Hannah tests out technical trail foods, for when ‘pie’ is not an option
By stwhannah
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I bought two Clif Shots at Llandegla on Saturday. I had the Chocolate one before I set off. Tastes like treacle with chocolate in and is much thicker than any gel I've had before. I wouldn't want to try and eat it whilst riding. I could feel it trying to remove my teeth. On a massively positive note though, the tear-off top is held on by a little piece of plastic which prevents that annoying tiny bit of rubbish coming away - so hopefully less trail trash unless you're too selfish and lazy to pocket the wrapper.
I know it's a bit of a pain but could you put if these are vegetarian/vegan? It helps us unwashed tree hugging hippies:-)
( I know the haribo's aren't)
sideshowdave - I've added in the ones I have managed to check. Will update the others as and when I hear from the other companies.
This is like Top Trumps for biscuits.
Stehannah - cheers makes it easier to order online if I know they're ok to eat 😀
You are forgetting the trusty Ziploc full of nuts and raisins (or trail mix as or American cousins call it). Helps that it's actual food but the energy release is nothing like as immediate as sugary stuffs
I go with a combination of a bag of nuts and fruit plus a bag of sugary stuff (haribo an obvious favourite), eat something one an hour and electrolyte wotsit in my bottle/camelbak (although I probably only see the benefit from that on longer rides.
On the road (or if you find a handy shop on the trail) a can of full fat coke or other caffeinated sugary beverage of choice is a magical shot to the muscles if you're bonking a bit