting something…
My favourite birds, though, there was one flying around where I live being given a really hard time by a carrion crow a week or two ago.
How the chough would I know?
I’ve never been able to work out why it’s a Murder of Crows and not Ravens; you seldom see more than two Ravens together, and it always seems like they’re plotting something…
Appropriately then, the collective noun for ravens is a parliament.
... but a misidentification of baby robins
A wotsit called of amnesiacs
I like a parliament of owls and, my favourite, a bevvy of otters.
A right set of bastards
Its a labour of moles.
Bloody miners, always on strike.
It’s a bunch of fives in the spud grinder
Flock of cows
Flock of cows
(Go on then I'll set it up )
But surely it's "herd of cows".....
(Go on then I’ll set it up )
🙂 🙂
A paddle of Platypus
This brings me onto a subject.
Black Sheep coffee shops hashtag is #leavetheherd or some such nonsense.
Its a **** flock of sheep you muppets.
A shamble of electricians and a pride of fitters.
Appropriately then, the collective noun for ravens is a parliament.
It’s a Parliament of Owls, Shirley. Took a bit of searching, but there’s several for ravens; a conspiracy, parliament, unkindness - conspiracy or unkindness are appropriate, but I still prefer a murder.
Still, a murder of crows does trip off the tongue nicely, and it makes a good song lyric as well.
Somebody tried to popularise "a squad of squid" a while ago - much better than (whatever it actually is - shoal maybe ?)
A nave of vicars
Its a **** flock of sheep you muppets.
Shirley it's a Creature Shop of Muppets?
Apparently a crow has 15 primary wing feathers, and a raven has 16
.so the difference between a crow and a raven is just a matter of a pinion
Apparently a crow has 15 primary wing feathers, and a raven has 16
.so the difference between a crow and a raven is just a matter of a pinion
Well done that man!
I’ve got a Raven primary feather, they’re pretty big, 32cm compared to 27.5cm for a carrion crow.
I think starlings are a flock, like most birds, but frankly a collective noun two or more starlings should be a squabble, because two starlings will start a fight if they’re closer together than a couple of feet! Get twenty or thirty and it’s like Celtic v Rangers game fans at final whistle.
A liability of cats, as anyone who owns more than one will attest to.
I recognise that Magpie card, that’s Jackie Morris, from the Lost Words book she did with Robert McFarlaine. Friends of mine are very good friends with Jackie, and I’ve got signed copies of the books as Christmas presents from them. She’s a wonderful artist.
But everything on there about maggies definitely applies to starlings. Noisy wretches!
An 'effluent of politicians'.
Are we doing verbs or nouns?
I'm so confused.
A moan of camera operators.
Niche, sorry, but hilarious if you work in the industry.
Where do recognised words end and arbitrary whimsy take over? Often when talking about an actual group of creatures people revert to the boring flock, herd etc.
Bit late to this but I'm amazed no-one has mentioned
A flange of gorillas
Just ask Gerald.
Gerald was livid when heard that term, apparently it's a "whoop of gorillas"
I saw two crows stuck together the other day, I think that they were Velcros.
Collective noun for a group of Penguins ? A Packet