On Wednesday, the news broke that Katie Compton had been given a four-year suspension by the US anti-doping agency (USADA). It was announced that she ...
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Whatever has happened here is so so sad.!
either she isn't as squeaky clean as she says and its heartbreaking to here shes also a cheat.
she hasnt taken a thing and the testing procedure is flawed.
if you've employed lawyers to fight this, i'm sure they would find a flaw in the testing procedure pretty quickly.
sad times indeed.
Given the choice is conspired against or doper, I’ll go with doper.
That she was vocal about doping means nothing - witness any number of athletes, politicians and preachers who spoke out strongly against what turned out to be their own vices or immorality.
It really is Trump's America now, isn't it. If you don't like the result then just call the whole thing a fraud.
It only really works if you've got a committed fanbase though. Which Compton seems to.
I bet Armstrong wishes he'd thought of it.
Sea urchin - third possibly of accidental ingestion
Sea urchin – third possibly of accidental ingestion
Based on her husband/coach's statement, that's not the defense they're going with.
Although, there is the third option of accidental ingestion and then husband had a mental breakdown.
It really is Trump’s America now, isn’t it. If you don’t like the result then just call the whole thing a fraud.
And get your fans to fund "the fight"
It only really works if you’ve got a committed fanbase though. Which Compton seems to.
Weird, huh? The case doesn’t seem any more uncertain than any other cycling doping case, but so many seem to either believe her totally, or at least prepared to cast doubt and withhold judgement.
Lucky her for only getting caught as her career drew to its natural close.
And given the current response, I suspect her future in the industry is secure - once all this blows over. Shame, cause cheats shouldn’t prosper.
The sanctions really aren't enough. I feel for all the competitors who've lost out to her in the past.
Quite an interesting take on it here
Just came here to also post a link to that article ^. It is a great analysis of the bollocks that Compton and Legg have spouted
At the very top they all dope. End of story.
That article on cyclocosm is VERY interesting!
Another good article on the subject
@trickydisco thanks for that link. Really thoughtful and thought provoking piece especially when read with the cyclocosm post.
For me doping is corrosive to sport in so many ways. It erodes the trust of fans, destroys fair competition, damages participants health.
I think Cyclocosm hits the nail on the head about the bizarre and chaotic nature of their announcements.
Deliberate doping is by far the most plausible explanation but even if it's accidental she's still hoist with her own petard having been so outspoken about athlete responsibility.
As mentioned above, there's something positively Trumpian about Legg's statements.
Kilo, thanks for posting that link. It's an awesome piece of analysis that makes plain speech out of all of the 'masking' going on in these statements of 'innocence'.
Looks like Katie Comptons partner has put some further postings up about this
Because USADA tied our hands and rejected our rescinding the ban because of new information which included them keeping an open sample for five months in a Beringer bottle and poor expensive legal advice while USADA can simply outspend you. We got buggered up. They did nothing with the information we passed on because it would have stood on some toes at an international governing body. Even when we asked twice if there was an oversight at the lad in LA, they responded with silence. Listen to Katie's story. We were done with racing. We contacted an anti-doping agency then we were done for good.