By day, Sanny plies his trade as a Chartered Accountant and Non-Executive Director. By night, however, give him a map and the merest whisper of a trail "that might go" and he'll be off faster than a rat up a drainpipe on some damn fool mission to discover new places to ride. Rarely without his trusty Nikon D5600, he likes nothing better than being in the big mountains, an inappropriately heavy bike on his back, taking pics and soaking up the scenery. He also likes to ride his bike there too although rumours that he is currently working on his next book, "Walks with my bike", are untrue (mostly). Fat biking, gravel riding, bikepacking, road biking, e biking, big mountain adventures - as long as two wheels are involved, you'll find him with a grin on his face as he dives off the side of a mountain, down a narrow lane or into deep undergrowth in search of hidden trails and new adventures. His favourite food is ham and mushroom pizza and he is on a mission to ride all of the Munros, mostly as it allows him to indulge in eating more pizza. He has no five year plan, is a big fan of the writing of Charlie Connelly and reckons that Kermode and Mayo's Film Review Podcast is quite possibly the finest bit of broadcasting around.

7Mesh Men’s Thunder Pant review

The price of the 7Mesh Men\'s Thunder Pant is a major barrier - £350 is a good starter mountain bike - which is a pity as they have proven to…

Fresh Goods Friday 738: The Sanny Claus Edition

As the STW staff slowly begin to return to work (or WFH-ing) we’ve yet to sift through the many deliveries – and Sorry We Missed You cards – that have...

7Mesh Skypilot Jacket review

7Mesh describe its Skypilot as a “flawless wind and waterproof jacket for every adventure”. After 24 months of testing, Sanny is not so sure and ponders whether the marketing hyperbole...

Issue 148 Old Trails, New Tools

Sanny and Mark revisit a trail of previous misadventure and hope for a very different big day out. Words & Photography Sanny It is fair to say that when it…

Singletrack World Issue 145: The Science Of Waterproofing

Fresh from a wet weather ride where he appeared to be wetter on the inside than the outside, Sanny sets off to find out what ‘waterproof clothing’ actually means and…

Arkel Seatpacker 15

Arkel Seatpacker 15 Lonnng Term Review

With modern era bikepacking in mind, Canadian bike touring luggage legends Arkel have entered the market with their Arkel Seatpacker 15 bag.

Food and drink to avoid on a ride – no, really, just don’t do it!

Sanny has been engaging in adventures of a culinary kind to make sure that you don’t make mistakes next time you fill up your Camelbak. There\'s more to this story…

Issue 144: Lord of the Granny Rings

Inspired by the works of Tolkien, Sanny leads his merry crew on an adventure through lands that could easily double for Middle Earth. Words & Photography Sanny With book sales…

Starting at the Deep End Part 2 – The Glasgow Adventure

After a baptism of fire, Sanny reckons it’s time to kick back and brake for cake. Words and pictures by Sanny. Video by Mark Huskisson. After my surprisingly successful science...

Starting at the Deep End – Part 1

What happens when you take a lapsed mountain biker who hasn’t ridden for a very long time and take him out on an old school classic ride? Words and pictures...

Issue 142 UK Adventure: The Art of Not Suffering

Sanny sets off to prove that bikepacking need not involve long periods of misery and discomfort. When it comes to tales of adventure and derring-do, there is a strong correlation…

Issue 142 International Adventure: Nice to see you, to see you… NICE!

Sanny loses himself in the sun and dusty trails of Southern France. Words & Photos: Sanny Sometimes you just have to accept that things don’t always go quite how you…

Ortlieb Seat-Pack QR

Where the wild things aren’t – A Cairngorm bikepacking adventure

Charged with having an adventure, Sanny and Kev take young Toby on his first ever big summit ride in the heart of the Cairngorms. Will he love it or will...

UK Adventure: Far From The Maddening Crowds

Fed up with the same old, same old of trail centres? Sanny reckons he has found the perfect antidote just a few miles down the valley from Glentress and Innerleithen.…

Getting back to the mountains – it’s been a while.

After an enforced lay-off, Sanny and Rory get re-acquainted with an old mountain friend. Picture the scene. A slightly sweaty studio somewhere in London. The studio lights are burning down...

Remember being young, when every ride was an adventure?

Sanny sees lockdown as the perfect excuse to take a trip down memory lane and ride like he used to as a kid, when every adventure started from home. I...

Islabikes Creig 26 Children’s Bike – Long Term Test

Could this be the best kids bike on the market today?

The Museum of Cycling Curiosities – The Plus Size Brompton

This is the first in a series of articles where Sanny will cast his critical eye over some of the more unusual designs out there. We’re going to be looking…

Giant Reign Advanced Pro 2 – Long Term Review

Giant reckons their Reign 29er could be the ultimate Enduro machine but what does our resident aficionado of all things big mountain make of it after subjecting it to eight…

A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood | Part 5 – The Commuter Edition

This article was brought to you in association with Ortlieb. Missed any of the earlier issues of this feature series? Catch up here. Article sections Cast your mind back into...

atherton bikes exclusive interview

What’s the deal with the Atherton Bikes Ltd share issue CrowdCube campaign?

If you have been following the journey of the Athertons and how they are spreading their pro wings beyond just mere racing and into a number of businesses over the...

Recumbent eBikes: A niche too far?

Sanny takes a journey over to the Dark Side and attempts to leave his preconceptions at the door as he dives headfirst into the world of recumbent eBikes. Was it…

Think global, Ride local – A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood – Part 4

After several months of lockdown, an easing of restrictions sees Sanny get back to the mountains. Would it live up to expectations or would the midges and rain take the...

Think global, ride local -A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood – Part 3

Worn down by home schooling, Sanny takes a different tack when it comes to education provision. Words by Sanny. Images by Julia Gould and Sanny. “How long has it been...

Think global, ride local – A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood – Part 2

Having reached peak lockdown beans on toast capacity (seemingly every night on the bounce does not constitute a balanced diet!), Sanny goes in search of a gastronomic treat. Like pretty...

Kindernay Internal Gear Hub XIV – 14 speed, 543% range.

Could this be the future of drivetrains?

Think global, ride local – A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood Part 1

In the first in a series of diary entries, Sanny contemplates finding adventure in the everyday. In association with Ortlieb Let’s get real, dear reader. There is a lot not...

who gives a crap loo roll

How to be a dick during the Coronavirus

Never one not to be topical, or controversial, Sanny is back with his latest in his “How to be a dick….” Series. This time he sets his sights on a…

Canyon Neuron AL 7.0 | How Can You Make A Best Seller Better?

Sanny checks out the latest release from Canyon: the Canyon Neuron AL, an update to their best selling full suspension bike. Another day, another bike to test. Last time around,...

Deviate Highlander 29er – Ultimate Enduro Bike Contender

Sanny checks out the new Deviate Highlander, an enduro bike with idler. Back in November 2017, Deviate took a bold step into the mountain bike market when they launched their...