Today marks Cycle to Work day. To mark the occasion, a new study has been released that suggests 55% of UK adults are considering buying an eBike. Fol ...
By identitizombie
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"Survey commissioned by eBike manufacturer says e-bikes are the future".
I'll take a pinch of salt with mine, please. And, as ever, I'd like to see the questions asked.
That's impressive considering 75% of UK adults don't even know what an ebike is !
As I'm not thinking about it do I need to have a stern conversation with the wife ?
What Sir Humphrey said….
Ask everyone again in January when its been p***ing down for a few months.
And, as ever, I’d like to see the questions asked.
Which of the following three methods of transport would you consider buying if the alternative were a slow and painful death?
a: An elephant
b: One of those broken-down donkeys you see on ads on the telly
c: An e-bike (plus a £1000 voucher to spend at McDonalds)
In 5 years time 55% of UK adults will have an eBike gathering dust in their garage with a knackered motor and no spares available!
I cycled to work today. I cycled to the park and back. I'm working from home, not the park. I am not a squirrel.
They deduced 55% of UK adults from a sample size of 2000. Okey doke.
That’s impressive considering 75% of UK adults don’t even know what an ebike is !
Indeed - I had to explain to my brother what one was and he owns 3 mountain bikes!
Is the quote not '55% of the panel invited to speak about cycling thought they might consider at some point the idea of an ebike'?
and 63% of UK Adults are overweight.
c: An e-bike (plus a £1000 voucher to spend at McDonalds)
😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 etc
8 out of 10 owners said their cats prefer it.
Easy to scoff at loaded surveys, but surely ebikes "should" be the solution for a lot of short and/or urban journeys?
I don't think anyone is saying ebikes aren't a really good idea to replace car journeys.
Just that this article is credulous to the point of making Singletrack look silly.
I don’t think anyone is saying ebikes aren’t a really good idea to replace car journeys.
My dad does. He's not a fan of cars, but hates e-bikes with a passion. It's really odd.
Which version of cycle to work day was this? It's unlikely that Cycling UK wouldn't bombard my my inbox for 2 solid months about this and I had no clue.
I've considered buying a mclaren
I’ve considered buying a mclaren
Do you mean Maclaren?
55% of UK Adults Considering Buying an eBike
73.6% of statistics are made up
Do you mean Maclaren?
My dad does. He’s not a fan of cars, but hates e-bikes with a passion. It’s really odd.
Does he say 'Baaaah HUMBUG' a lot ?.
I don't believe it personally. The last thing a commuter needs is to spend 3-5K on an E bike and get it nicked straight away. Also they are much heavier than road bikes.
Just get a road bike and you'll easily be able to do 15MPH which is plenty fast enough in an urban environment.