Internet Rummagings – Tom’s Christmas Baubles

Season’s greetings and welcome to this edition of Internet Rummagings where, rather than doing my Christmas shopping on the internet I once again have been rummaging around in the WWWLBS,…

Internet Rummagings – No Queue Edition

There’s never a queue to get to the back room of the internet’s bike shop, so off I went a rummagin’. Here’s what I found this month. There\'s more to…

Internet Rummagings – The Flexible Edition

Welcome back to the look behind the curtain, beyond the velvet rope at everything the internet bike shop is hiding in it’s darkest places. There\'s more to this story But…

Internet Rummagings – Bacon Cheeseburger Edition

Welcome back to this month’s rummage through the internet bike shop back room where we find bikes and parts whose native countries foods they are renowned for, would come to…

Carbon Wasp Truffle Review: All the Speed

The Truffle is Carbon Wasp’s first foray in to a full production MTB frame. Designed, made and tested entirely in and around Leeds.

Internet Rummagings – Queen’s English edition

Welcome to the results of this month’s rummaging around the back room of the internet bike shop, where I try and find cool, shiny or interesting parts to show you,…

Internet Rummagings – The 3 Bike Esses (Shiny, Spinny, and …err… Stemmy)

Welcome to the results of this month’s rummaging around the World Wide Web’s bike shop, we’ve got shiny things, spinny things and, err stemmy things! Yoshimura Cycling First up we…

Internet Rummagings | Spring has Sprung edition

Do let’s, dear reader, focus on the evenings getting longer, the weather getting warmer and the trails getting drier rather than the current cold snap and potential for snow, for…

Internet Rummagings: How Long?!

Welcome back to my rummaging through the back room of the bike shop we call the Internet, there’s no real theme this month, just some cool shiny stuff, starting with……

Internet Rummagings – The Italian Job

Ciao ragazzi e ragazze! For this months delve into the internet bike shop back room, we shall be staying primarily in Italy, a country steeped in cycling history and tradition,…

Internet Rummagings | New Year, New Parts

Happy New Year one and all, if your new year’s resolution is to hang some nice shiny parts off your MTB (and if it isn’t, it should be) then you…

Internet Rummagings 3 – Other Materials Are Available

Welcome to this month’s edition of Internet Rummagings, where I rummage around in the more embarrassing parts of the internet, so you don’t have to! (for clarification, that’s weird and…

Bespoked weird gears

Internet Rummagings | The Pick Your Own Geometry Edition

Welcome to this month’s edition of Internet Rummagings, where I rummage around in the more embarrassing parts of the internet, so you don’t have to! (for clarification, that’s weird and…

Internet Rummagings | Hubs, Brakes and Ti Curiosities

After so much time spent in our Forum, we felt that Tom Howard was well prepared to seek out the furthest niches of the internet. We’ve enlisted him to seek…