Well in a strange twist of fate it seems to Gods have smiled upon my lad and his jumping and attitude has paid off.
Someone here saw some of our discussions on future frame/bike stuff and came up with a deal that's quite simply impossible to refuse. So we didn't and this morning i've paid for it and we'll be driving to the frozen wastelands of the north to collect it as soon as viable.
Specialized S-works Enduro 27.5
Ohlins rear, Pikes rct3 forks, 11 speed xx1 drive train with S Works carbon cranks, XT brakes, Specialized Command dropper. THe only thing it doesn't come with is wheels, but i've arranged a loan/purchase of some of them with a friendly member 🙂
I'm slightly traumatised by the 'value' of the bike i have to say for a 12 year old... but we're getting it at crazy price, so it's almost OK to deal with.
I can't wait to see his reaction when we turn up to get it without him knowing. I can't thank them enough, but i'm hoping, seeing him using it properly and launching gap jumps, schralping berms and hopefully doing some Enduro races on it, will be help in showing out gratitude.
[url= https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50493615277_0252e2467c_c.jp g" target="_blank">https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50493615277_0252e2467c_c.jp g"/> [/img][/url][url= https://flic.kr/p/2jVWYDK ]2020-10-16_07-43-44[/url] by [url= https://www.flickr.com/photos/152318156@N08/ ]Steve Weeks[/url], on Flickr
Bizarrely, the garage wall looks familiar and the “northern” location leads me to think that it’s a member I have had good dealings with too.
My son is “well jell” as no-one now says.
Wow, that's one hell of a bike for anyone, let alone a 12yo!
Wow, that’s one hell of a bike for anyone, let alone a 12yo!
It's a damn sight better than mine, something is very wrong in that statement i must sat ! hahaha.
But he's a damn sight better than me at riding now and with his skills improving by the day, my time of being king is pretty much over in this house. Of course i'm biased, but he's a great kid too and well, i think he deserves it..
yeah, looks a familiar garage wall, that one - well done that member
what solvent for lairy wheel stickers ? 😉
Good news! Glad to hear mate 🙂 Hope he enjoys it!
Good stuff, if you can afford it why not, going to places like Wind Hill or BPW you see loads more kids on top spec bikes, they have the skills so they can make the most of the strength/reduced weight/etc.
Hope he enjoys it, and just remember, it'll keep being expensive, upgrades are always required!
it’ll keep being expensive, upgrades are always required!
IT's never been anything less than expensive.. But it gets him out the house, playing with friends, riding the trails and jumping like a crazy boy.
That looks all kinds of awesome!!
Stealth wanted add, I'm looking for a xs bike for my soon to be 10 year old if you have anything to move on let me know.
IT’s never been anything less than expensive.. But it gets him out the house, playing with friends, riding the trails and jumping like a crazy boy.
I know where our money goes, and I don't have a problem with that.
Looks ace. Pics when he hits the first jump... 😎
Welcome to the jumpy kid on Stumpy gang.
I'll have his 2017 in a small coming up soon mate.
1x11GX, Guide RS brakes, Revelations 150mm, tubeless, boost both ends, great condition
It's in a small, but their smalls are not massive. As you're close it's certainly worth a try if you want. Throw me a message if you're interested buddy. He was riding this at 11, there's a 10 year old we ride with who's tried it and fits (just.. really really just)
I'm not quite sure he'll fit the new one yet, won't know till we try it, but i'm guessing as soon as he sits on it, he'll magically grow and fit it perfectly... But happy to discuss.
I’ll have his 2017 in a small coming up soon mate.
1x11GX, Guide RS brakes, Revelations 150mm, tubeless, boost both ends, great condition
Thats one hell of a bike too, might not get past her in doors price wise!!
well done @Tracey i recognise that garage even from here in Sweden! ...and again, top dadding Weeksy!
Holy crap Weeksy that is awesome.
Wow! Very cool.
I just came home with a secondhand Scott Scale disc 24 for my 9 yr old. He's blown away. Total surprise.
...is this where I'm heading? 🤣
…is this where I’m heading?
IT's far from impossible LOL. I've always wanted my lad to enjoy the MTB stuff as it's a massive passion of mine.
He had a Liv Embolden before the FSR, he went to Swinley Summit and did this
[url= https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49505674902_e5bea9eb82_b.jp g" target="_blank">https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49505674902_e5bea9eb82_b.jp g"/> [/img][/url][url= https://flic.kr/p/2iqDwp1 ]2020-02-08_12-18-48[/url] by [url= https://www.flickr.com/photos/152318156@N08/ ]Steve Weeks[/url], on Flickr
I then bought the 2017 the day after, simply because i thought "i can't let him do that sort of stuff on that bike" So we bought it...
He loves this bike, but like i say, in the next 6 months it'll be getting too small and i'm the kind of guy where once an idea gets into my head i get a little carried away with it, which has also happened here 🙂
But no, you don't have to head here... or even close to here... but things just kinda progress sometimes.
One lady owner !?
We have a tabletop a decent 1.5m high berm and a 250m forest track but so far the boys are less inclined to jump. Maybe we'll stick to HT budgets for a while.
Spent the afternoon prepping his bike for sale, fitting dropper, standard wheels and tyres etc... then he came home and got it dirty again ! But was a good test as it showed we needed to adjust the dropper cable slightly.
Got it back home and it good to go.
Can't wait to see his face. 😄
Well he better like it now, I've sold his other one ha ha ha.
I’d just like to thank the same seller for a very generous deal on an unused Command dropper post for my son.
He’s dead chuffed with it as he doesn’t have to use his whole body to move the lever. Thanks Tracey; you’re doing a great thing for young riders it seems!
Collected. Super shiny, light and awesome.
My lad didn't quite know what to say. He thought we were just collecting tyres. He thought that as brilliant. Then Kevin and Tracey allowed him to try the bike and he was blown away.
"We better take it home then" I said and he laughed lots.
Then worked out I was serious
Lovely stuff! Hope he doesn’t grow out of it too quick 😊
Hell if he does, I'll be riding it myself, I don't mind them a bit small.
Wrong thread
Stealth wanted add, I’m looking for a xs bike for my soon to be 10 year old if you have anything to move on let me know.
When do you need it?
Got one of these which needs to move on before next summer....
Nice to meet up. Glad he liked it.
Get some pics up when he's out on it.
Thanks for the gin 👍
He's out now.... Sadly the 29er front wheel didn't fit and that was the only 100*15 i had in the house. He was looking a little sad, so i came up with plan B and fitted the forks from my G160 along with it's front wheel. It was only 15 mins work so wasn't too bad. Chucked 50psi less into the forks for him and sent him out to show off to the boys. They're now in the woods playing 🙂
Sadly i can't go and join them as i don't have any forks hahahahahaaha
[img] [/img]
[url= https://www.flickr.com/photos/152318156@N08/50502210407/ ]2020-10-18_05-09-47[/url] by [url= https://www.flickr.com/photos/152318156@N08/ ]Steve Weeks[/url] - [url= https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dariogf.flickr2BBcode_lite ]Flickr2BBcode LITE[/url]
There are some very nice people on here.
Awesome 👏 !
Awesome 👏 !
Wow, Dad of the year. I wish my dad would buy me a bike like that!
Spent a bit of time on the bike last night as i was taking the forks out and putting them back into my bike.
The headset, that was still functional, but is one of them where any day now it's destined to sieze and more through just not adding a little bit of grease every month or two than anything. But it still works, i don't think it'll last another winter though. So i've ordered a new headset. Brake mount bolts just neglected a bit etc... Nothing major, nothing complex, but just needs that little bit of attention to detail to make it from a nice machine, to a wonderful one.
The handlebars were offset 8mm from center, something not many would actually even notice.... but i'm one of the not many. So they've been re-centered now and all good.
Next job for later is to get some more 3M clear tape installed on various parts that's not been done. I was really pleased to find some Invisiframe type tape on various parts, but i do like a bit more in places like the chainstays etc.
Front wheel today to collect from a mate, get that tyred up and tubeless, then can start dialling in the settings to get it just right.
The boy tells me it rides "SO FAST, it just flies !" and informs me it jumps really nicely... So i'm hoping for good things once we get it sorted. We added some tortoise on the ohlins as the rebound was too fast on it for him, we'll check the pressures on that at the weekend, hopefully with Shockwiz as a mate has borrowed it. But i think we can get it pretty close on our own.
I've only just noted - clearly you need a LesGets riding top to ride a Stumpy.. 😎
I’ve only just noted – clearly you need a LesGets riding top to ride a Stumpy
LOL it seems so. He's got 2, but just happened to pick that one up yesterday when going out 🙂
Woah.. Just reading the manual on the Ohlins rear. Crazy talk !!! High and Low speed compression, auto sag, variable rebound... WFT lol
Where light weight of a cross country shocks meet the maximum control of a downhill bike. The search is over, STX 22 Air (Specialized) offers unheard of traction and support in light weight durable unit. No compromise needed.
Specialized and Öhlins working together to offer a new level of performance not seen in air sprung shocks before specifically tailored to the ride character of each model.
Analyzing the demands on an air sprung Enduro & Trail shock Öhlins STX concept was the answer. Thanks to the lower damping levels compared to a coil sprung Downhill shock, a less complex product has been developed that still maintains high-performance functionality and offer ride efficacy without tampering with downhill control.
The STX 22 Air (Specialized) features a large piston diameter balanced by a large compression valve that ensures internal pressures are kept under control. This results in low hysteresis and excellent damping response, offering ride efficiency without tampering with downhill control.
Low and high speed compression and rebound damping are externally adjustable with an additional climb mode setting, a stability mode facilitating long climbs with maintained traction.
The air spring features a seal system optimized for low friction but also to give a smooth balancing of pressure between the air chambers. The result is initial suppleness supported by mid-stroke control and that extra bottom out resistance coming from air spring characteristics. It is also possible to tune the spring curve by adding or removing volume spacers or additional oil in the positive air chamber for a more progressive or a linear feel
God his mates must be jealous!
God his mates must be jealous!
I went up to the woods with shock pump etc and tools to set levers and things, along with my G160. Which was ace for me as I've now discovered my broken scaphoid is healed enough to allow me to jump again. Which is exciting beyond words.
But one of his mates was that excited I thought he may wet himself. It was very funny and very sweet. The lads seem impressed. I think I got some brownie points as I rode their enduro line in a train with them.
Looking good, always nice to have something shiny to keep you going, next step some knee/elbow pads though, bigger jumps will mean bigger falls!
I think I got some brownie points as I rode their enduro line in a train with them.
You mistake enduro for endured you... You're dad, as of age 9 you become less cool every month...
next step some knee/elbow pads though, bigger jumps will mean bigger falls
He does full armour and FF when doing anything bigger